If Jury will not bring mccade guilty.. Then Trump must declare a broken govt !!

The military is increasing their support for trump

The highest logic ability of all white men are supporting trump by a landslide

The majority of men is increasing for trump

News out today. Hispanic males separating from Hispanics females to support trump

Trump has all the real power
There are still bullets with Trumps name on them...………...
Unequal justice means the govt is broken and must be stopped

Trumps best feature is that he has exposed this inequality better than any President before him. If the government wants Socialism, how would we stop this...………..

But the military agrees with Trump

They have the real power of the govt

A few insane crooks with a ton of brainwashed women on one side

That is not power

That is a house of cards about to fall so easily

This is not men against men

This is women against men where history shows women always loses to the men

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?

Does someone have a gun I can borrow to put this message line out of it's misery? It should just take one shot.

Learn how to debate with FACTS

This is the fact

The military and the men rising for trump

That is your fact

The NC last real election proves this

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
The wise founders knew this would cone to this

Men against women

The founders screamed loudly NO to the unwise to vote

It is not men against women. It is only liberal against conservative. There are men and women on both sides.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?

That is wrong if so the same ratio Would be there

The same ratio is NOT There proving you got all this wrong because of your low logic ability that makes you blind to understand
The wise founders knew this would cone to this

Men against women

The founders screamed loudly NO to the unwise to vote

It is not men against women. It is only liberal against conservative. There are men and women on both sides.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?

That is wrong if so the same ratio Would be there

The same ratio is NOT There proving you got all this wrong because of your low logic ability that makes you blind to understand

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
I go with the founders and not against like the criminals have done with brining in lower wisdom people to vote
The founders said no to this democracy

All this is a crime against the founders

If you study history you will find that the US is not, and never has been a democracy. A democracy can vote away the rights of minority groups. We are a constitutional republic. The rights of all are protected.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
GreenAndBlue, you constant refusal to answer my simple questions leads me to believe you are just a troll trying to agitate people. A fearmonger.

But you missed a few key points.

1) Trump will never try to remove the voting rights of women. That would be absolute political suicide. He may have droves of men, many INCELs, and plenty of misogynists among his followers, but he cannot attack women without going down in flames.

2) The US is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. YOu can't vote away the rights of those you disagree with.

3) The US military will not open fire on US citizens. You may wish they would, so your country (which ever country that may be) would delight in the destruction. But it will not happen.

4) The US Constitution is the law of the land. Anything unconstitutional is thrown out. This idea that Trump could remove the voting rights of women or democrats is absolutely wrong. I don't care how many men are following Trump. He cannot deny women the right to vote. Period. End of discussion.
Andrew McCabe’s Lawyer Wants To Find Out What The Grand Jury Is Up To

Big charges and guilty verdicts must now come to the high treason deep state if not the nation is destroyed in soma you ways

So Barr. You must charge high treason and you must take it to a jury that will convict

If not

Trump must step in and declare a broken govt with too many criminals running the govt and then stop the elections until a high logic test is set up for voters and for juries

The unwise voting and on Juries wil
Destroy the nation

Trump has the men and military agreeing with him that the deep state is the enemy of America

If mcade walks the wise will rise up and stop this crooked system
If they find McCabe guilty Trump will pardon him or meet JFK

Just how it is, not saying I like it

Learn who is increasing their support for trump to see who will win ?
Have no idea what that means, but they already let Comey off, McCabe is no different

Unequal justice means the govt is broken and must be stopped

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?

If the constitution was law Hillary Clinton would have been executed
The wise founders knew this would cone to this

Men against women

The founders screamed loudly NO to the unwise to vote

It is not men against women. It is only liberal against conservative. There are men and women on both sides.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
Should it be legal to kill children after birth?

PS No one has to answer you by the way
GreenAndBlue, you constant refusal to answer my simple questions leads me to believe you are just a troll trying to agitate people. A fearmonger.

But you missed a few key points.

1) Trump will never try to remove the voting rights of women. That would be absolute political suicide. He may have droves of men, many INCELs, and plenty of misogynists among his followers, but he cannot attack women without going down in flames.

2) The US is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. YOu can't vote away the rights of those you disagree with.

3) The US military will not open fire on US citizens. You may wish they would, so your country (which ever country that may be) would delight in the destruction. But it will not happen.

4) The US Constitution is the law of the land. Anything unconstitutional is thrown out. This idea that Trump could remove the voting rights of women or democrats is absolutely wrong. I don't care how many men are following Trump. He cannot deny women the right to vote. Period. End of discussion.
Can we vote away the NSA recording our phone calls
You keep lying to your self

Hypocrites do that because of low logic

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
The Constitution says that all have the right to bear the arms needed to form a militia capable of defeating a foreign power. So kid the constitution was repealed a very long time ago

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
I'll second this request.

But I won't hold my breath.
I will tell you clearly that there is no constitution as the government does as it pleases...………

They did to me,
You keep lying to your self

Hypocrites do that because of low logic

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
The Constitution says that all have the right to bear the arms needed to form a militia capable of defeating a foreign power. So kid the constitution was repealed a very long time ago

The constitution was repealed? Don't be daft.

The US Constitution is still the foundation for all our laws. It is the litmus test for every law passed in this country.

from: District of Columbia v. Heller | Summary, Ruling, & Facts
"District of Columbia v. Heller, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2008, held (5–4) that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess firearms independent of service in a state militia and to use firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense within the home. It was the first Supreme Court case to explore the meaning of the Second Amendment since United States v. Miller (1939)."

In June of 2008 the SCOTUS ruled that the 2nd Amendment was, in fact, an individual right and was unconnected to any military or militia service.

Maybe you think the US Constitution was repealed, but it is very much alive.

Why won't you answer my questions?

Are you a US citizen or resident?
Do you think the US Constitution should be the law of the land?
I'll second this request.

But I won't hold my breath.
I will tell you clearly that there is no constitution as the government does as it pleases...………

They did to me,

What did they do to you that was a violation of the US Constitution? And have you sought redress?

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