If Jesus was alive today, he would be attacked by conservatives

Conservatives use Christ and his 'religion' as a tool and a weapon. They in no way follow what he was or taught. But they spend hours a day convincing themselves that they are 'Christians'. They aren't, they are fake Christians or Kristians.

How bastardized is their phoney religion that they use it to launch wars, force their fake religion on others, ignore and stomp on the poor and sick. Then you look at many of the televangelists that are multi-millionaires and you see a picture of true human debauchery that puts on a Jesus mask to keep the money flowing.

It is grotesque.
Hey look, an atheist pretending to be an authority on Christianity for the purpose of bashing them.
IN is talking about the bastardized and at times apostate far right wing Pentecostal, evangelical, and fundamentalist brands of Christian heresy.
You mean as opposed to the left wing brand of Mennonite socialism?
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies
Yepper, you just described dialectical materialism. That political and historical events result from the conflict of social forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is believed to be caused by material needs.
Jesus today:
Conservatives use Christ and his 'religion' as a tool and a weapon. They in no way follow what he was or taught. But they spend hours a day convincing themselves that they are 'Christians'. They aren't, they are fake Christians or Kristians.

How bastardized is their phoney religion that they use it to launch wars, force their fake religion on others, ignore and stomp on the poor and sick. Then you look at many of the televangelists that are multi-millionaires and you see a picture of true human debauchery that puts on a Jesus mask to keep the money flowing.

It is grotesque.
Hey look, an atheist pretending to be an authority on Christianity for the purpose of bashing them.

That completely and beautifully said.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies
Libtard, Jesus would not have stood on a mountain of aborted babies and praised liberalism. Or endorsed promiscuous sex, drug use, homosexuality, transgendered bullshit, the moral decay or any values liberals stand for today. Liberals do not want peace, they want a totalitarian central government that dictates policies from on high. Jesus bought swords, liberals would take our guns.

Would Jesus sit by and let Adolf Hitler wipe out the Jews? Don't think so. You're full of shit and know nothing beyond what your handlers trained you to believe.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

/---- We Christians believe Jesus is alive today. And we all believe in peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. We also believe in charity that niggardly liberals despise. We believe in marriage is between a man and woman and killing babies is not a choice. It's always amusing when pagan libs try to use religion against us.
Conservatives use Christ and his 'religion' as a tool and a weapon. They in no way follow what he was or taught. But they spend hours a day convincing themselves that they are 'Christians'. They aren't, they are fake Christians or Kristians.

How bastardized is their phoney religion that they use it to launch wars, force their fake religion on others, ignore and stomp on the poor and sick. Then you look at many of the televangelists that are multi-millionaires and you see a picture of true human debauchery that puts on a Jesus mask to keep the money flowing.

It is grotesque.
You're grotesque, a byproduct of leftist propaganda. The country was and is overwhelmingly Christian and the poor have it better here than anywhere else on Earth. You believe lies based on the prejudice you've been fed. You think it isn't Christian to have the many outreach programs churches do? Or to try to protect the lives of the unborn? Or to push back against the floodtide of moral filth that spews from the left all day every day, constantly pushing the boundaries of what socially acceptable. You have it all bass akwards.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.

You ever hear of the Sanhedrin, they are like the conservative party of the USA today. Jesus was apprehended and brought to Pilate by them. (This is according to the NT)

So no, Jesus would not of got along with Republicans of today. He would of been a Democrat.

There is little doubt about this if one reads the Gospels.
Conservatives use Christ and his 'religion' as a tool and a weapon. They in no way follow what he was or taught. But they spend hours a day convincing themselves that they are 'Christians'. They aren't, they are fake Christians or Kristians.

How bastardized is their phoney religion that they use it to launch wars, force their fake religion on others, ignore and stomp on the poor and sick. Then you look at many of the televangelists that are multi-millionaires and you see a picture of true human debauchery that puts on a Jesus mask to keep the money flowing.

It is grotesque.
Hey look, an atheist pretending to be an authority on Christianity for the purpose of bashing them.

There are no authorities on any particular religion, you least of all. And my how judgemental those who are told to "judge not lest ye be judged" are. Phoney people and their phoney religion, see. You prove the point.
Blackrook, many left wing Christians believe your type are the hateful kind.
There are no left wing Christians.
There are no far right racist Christians.
How would you know? You're not a Christian.

Niether are you Pudgy, any Christian knows judgement is left to them. That is why 98% of those claiming to be Christian in the US are fake Kristians. They carp the words, but feel no obligation to live as Christ did. Fake.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

/---- We Christians believe Jesus is alive today. And we all believe in peace, forgiveness and reconciliation. We also believe in charity that niggardly liberals despise. We believe in marriage is between a man and woman and killing babies is not a choice. It's always amusing when pagan libs try to use religion against us.

A Drumpf voter, contradicts him/herself in the same sentence.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.
No, He did not. No where in the Scriptures do we find Libertarian Jesus.

Oh yes we do, bub: Matthew 7:12

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
That is the epitome of wealth distribution, beodi.

No, it most certainly is not. If one doesn't wish to make charitable donations, one is free not to do so. That is vastly different than forced taxation used to buy votes.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.
No, He did not. No where in the Scriptures do we find Libertarian Jesus.

Oh yes we do, bub: Matthew 7:12

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
That is the epitome of wealth distribution, beodi.

No, it most certainly is not. If one doesn't wish to make charitable donations, one is free not to do so. That is vastly different than forced taxation used to buy votes.
Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. He did not tell you to stomp on the tax man's foot.
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies

Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.
No, He did not. No where in the Scriptures do we find Libertarian Jesus.

Oh yes we do, bub: Matthew 7:12

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
That is the epitome of wealth distribution, beodi.

No, it most certainly is not. If one doesn't wish to make charitable donations, one is free not to do so. That is vastly different than forced taxation used to buy votes.

Cutting taxes for the wealthy works much better for the GOP. Money is power. Maybe the Dems should try it, but we'd have another depression like 1929 and 2008.
We will have another such depression if Trump's proposed budget passes, yes.
Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.
No, He did not. No where in the Scriptures do we find Libertarian Jesus.

Oh yes we do, bub: Matthew 7:12

Therefore whatever you desire for men to do to you, you shall also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
That is the epitome of wealth distribution, beodi.

No, it most certainly is not. If one doesn't wish to make charitable donations, one is free not to do so. That is vastly different than forced taxation used to buy votes.
Jesus said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. He did not tell you to stomp on the tax man's foot.

Caesar doesn't own one's productivity, bub.

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