If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

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  • No

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  • Potato

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If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
It is unlikely Republicans would impeach over something as petty as a blowjob like they did with Clinton

It would have to be something serious enough to bring down the whole party before Republicans would impeach
Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

"The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: " by Daniel H. Erskine
President Clinton’s wrongdoing actually involved his alleged obstruction of justice and perjury in judicial proceedings.
HE was impeached/charged by the house, but Clinton was acquitted of those impeachment charges, Clinton was found NOT GUILTY....in the Senate trial for his impeachment....that's why he got to stay on as president.

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying they get a chance at destroying Pence. They view him as a 'pushover.' But they truly fear Donald Trump. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths defending Donald Trump. They know what's gong on. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.

The ones impeaching him would be REPUBLICANS.

Go ahead. Get as aggressive as you want. It would just solidify the remaining Americans against you, and the republican establishment as well.

And it would show everyone what the Trump movement is really all about.

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.
to be honest though, some of the trump dick riding goes a bit far IMO

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.

The ones impeaching him would be REPUBLICANS.

Go ahead. Get as aggressive as you want. It would just solidify the remaining Americans against you, and the republican establishment as well.

the progressive lay in both the democrat and republican parties

it is time to weed them out

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.

The ones impeaching him would be REPUBLICANS.

Go ahead. Get as aggressive as you want. It would just solidify the remaining Americans against you, and the republican establishment as well.

And it would show everyone what the Trump movement is really all about.

Bring it on.
At least Pence is actually a Republican and would move away from the anti free-trade rabble rousing.

Also the ridiculous wall and tax & spend infrastructure projects would be watered down to nothing.

Sure he would have to throw some bones to the poorly educated but ultimately it would start to get the GOP back from the nutters.
First, I am NOT assuming that Trump is guilty of treason....I consider Trump to be too stupid for the Russians to have him directly involved in any subterfuge scheme.....Rather, OTHERS within the Trump cabal are smarter and were involved.

Trump will most likely resign and not be impeached directly (claiming that his businesses need his leadership or some other bullshit.)

The only pardoning will be a blanket pardon by Pence, that if any high crime and MISDEMEANORS occurred, they would be moot..........attempting for Congress (through the DOJ) to de-fund the continuance of the investigation.......

However, congressional committees would STILL pursue the high probability that Russia interfered in our election and propose a set of guidelines on how to stop such interference in the future....Whether those would work or not, I'm not sure.
Your first mistake is underestimating your enemy Trump. He's not stupid. Sure, he's arrogant, spoiled, a septuagenarian with billions of dollars who's spent several decades getting his own way and refuses to adapt to Washington/National politics ways. That doesn't make him stupid. That just means he doesn't give a shit.

Like Hillary, rich people are surrounded by fucking lawyers. Trump doesn't always pay attention to his PR advisors but he certainly listens to his team(s?) of lawyers. Afterall, as OJ, Robert Blake and the Clintons proved, having money buys a lot of "justice".

Despite all of your conniptions over Trump, the bottom line here is that most Americans are not satisfied in the direction of our nation. Independents outnumber Republicans and Democrats. I'm an Independent even though I do lean right on some issues. Your way, the hard Left way, is dying as much as the hard Right way. Americans are tiring of the bullshit from both extremes. Hillary promised more of the same, given a choice of her or "the other guy", they voted for the "other guy".

The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.

What right wing morons will never acknowledge......

U.S. Map by population

View attachment 140191
Again, you exemplify my earlier point: Americans are tired of political partisan assholes who are willing to shred the Constitution to impose their political agenda over all Americans.

There's a reason why most Americans are leaving the two major political parties.

Party Affiliation
voter affiliation.png

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.
to be honest though, some of the trump dick riding goes a bit far IMO

Maybe? But let them go ahead and try Impeaching him. Just like the Election, the Democrats are vastly underestimating the will to fight to defend Donald Trump. There will be an eruption unlike anything they've ever seen before. They think their 'Ferguson' and OWS protests were 'Big?' They ain't seen nothing yet. They may believe Pence is a pushover, but getting to Pence is gonna be much more of a war than they think.

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights

Yeah, they're hoping & praying the get a chance at destroying Pence. They truly fear Donald Trump though. That's why many folks are willing to fight till their deaths helping Donald Trump. Democrats are vastly underestimating the willingness to fight for Trump. If they dare to try to 'Impeach' him, there will be a massive aggressive response.
to be honest though, some of the trump dick riding goes a bit far IMO

Maybe? But let them go ahead and try Impeaching him. Just like the Election, the Democrats are vastly underestimating the will to fight to defend Donald Trump. There will be an eruption unlike anything they've ever seen before. They think their 'Ferguson' and OWS protests were 'Big?' They ain't seen nothing yet. They may believe Pence is a pushover, but getting to Pence is gonna be much more of a war than they think.
I don't disagree
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
It is unlikely Republicans would impeach over something as petty as a blowjob like they did with Clinton

It would have to be something serious enough to bring down the whole party before Republicans would impeach
Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

"The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: " by Daniel H. Erskine
President Clinton’s wrongdoing actually involved his alleged obstruction of justice and perjury in judicial proceedings.
HE was impeached/charged by the house, but Clinton was acquitted of those impeachment charges, Clinton was found NOT GUILTY....in the Senate trial for his impeachment....that's why he got to stay on as president.
Correct. How does that disprove my point?

the leftists would not stop at trump

they already have pence in their sights
What leftists? Every investigation currently underway into the Trump administration is being done by people in power.They're not leftists , they are Republican conservatives.
When will you Trumpbots stop starring into the kool- aid canister longingly hoping for more? lift thine eyes
Up and roll them to and fro to observe the world around you. The leftists have been evicted.
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The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.

His comment was also leftarded fascism on display for all to see. The condescension and resentment they feel towards anyone who lives in "dirt country" is right there for all to see.
I will gladly join an army to defend Trump from a NWO Globalist Coup d'etat. As usual, Democrats are underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back. Getting rid of Trump won't be a cakewalk for em.
The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.

His comment was also leftarded fascism on display for all to see. The condescension and resentment they feel towards anyone who lives in "dirt country" is right there for all to see.
Just the brainwashed deplorables...
2) You are assuming that Trump is guilty of treason. In that case, I doubt Pence would pardon him.

What crimes do you accuse Trump of committing? Which would you consider pardonable, please set your partisanship aside for a minute, and which would you never consider pardonable. For example, I consider treason and murder unpardonable. Lying about hookers is pardonable.

First, I am NOT assuming that Trump is guilty of treason....I consider Trump to be too stupid for the Russians to have him directly involved in any subterfuge scheme.....Rather, OTHERS within the Trump cabal are smarter and were involved.

Trump will most likely resign and not be impeached directly (claiming that his businesses need his leadership or some other bullshit.)

The only pardoning will be a blanket pardon by Pence, that if any high crime and MISDEMEANORS occurred, they would be moot..........attempting for Congress (through the DOJ) to de-fund the continuance of the investigation.......

However, congressional committees would STILL pursue the high probability that Russia interfered in our election and propose a set of guidelines on how to stop such interference in the future....Whether those would work or not, I'm not sure.
I have no problem with our nation investigating any allegations of foreign or domestic interference with our elections. Yes, the Russians interfered using cyber warfare to hack into unsecure email accounts.

Should we prosecute any elected official who uses an unsecure email account to conduct government business?

Yeah, I can guess your answer. It even has a name: Situational Ethics.
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The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.

His comment was also leftarded fascism on display for all to see. The condescension and resentment they feel towards anyone who lives in "dirt country" is right there for all to see.
Just the brainwashed deplorables...
LOL. I encourage your attack against anyone to the right of your own beliefs. It's one reason why Americans are leaving the major parties and choosing to shake up the Status Quo.

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