If Jesus was alive today, he would be attacked by conservatives

Jesus today:
Religion 00469.jpg
Blackrook, many left wing Christians believe your type are the hateful kind.
There are no left wing Christians.
There are no far right racist Christians.
How would you know? You're not a Christian.

Niether are you Pudgy, any Christian knows judgement is left to them. That is why 98% of those claiming to be Christian in the US are fake Kristians. They carp the words, but feel no obligation to live as Christ did. Fake.
You have no clue, all you can do is bash (just like I said).
So we have degenerated this thread into reading with the non-Christian S. J. has to say about Christians.

Jesus have mercy.
Conservatives use Christ and his 'religion' as a tool and a weapon. They in no way follow what he was or taught. But they spend hours a day convincing themselves that they are 'Christians'. They aren't, they are fake Christians or Kristians.

How bastardized is their phoney religion that they use it to launch wars, force their fake religion on others, ignore and stomp on the poor and sick. Then you look at many of the televangelists that are multi-millionaires and you see a picture of true human debauchery that puts on a Jesus mask to keep the money flowing.

It is grotesque.
Hey look, an atheist pretending to be an authority on Christianity for the purpose of bashing them.
IN is talking about the bastardized and at times apostate far right wing Pentecostal, evangelical, and fundamentalist brands of Christian heresy.
The devil is a liar, just like you. Save your deception for somebody dumb enough to take you seriously.
Your cognitive abilities aren't exactly up to snuff.Try rereading the Golden Rule and thinking about the implications of living by it. I realize that such reflection overloads your circuits, but perhaps one synapse will make the correct connection.
Render unto Caesar's. There is nothing cutesy about it, shoog. You can be libertarian Christian as Foxfyre, and you will be as crazy wrong politically as Foxfyre. You can't make the words mean something else.

You make the false assumption that everything that one produces and owns..actually one's very existence... belongs to Caesar. Jesus opposed such slavery. One aspect of his historical significance was to undermine the concept of the divine rights of monarchs. The individual is equal before and has a direct relationship with God.

Your interpretation completely misinterprets Jesus' meaning.

"One aspect of his historical significance was to undermine the concept of the divine rights of monarchs."

I mean you have to read that and understand the significance of the backwards nature of saying and believing that. Jesus claimed his father was the only god and must be worshiped. The penultimate statement of divine rights and the absolutism of a monarch. The individual is NEVER equal to god, he is told to be subservient or he will be tortured forever.

This is the bizarre unreality that has gripped conservatives in the US. That anything you believe is the same as what is in the bible, even if it is diametrically opposite. The feeling of being kristian, or on that 'team', overrides all rational thought and up is down, day is night.
Of course you are right so what then?

If people like this can get something as important as what constitutes eternal life or death, a holy life or life of pretense and deceit, what is true or false, reality or fantasy, is it even possible that they could be right about any less important social issue?

I think their openly revealed thought disorders and bizarre beliefs disqualify them as ethical, moral, honest, or sane people and they should be summarily removed from any government position of authority, high or low, that requires the public trust and banned from ever owning guns working with children or operating heavy machinery.

It does disqualify them from rational thought but it's like trying to get someone out of a cult who believes completely that the cult is their only salvation. You can't do it without heavy duty intervention. All one can do on a message board is put reality out there in hopes a few will still have a windows or sidedoor open in their mind where it can get in and make them THINK.
You mean like the fact that the laws of nature preordained beings that know and create would arise given enough time and the right conditions?
as a "snowflake" liberal do-gooder who is interested in peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and not a man who wants to make a ton of money and kill his enemies
So, it's to late for April fools joke. Since WHEN did liberals care about Jesus, or anything related to him? I smell a cheap ploy here. I give this thread a grain of salt. But another prophet once asked (Elvis Costello): what is so funny about peace, love & understanding?
Blackrook, many left wing Christians believe your type are the hateful kind.
There are no left wing Christians.

i certainly hope you are enjoying the 'christian' holiday with all those chocolate bunnies & 'easter' eggs!!!!!
/---- Chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs are a tool adults use to introduce the Holiday on a level kids can understand. As they mature, they can grasp the religious concept Apparently your parents hated you so much they deprived you of any joy and happiness as a child. Sad
Untrue. Jesus advocated personal responsibility and private charity, not Big Government Income and Wealth Redistribution.
YOu have no idea what he wanted. You weren't there.

As if your opinion on the matter has any relevance.

Go pull some wings off of flies, or whatever vile thing that is your current kink.
As if your opinion on the matter has any relevance.

Go pull some wings off of flies, or whatever vile thing that is your current kink.

Yeah, because your opinion is soooo relevant.

I'll leave the cruelty to animals to you...that seems to be your shtick...

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