If it was about saving lives

I've not only been paying attention but participated in them. In fact I participate in most gun topics on USMB. As the late Rush Limbaugh used to say "I know leftists like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body."

That said it's less about guns than it is the underhanded and lying by Democrats to push their political agenda. It's always "about the kids" with this group. If the subject us about global warming, it's what about the kids? If the subject is about guns, it's what about the kids? If the subject is fast foods, it's what about the kids? If the subject is natural gas stoves in the household, it's what about the kids? If the subject is closing the borders, it's what about the kids?

Then when they get a chance they want to take your kids they care so much about, give them life altering drugs because they are going through a phase thinking they may be the opposite sex by mistake.

Some conservatives may make the case that guns do indeed save lives, but that's not our main concern. Our main concern about gun ownership and use is constitutional and self-defense.
I'm UK conservative, but I live in a safe gun culture, I know, that will be alien to you.

First off, gun nuts believe that more guns is the answer to reduce gun violence to save lives. As you just said about self defense, is that to possibly save your life in all these deadly daily murderers and enemies you meet. I mean, if they're not to save lives, then by your own indirect admission, no point in having a gun in public and you might as well securely lock them away when not in use.

As for kids, yes, unfortunately their heads are getting blasted off in school. That happen in the UK......hang on.....just check Google for the most up to date incident......got it.....27 years ago. America will have gone through entire schools in that time frame.
I'm UK conservative, but I live in a safe gun culture, I know, that will be alien to you.

First off, gun nuts believe that more guns is the answer to reduce gun violence to save lives. As you just said about self defense, is that to possibly save your life in all these deadly daily murderers and enemies you meet. I mean, if they're not to save lives, then by your own indirect admission, no point in having a gun in public and you might as well securely lock them away when not in use.

As for kids, yes, unfortunately their heads are getting blasted off in school. That happen in the UK......hang on.....just check Google for the most up to date incident......got it.....27 years ago. America will have gone through entire schools in that time frame.

The problem is that taking guns away will not stop school shootings. It's just like recreational drugs. They've been illegal all of my life, yet today, we have the biggest drug problem this country has ever seen because the people that want those drugs find a way to get them.

I don't recall anybody saying the more guns we have the more lives will be saved. The amount or types of guns are irrelevant. We do however say that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and there is plenty of evidence to support our claim. We do say that gun-free zones are the most dangerous, and we also have plenty of evidence of that as well.

Saving your life by having a gun goes hand and hand with the ability to own and carry guns. But in most cases where a law abiding citizen pulls out a gun, it's seldom used. The mere presence of having the firearm and legal ability to use it is what stops crimes from taking place and yes, from you getting killed.
How many of those 10,000 DUI deaths are the drunk person or those who are in their car and how many are people that were in other cars?
why does that matter? they are all still dead because of alcohol

I have owned firearms and have had a carry permit for over 30 years all the times I have ever used any firearm I never once shot another person
Did I say you had?

Back here in actually happened land, why do you carry firearm if not to use it on someone else?

You can make gin in your bathtub so the alcohol argument doesn't work but you can't make opioids in your basement.
You can make gin in your bathtub so the alcohol argument doesn't work but you can't make opioids in your basement.
But if it's about saving lives it's hypocrisy not to push for the ban on alcohol since alcohol leads guns in deaths.
Did I say you had?

Back here in actually happened land, why do you carry firearm if not to use it on someone else?

I carry a firearm so I don't become the victim of a violent crime.

Maybe you want to live in unicorn land where violent crime never happens. I live in the real world

When I was 18 I got jumped by 3 assholes and wound up unconscious and bleeding on the sidewalk in January with a grade 4 concussion, 3 broken ribs, a fractured eye orbital, permanent vision impairment in my left eye and a ruptured spleen.

It took me 2 hours to walk myself to a hospital because no one wanted to help a blood covered barefoot guy( yes my winter boots were stolen off my feet and my coat was also taken) a fucking cruiser drove by me as well and the fucking cops didn't even stop.

My Dr told me after surgery that if I had taken much longer to get there I probably would have died of shock and hypothermia.

So that's why I carry a firearm
I carry a firearm so I don't become the victim of a violent crime.

Maybe you want to live in unicorn land where violent crime never happens. I live in the real world

When I was 18 I got jumped by 3 assholes and wound up unconscious and bleeding on the sidewalk in January with a grade 4 concussion, 3 broken ribs, a fractured eye orbital, permanent vision impairment in my left eye and a ruptured spleen.

It took me 2 hours to walk myself to a hospital because no one wanted to help a blood covered barefoot guy( yes my winter boots were stolen off my feet and my coat was also taken) a fucking cruiser drove by me as well and the fucking cops didn't even stop.

My Dr told me after surgery that if I had taken much longer to get there I probably would have died of shock and hypothermia.

So that's why I carry a firearm
And if you'd had a gun you'd be dead.

Fair trade?
It all depends on what you consider to be failure. If by failure you mean stop all activity, then I guess you can make that claim. If it's to slow down the activity, then it wasn't a failure at all.

States that legalized pot are having more problems with the stuff than ever. And it didn't stop the illegal sales of pot. The pot pushers just made their products cheaper than the state. But there are more people using pot in those states, more vehicular problems, more problems with achievements in school children.

All I can do is make assumption about prohibition because we never kept track of things like that. Our communication systems were antiquated so it's impossible to come up with any solid evidence of anything. What we can do is look at what happened to states that made pot totally legal for recreational use.
Yes, all you can do is offer assumptions and fool yourself into thinking they are valid.

Our drug policy of prohibition is counter to the letter and spirit of the US Constitution. It causes black market effects including contaminated drug products as we're seeing with the fentanyl crisis today. It corrupts law enforcement and the criminal justice system, as many cops are seduced into participating in the black market.

Yet you still think it's a great idea. Who knows, maybe you work for the Bureau Of Prisons and rely upon the prohibition for job security?

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