If it was about saving lives

bigrebnc1775 if the Right are concerned about alcohol deaths and thus want alcohol banned or laws and regs, but support guns, then equally they should save lives by banning guns, or middle ground with laws and regs.

If the Left are concerned about alcohol deaths and thus want alcohol banned or laws and regs, but support abortion, then equally they should save lives by banning abortions, or middle ground with laws and regs.

But I admire your courage in showing your idiocy.
Alcohol's primary purpose isn't killing something.
Anyone who needs an AK or AK military knock-off rifle, for "self defense", more than a 10 round magazine or 2000 rounds of ammo, shouldn't be around anything that might cause harm to ANYTHING.
They have serious mental paranoia issues.

My cousin just bought his first AR, then a few weeks later somebody gave him another one as a gift. He has no plans on killing anybody or anything. They are just cool guns he's going to have fun with at the outdoor range when he has a chance to get off of work.
bigrebnc1775 if the Right are concerned about alcohol deaths and thus want alcohol banned or laws and regs, but support guns, then equally they should save lives by banning guns, or middle ground with laws and regs.

If the Left are concerned about alcohol deaths and thus want alcohol banned or laws and regs, but support abortion, then equally they should save lives by banning abortions, or middle ground with laws and regs.

But I admire your courage in showing your idiocy.
It's the left who says it's about saving lives therefore they really aren't it's about control
Have you seen the amount of taxes spent in the firearms industry? From the firearm sells to ammo?

Standard sales taxes. With alcohol there are additional federal taxes, state taxes, and at times county and city taxes. They are all included in the price of the alcoholic beverage just like cigarettes.
But for a century now we have all deluded ourselves into thinking that the prohibition works for drugs other than alcohol.

Those who fail to heed the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

But do you think there were more alcoholics during prohibition or afterwards?
But do you think there were more alcoholics during prohibition or afterwards?
I've no knowledge or opinion about that. To guess, the number probably didn't change much.

What DID CHANGE was the ownership and distribution methods of the alcohol market. Pre Volstead Act, those were handled by companies that paid taxes. After the Act was passed, ownership and distribution went over to the mafia and other organized crime figures. After repeal, it returned to tax paying companies.
Smokin' OP dumbass you should give your factual based reason for disagreeing with the above post.
Are you saying a non citizen is relevant to America's politics?
Are you saying abortion is not the taking of life?
It's a fetus, NOT a "BABY"
Are you saying alcohol doesn't kill more than guns do?
Alcohol isn't made to kill.
Are you saying shall not be infringed doesn't mean what it says?
Are you ignoring the premise?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

Why yes........YES you are.
Where are your facts?


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the demafacist did ban booze once before…remember the 18th amendment
You're FOS...........as usual.

One hundred years ago today, the Eighteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was ratified, prohibiting “intoxicating liquors” in the United States and launching the era known as Prohibition. Here are nine things you should about Prohibition and how the religiously inspired temperance movement transformed America.

1. The roots of Prohibition were planted in the pre-Civil War era. From the 1790s to the 1830s, the religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening strengthened the role of Protestant influence in the realm of politics. Out of the revival came a renewed interest in using politics to reform society and correct the ills of the nation. American Christians began numerous progressive reform movements such as those launched to abolish slavery, champion women’s rights, and reduce the problematic consumption of alcohol.

2. During the 1800s, Christian men and women began the temperance.

Right Wing Religious Nut Jobs.
My way of thinking..............YEAH.
I killed my first hog, with my .22 when I was like 14 or 15.
Well plenty of other people do.

I bought my first firearm for self defense. I grew up in a shithole inner city and I don't eat meat so I don't hunt.

I've "killed" quite a few clay pigeons though but I guess according to you I'm using my guns incorrectly
You've obviously not been paying attention to the threads over the years then.

I've not only been paying attention but participated in them. In fact I participate in most gun topics on USMB. As the late Rush Limbaugh used to say "I know leftists like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body."

That said it's less about guns than it is the underhanded and lying by Democrats to push their political agenda. It's always "about the kids" with this group. If the subject us about global warming, it's what about the kids? If the subject is about guns, it's what about the kids? If the subject is fast foods, it's what about the kids? If the subject is natural gas stoves in the household, it's what about the kids? If the subject is closing the borders, it's what about the kids?

Then when they get a chance they want to take your kids they care so much about, give them life altering drugs because they are going through a phase thinking they may be the opposite sex by mistake.

Some conservatives may make the case that guns do indeed save lives, but that's not our main concern. Our main concern about gun ownership and use is constitutional and self-defense.
It's a fetus, NOT a "BABY"

Alcohol isn't made to kill.

Are you ignoring the premise?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

Why yes........YES you are.
Are you saying a fetus isn't a life?
Alcohol kills more than guns.
I am the militia I am in working order
Therefore I am well regulated
FYI to kill your argument
LSD isn't made to kill but it is banned and illegal and does kill. Crack cocaine isn't made to killed but is illegal and does kill.
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I've no knowledge or opinion about that. To guess, the number probably didn't change much.

What DID CHANGE was the ownership and distribution methods of the alcohol market. Pre Volstead Act, those were handled by companies that paid taxes. After the Act was passed, ownership and distribution went over to the mafia and other organized crime figures. After repeal, it returned to tax paying companies.

I would venture to say that there were many less problems with alcohol during prohibition than there were afterwards. Prohibition didn't stop all alcohol consumption, but it certainly slowed it down. That's why we have laws against recreational narcotics today.

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