If it comes down between Mitt Romney (R)/Obama 2012...Who will you vote for.

Who will you vote for in the general election

  • Barack Hussein Obama

    Votes: 26 25.5%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 61 59.8%
  • Third party

    Votes: 15 14.7%

  • Total voters
Mormons have an ugly history. Apparently Mormonism is based on a Jewish settlement that supposedly once existed somewhere in what is now New York. However, absolutely no evidence has ever been found or produced to prove it once existed. Interesting...

Well, this rules out muslim for all time. donut?

Probably. I doubt we'd ever elect a Muslim. What is your point?[/QUOTE

my point was moron, that muslims have a nastier history than mormons..
I don't understand all of this infatuation with Romney's faith. We've had at least two Mormon Cabinet Secretaries that I'm aware of (David Kenedy and Ezra Taft Benson). What is everyone afraid is going to happen? The POTUS is limited in what he or she can do by the Constitution, right? Remember the concerns that were expressed by John Kennedy and his Catholic faith?

I don't care about their race, religion or creed. All I care about is whether or not they can put forth policies that can solve our problems. Hell, I would have ordered a blowjob for Bush if Bush would have been half the POTUS as Clinton was.

The same thing goes for their name. Who cares if they have names like "Williard" or "Hussein"? We've already had Presidents named Zachary, Millard, Ulysses, Rutherford, Chester, Grover, Woodrow, Warren, Calvin, Herbert, Lyndon and Barack.
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

What is mitt's middle name? Oh its Mitt :p His real name is Willard.

I vote Mitt, but the fact that you used obama's full name and not Mitt's fill name makes me wonder if you did that for a specific reason.
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

Why didn't you use Mitt Romney's full name?

Willard Mitt Romney.
If it comes down to a republican, Obama, and a third party, I know the third party can't win (no matter what people say). I'm going to vote for the republican because he does have a chance of beating Obama. IMO, he can't do any worse than Obama, and I feel Obama has to go.
Willard and his rats..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwddmOYgKTM]Willard & Ben Preview Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Some rat music..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msqfQpoFTYk&NR=1&feature=fvwp]Michael Jackson - Ben - YouTube[/ame]
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!

Why didn't you use Mitt Romney's full name?

Willard Mitt Romney.


If it were Ronald McDonald and Obama, I'd vote for Ronald. That's just kind of a no brainer.
I will vote for the person who has the best chance of getting rid of the current administration. Enough damage has been done, and anyone will at least cause less damage.
Whomsoever the LP nominates.

I didn't have you down as a follower. Goes to show, I can be wrong.
If Mitt Bundy is my only "choice", then I'll stick with the vow I took back in '95, after getting burned yet again, to never support a GOP candidate whose name isn't Dr. Ron Paul....Given that situation, the generic and yet-to-be-named LP candidate is the only place where my vote can be cast, without me wanting to wear a sack on my head after exiting the polling place.

You want to play the evil of two lessers game, you'll get the evil lesser you deserve.
Romney. I liked Romney back in 2008 and would have voted for him then. I think Obama has been a weak president. I'm not at the point I regret my vote for him given the options I had then, but I am at the point that I'm not so sure I'll vote for him. Romney would be someone I could stomach voting for.

Plus, I get to use Guy Smiley as an avatar for 4 years and tell people it's muppet Mitt.

I will vote for the person who has the best chance of getting rid of the current administration. Enough damage has been done, and anyone will at least cause less damage.

Completely baseless assumption. It's entirely possible for the next president, even a Republican one, to be incredibly worse than Obama.

This country will never get any better if we keep replacing one paid off douche with another. Beating Obama wont magically fix this country or stop its decline. Voting for the best man, regardless of party, is a much better way to fix it.
I'm not voting for the National League OR the American League in their fake World Series Election. I'm writing in Ron Paul, I don't care if he drops dead right before the election.

I aint voting for a puppet anymore.
thats a vote for Obama !!!:cuckoo:

Only if you think like a brainwashed party hack. But think about it this way, Democrats see a vote for a third party the same way you do, as letting the Republican win. So apparently a vote for a third party candidate is actually a vote for both, or maybe neither, major parties. Who knew?
I will vote for the person who has the best chance of getting rid of the current administration. Enough damage has been done, and anyone will at least cause less damage.

Completely baseless assumption. It's entirely possible for the next president, even a Republican one, to be incredibly worse than Obama.

This country will never get any better if we keep replacing one paid off douche with another. Beating Obama wont magically fix this country or stop its decline. Voting for the best man, regardless of party, is a much better way to fix it.

A third party won't take the presidency, it's either going to be a democrat or republican.
It is what it is.
In my younger days I voted a couple of times for a 3rd party candidate because I really didn't like either major party candidate. I thought I was making a protest vote that might say something about what I thought of the politics of the day. Let me tell you something, Washington sucked just as much 30-40 years ago as it does now, we just didn't have the 24-hour news cycle and the internet to spread the latest news around.

Today the stark difference between the ideology of the 2 parties is so vast that I can't see taking the chance of wasting my vote on a protest any more. We've about reached the fork in the road, do you want big gov't, higher taxes, and more spending or not? The decision that comes out of the 2012 election could be huge and far reaching. I think there's a lot more riding on it than most people think.
A third party won't take the presidency, it's either going to be a democrat or republican.
It is what it is.

I don't give a shit which party it is, so long as they are the best person for the job. Romney and Obama are both horrible choices, and I won't play into this false argument of "the lesser of two evils".

But if voting against the two major parties means I'm wasting my vote, then I will gladly waste my vote in hopes of a better country. It's a lot better than not wasting my vote while ensuring the country's downfall.
In my younger days I voted a couple of times for a 3rd party candidate because I really didn't like either major party candidate. I thought I was making a protest vote that might say something about what I thought of the politics of the day. Let me tell you something, Washington sucked just as much 30-40 years ago as it does now, we just didn't have the 24-hour news cycle and the internet to spread the latest news around.

Today the stark difference between the ideology of the 2 parties is so vast that I can't see taking the chance of wasting my vote on a protest any more. We've about reached the fork in the road, do you want big gov't, higher taxes, and more spending or not? The decision that comes out of the 2012 election could be huge and far reaching. I think there's a lot more riding on it than most people think.

Lol, you say that as if Republicans won't grow government and increase spending!!?? You're right on taxes though. Unfortunately that might be the only noticeable difference between the two, at least when it comes to the important issues it is.
Evangelicals would have to swallow hard before pulling the lever for a Mormon wouldn't they?

I'm probably going to get blasted for this....because i am a Christian, and i would vote for Romney before ever voting for Obama. Romney is a business man, he knows the economy and what to do to fix it. Yes, he's a Mormon and i know many Christians that won't vote for him just because of that. But my feelings are, he DOES believe in God, and maybe a lot of his beliefs are off the wall and people think they're all wrong. Well who's to say some of our Christian beliefs aren't also? There is NO religion that has it all right. We don't know and won't know for sure until we die. We're not to judge people on their beliefs, we're not to judge at all. I think he's much more capable to run our country that Obama ever was or will be. We need to be looking for someone to get us out of this mess! We already know obama can't, or won't.....if Romney gets in it's because that's what was supposed to happen...God is in control.

God was in control too when Obama got elected....i think it was a test! :) HE FAILED IT!

Now, as an atheist, all I have to say is this...

You can't serve both God and Money. YOu can't say, "Well, he might be a crazy heretic, but he's a businessman, and that makes it okay."

(Wasn't it the "businessmen" who got us into this current mess?)

If you really think your sky pixie with his 14 billion year plan to run a universe is really micromanaging down to who gets elected, that's kind of deluded.

I think Obama is a weak leader, but he's a decent man. I think he means well. I just think he's wrong about how to fix our problems. I think he buys into a lot of Keynesian nonsense that only really works if you have the industrial/trade infrastructure to support it.

You're right...you can't serve God and money. I have no money...so no problem! Lol!

And i think you're completely wrong...Obama ISN'T a decent man. Look at the friends he kept company with so many years, and most likely still does. THEY are the ones that put him where he is now. Wasn't anything that he did on his own, he has NOTHING in his background that would tell me he should have been president.

I don't vote on someone because of their religion....
Well, i should say i never have. If i knew someone was a muslim, i can say i would not vote for him (or her). I believe we have one in office right now...and that's a big reason we're in the trouble we're in now. That's only my opinion, but nobody can make me think different, they've tried!
Your two choices are Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney for the presidency 2012. This is a poll of USMB members.

I put the choice of third party too...So we will see who wins!
there are just as many left wing faggots on this board as there are conservatives .....looking at the numbers shows that moderates and independents are helping Romney 3 to 1 over Obama !!!:clap2::clap2::razz:

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