If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
Mormons have an ugly history. Apparently Mormonism is based on a Jewish settlement that supposedly once existed somewhere in what is now New York. However, absolutely no evidence has ever been found or produced to prove it once existed. Interesting...

An ugly history? Really?

And there is good evidence: The Book of Mormon. Read it sometimes. Learn for yourself.

And btw anyone from the left who was claiming the left wasnt going to start doing this, you might need to send Lakhota here the memo.
Jeffs is no more representative of mainstream LDS, than are pederast priests representative of Catholicism.

Get a fucking grip, dude.

But when someone wants to rip on Catholicism, they go right for the throat and bring up pedophile priests...

Incidently, go back and read what I said. I didn't say that this is what Mormons are today. I said that this is their history. Smith and Young were both polygamists who married very young girls.
Evangelicals would have to swallow hard before pulling the lever for a Mormon wouldn't they?
Why not use Romney's full name in the poll, nutter?

Probably because few people know his full name. Does it really matter?

No, the fact that his name is WILLARD MITT ROMNEY is no more important than the President's name is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. But he chose to use one and not the other in starting the poll.

I think Mitt probably stopped using "Willard" after that movie about the rats came out in the 1970's, because that's all you think about when you hear "Willard".
Jeffs is no more representative of mainstream LDS, than are pederast priests representative of Catholicism.

Get a fucking grip, dude.

But when someone wants to rip on Catholicism, they go right for the throat and bring up pedophile priests...

Incidently, go back and read what I said. I didn't say that this is what Mormons are today. I said that this is their history. Smith and Young were both polygamists who married very young girls.
That was more than 150 years ago.

I've lived in SLC...LDS folx are no more or less nutty than any other devout religious types.
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

NO WAY--I would vote for a 3rd party--insuring--that we get another four years of economic misery with Barack Obama. This guy has done enough damage--don't vote for a 3rd party to give him more time to destroy this nation.

I am ABO---anyone but Barack Obama--meaning whoever the GOP nominee is--I am going to vote for.

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Second point. Hate to say it, Warren Jeffs practices Mormonism a lot closer to what Joseph Smith (dum-dum-dum-dum-dum) and Brigham Young did. There is a lot of really, really ugly history and crazy beliefs there, and the Mainstream Media will be happy to educate us once Romney is the nominee.

If by educate, you mean lie like you are then yes, sadly you are right.

Bud, please point out what I've gotten materially wrong. Not that you don't like the way I phrase it, or mock it, but what I've said that is just not true.

Mormon history contains-

Blood atonement
Kirtland Bank Fraud
Utah War
Mountain Meadows Massacre

Lots of whacky stuff about Native Americans being Hebrews who were cursed by God with dark skin.

Mormonism is Scientology plus 150 years.

Why do you think the Media is treating Romney with kid gloves, while looking under Rocks (literally) in Perry's past? They want Romney. They want to set this guy up and get him in the media kill zone.
I like Mitt Romney. I have liked him since he was governor of Massachusetts. I will be voting for him in the primary, donating the maximum allowable to his campaign for this year and next year, and will be voting for him for President when he wins the nomination.

For those of you who are conservative and oppose him, I suggest you read his book. He wrote it 2 years ago and he lays out his positions on a whole array of issues. He is a conservative. Period.

End of the day, he still belongs to a scary cult that wants to impose God's Kingdom On Earth...

Yeah, two years ago he was conservative. Ten years ago he was moderate/centrist. 18 years ago, he was liberal.

Even if he was a moderate...That is better then the marxist Obama is.
Mormons have an ugly history. Apparently Mormonism is based on a Jewish settlement that supposedly once existed somewhere in what is now New York. However, absolutely no evidence has ever been found or produced to prove it once existed. Interesting...
So do Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Shintoists and just about every other religious following that involves humans.

Oh, and you're still a pathetic imbecile.
Jeffs is no more representative of mainstream LDS, than are pederast priests representative of Catholicism.

Get a fucking grip, dude.

But when someone wants to rip on Catholicism, they go right for the throat and bring up pedophile priests...

Incidently, go back and read what I said. I didn't say that this is what Mormons are today. I said that this is their history. Smith and Young were both polygamists who married very young girls.
That was more than 150 years ago.

I've lived in SLC...LDS folx are no more or less nutty than any other devout religious types.

They never have been. The attempts to paint the radicals in Jeffs groups as more accurate representative of historical mormonism is nonsense precisely becaue of that.

Jeffs group are cheap imitations. caricatures. They always have been and always will be.
Jeffs is no more representative of mainstream LDS, than are pederast priests representative of Catholicism.

Get a fucking grip, dude.

But when someone wants to rip on Catholicism, they go right for the throat and bring up pedophile priests...

Incidently, go back and read what I said. I didn't say that this is what Mormons are today. I said that this is their history. Smith and Young were both polygamists who married very young girls.
That was more than 150 years ago.

I've lived in SLC...LDS folx are no more or less nutty than any other devout religious types.

I attended an ROTC camp with BYU students 30 years ago.

No, really, they are that nutty. I'll never trust one.

Incidently, when people rip on Catholicism, right after they go after the Pedo priests, they move on to the crusades, the inquisition, witch burnings and other things that happened a lot longer ago than 150 years. So you can't whitewash over the history like whitewashing over a rock with an epitath on it.

It isn't that Smith and Young weren't horrible people, which they were. It's that they are horrible people the LDS still revere.
They never have been. The attempts to paint the radicals in Jeffs groups as more accurate representative of historical mormonism is nonsense precisely becaue of that.

Jeffs group are cheap imitations. caricatures. They always have been and always will be.

Please point out what the difference between Jeffs and Joseph Smith is? They both believe they are Prophets. They both got married to young girls. They both stockpiled weapons and ignore the law.
What's interesting is that there are millions of people who actually do believe this story of the angel and the plates and the book and the Jewish people living in North America 2,000 years ago. Those millions of people are members of the Mormon Church, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The person who told this incredible story was a man named Joseph Smith, and he lived in the United States in the early 1800s. He told his story, and recorded what he "translated from the plates", in the Book of Mormon.

Much More: Link
They never have been. The attempts to paint the radicals in Jeffs groups as more accurate representative of historical mormonism is nonsense precisely becaue of that.

Jeffs group are cheap imitations. caricatures. They always have been and always will be.

Please point out what the difference between Jeffs and Joseph Smith is? They both believe they are Prophets. They both got married to young girls. They both stockpiled weapons and ignore the law.

And Catholic pedo priests?
Other preachers caught up in sex scandals and such?

Most pentecostal preachers seem to be most concerned with profits, not prophets.
Please point out what the difference between Jeffs and Joseph Smith is? They both believe they are Prophets. They both got married to young girls. They both stockpiled weapons and ignore the law.

And Catholic pedo priests?
Other preachers caught up in sex scandals and such?

Most pentecostal preachers seem to be most concerned with profits, not prophets.

The difference is, when they get caught doing that, they aren't reverred. No one names universities after them... Usually, they are defrocked and excommunicated.

But Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are still heroes...

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