If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
I don't care how many 1st ladies we have, I'd vote for Romney over Obama.
Never call me a partisan hack again.
If Mutt Romney is the "choice" then there is no choice.

But I am clearly not a partisan hack if I vote for Romney, but you are a self avowed partisan hack.
You seem to be under the presumption that there's a dime's worth of difference between remocrats and depublicans....I don't labor under that hallucination....Being a willing tool to a false dichotomy is worse than being a partisan hack, IM not-at-all HO.

That aside, you find me a party that is dedicated to a small "r" republican form of tripartite governance, shrinking federal spending and bureaucracy (as opposed to wimpy decreases of the baseline) and returning political power to the states and individuals, and I'll support them.....And no, the CP doesn't cut it.
Please point out what the difference between Jeffs and Joseph Smith is? They both believe they are Prophets. They both got married to young girls. They both stockpiled weapons and ignore the law.

And Catholic pedo priests?
Other preachers caught up in sex scandals and such?

Most pentecostal preachers seem to be most concerned with profits, not prophets.

The difference is, when they get caught doing that, they aren't reverred. No one names universities after them... Usually, they are defrocked and excommunicated.

But Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are still heroes...

Only in recent years have they been defucked and excommunicated.
By Rick Ross

According to claims made by Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, Jesus Christ, the Bible and America are the basis of the new religion he founded more than a hundred years ago in the United States. However, no Christian denomination has ever recognized the religion that Smith created as a Christian faith or an extension of Christianity. Instead, it is seen as a unique new religion with a theology of its own. The Mormons, as Smith's followers would later be commonly called, see themselves as the new Israel, God's chosen people, who wandered through America until they came to the promised land, now known as Utah.

Smith said he had received a revelation, which would ultimately lead to the restoration of the true church and its priesthood, that had been lost. He believed this priesthood and authority had been lost for centuries, until he had his revelation during the 1820s near Palmyra, New York. Smith said, no other church on the face of the earth held equal authority and he became Mormonism's first modern-day prophet.

Within the composite belief system that Smith subsequently devised, humanity is described as essentially "gods in embryo." Smith believed that God himself had once been a human being and had become a God through a process. And that his followers could become gods too, if they would follow his new religion.

Much More: The Mormon Church is based upon the claims of its founder Joseph Smith
If Mutt Romney is the "choice" then there is no choice.

But I am clearly not a partisan hack if I vote for Romney, but you are a self avowed partisan hack.
You seem to be under the presumption that there's a dime's worth of difference between remocrats and depublicans....I don't labor under that hallucination....Being a willing tool to a false dichotomy is worse than being a partisan hack, IM not-at-all HO.

That aside, you find me a party that is dedicated to a small "r" republican form of tripartite governance, shrinking federal spending and bureaucracy (as opposed to wimpy decreases of the baseline) and returning political power to the states and individuals, and I'll support them.....And no, the CP doesn't cut it.

And Libertarians are way too far out there.
Why does Ron Paul run as a Republican vs a Libertarian?
Hey, will Romney offer each voter a child bride? That should excite the GOP base!

Obama sat under this racist a-hole who hides behind religion for 20 YEARS!!!
Give me a freeking break!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnlRrxXv-v8]Reverend Jeremiah Wright "God Damn America" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdJB-qkfUHc]Jeremiah Wright - Obama's mentor - Hate speech - YouTube[/ame]
Besides, I have photographic proof that Obama was not influenced by Reverend Wright:


Hey, it's as credible as that Breitbart shit...
Still leaning Obama, but could change my mind and vote Romney. Supported Romney in 08.

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