If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
It is unlikely Republicans would impeach over something as petty as a blowjob like they did with Clinton

It would have to be something serious enough to bring down the whole party before Republicans would impeach
Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

"The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: " by Daniel H. Erskine
President Clinton’s wrongdoing actually involved his alleged obstruction of justice and perjury in judicial proceedings.
Sure he was.....sure he was

Bottom line....his "crime" was a blowjob

Why don't you admit the impeachment was a political witch hunt and not even remotely a high crime

His crime was lying while under oath to a grand jury.

As a fucking lawyer, he knew better and that is why he wad also disbarred.
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It is unlikely Republicans would impeach over something as petty as a blowjob like they did with Clinton

It would have to be something serious enough to bring down the whole party before Republicans would impeach
Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. He was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

"The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: " by Daniel H. Erskine
President Clinton’s wrongdoing actually involved his alleged obstruction of justice and perjury in judicial proceedings.
Sure he was.....sure he was

Bottom line....his "crime" was a blowjob

Why don't you admit the impeachment was a political witch hunt and not even remotely a high crime
Sorry, dude, but perjury and obstruction of justice are high crimes. It doesn't matter what they are about.

Let's say Trump is charged with perjury and obstruction of justice for lying under oath about Russian hookers. Should he be impeached or not? After all, it was just Russian whores he was lying about, amirite? Yes, he should IMO because no one made him lie. He chose to lie. He chose to commit a crime by lying under oath. I'm guessing if the shoe was on the other foot, you'd be in the same line I am to impeach. I'm in that line because it's the right thing to do. You'd be in that line for partisan political reason.

Clinton did not lie. He had a different definition of what constitutes sex

Republucan prosecution was solely political payback on petty charges

The lawyer asking him the question defined the term for him, so he did lie. Clinton doesn't get to make up his own definitions for words, especially in a legal proceeding.
Agreed. Since he was a lawyer, he certainly knew better.
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
Never Say Never. Impeachment could be in the foreseeable future for Donald Trump. Here's why. You see, Republican morality and the core values allotted to conservatism itself are at stake. While many low caste konservative Trump Bots do not care what Trump says or does personally or politically, the establishment conservatives are squirming in their seats trying to find some way to disassociate themselves from this madman. If he does the unthinkable and fires Mueller, I'm afraid the backlash from Americans still holding on to a sense of justice all over the country could force establishment Republicans to consider impeachment.
When and if it comes down to a choice of being reelected or saving Trump's presidency, Trump is going to go down.
Could be, but won't be. Trump will resign first because the last thing the Republicans want before the November 2018 elections is an impeachment in Congress to distract from the Republican agenda....which is already derailed for the remainder of 2017 over the Russian ties and Russian actions.
So why would the Republicans fear an impeachment before the 2018 elections? I'm of the persuasion that they have more to fear by not having an impeachment before the 2018 elections. At least they can salvage some of their good faith with a majority of the American people and possibly retain all three houses of government by doing the right thing.

Of course, the possibility that Trump may have done nothing wrong may make all of this moot anyway. But we do need to know one way or another since the country belongs to the people and not individuals or the government.
We have the right to know if our president or any other government officials are spies, crooks or some other agent working against the common interests of the American people.
It is in the best interests of the RNC that there be no impeachment, that Trump resign sometime between now and the end of the year and have President Pence put the RNC agenda back on track for 10-16 months....the longer the better.
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
You're correct. But keep in mind that the establishment conservatives never wanted Trump in the first place. Pence is the man they want to be the chief executive of this nation. So Pence is being groomed to replace Trump as the odds go up that "the Donald" will be impeached.
But just what that does that mean? If Pence becomes president what's going to change drastically? Do you honestly think that the American people are going to stand by and allow drastic cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or all the other social benefits that they fought long and hard to attain? That's not going to happen no matter who's president. We have three branches of government; and, even if they are all controlled by the same party, the constituencies of Congress can wield impressive power just by voting or threatening to unseat congresspersons who do not respond to their needs and wishes. It is those independent swing voters that congressmen are concerned about. Yes ,it's people like me who are neither Democrat or Republican that keep men like Pence from becoming dictators.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump
The nation Nixon issue was domestic. The cover-up seemed to be a greater crime than the actual burglary. So when Ford pardoned Nixon, that might have been far more acceptable than pardoning A
any American, including a President, for treasonous behaviours with enemy nations. Ramifications of what Trump and some of his coharts have been up to point to that possibility.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump

Plus, Pence would have to pardon Trump, and as Gerald Ford found out after pardoning Nixon, that such is the political "kiss of death"....(although Ford was a decent man.)
1) Nixon was guilty.

2) You are assuming that Trump is guilty of treason. In that case, I doubt Pence would pardon him.

What crimes do you accuse Trump of committing? Which would you consider pardonable, please set your partisanship aside for a minute, and which would you never consider pardonable. For example, I consider treason and murder unpardonable. Lying about hookers is pardonable.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump

Plus, Pence would have to pardon Trump, and as Gerald Ford found out after pardoning Nixon, that such is the political "kiss of death"....(although Ford was a decent man.)
I think for Trump to be impeached by a Republican Congress it would have to be a horrific crime

I doubt if Pence would pardon him
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
You're correct. But keep in mind that the establishment conservatives never wanted Trump in the first place. Pence is the man they want to be the chief executive of this nation. So Pence is being groomed to replace Trump as the odds go up that "the Donald" will be impeached.
But just what that does that mean? If Pence becomes president what's going to change drastically? Do you honestly think that the American people are going to stand by and allow drastic cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or all the other social benefits that they fought long and hard to attain? That's not going to happen no matter who's president. We have three branches of government; and, even if they are all controlled by the same party, the constituencies of Congress can wield impressive power just by voting or threatening to unseat congresspersons who do not respond to their needs and wishes. It is those independent swing voters that congressmen are concerned about. Yes ,it's people like me who are neither Democrat or Republican that keep men like Pence from becoming dictators.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump
The nation Nixon issue was domestic. The cover-up seemed to be a greater crime than the actual burglary. So when Ford pardoned Nixon, that might have been far more acceptable than pardoning A
any American, including a President, for treasonous behaviours with enemy nations. Ramifications of what Trump and some of his coharts have been up to point to that possibility.
IF Trump committed treason, I agree. If he didn't, what then?


The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
You're correct. But keep in mind that the establishment conservatives never wanted Trump in the first place. Pence is the man they want to be the chief executive of this nation. So Pence is being groomed to replace Trump as the odds go up that "the Donald" will be impeached.
But just what that does that mean? If Pence becomes president what's going to change drastically? Do you honestly think that the American people are going to stand by and allow drastic cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or all the other social benefits that they fought long and hard to attain? That's not going to happen no matter who's president. We have three branches of government; and, even if they are all controlled by the same party, the constituencies of Congress can wield impressive power just by voting or threatening to unseat congresspersons who do not respond to their needs and wishes. It is those independent swing voters that congressmen are concerned about. Yes ,it's people like me who are neither Democrat or Republican that keep men like Pence from becoming dictators.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump
The nation Nixon issue was domestic. The cover-up seemed to be a greater crime than the actual burglary. So when Ford pardoned Nixon, that might have been far more acceptable than pardoning A
any American, including a President, for treasonous behaviours with enemy nations. Ramifications of what Trump and some of his coharts have been up to point to that possibility.
Republicans are not going to impeach Trump barring open participation with Russian interference in the election

Even then, they would probably stretch it out to 2020 and give Trump an option not to run again
The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.
2) You are assuming that Trump is guilty of treason. In that case, I doubt Pence would pardon him.

What crimes do you accuse Trump of committing? Which would you consider pardonable, please set your partisanship aside for a minute, and which would you never consider pardonable. For example, I consider treason and murder unpardonable. Lying about hookers is pardonable.

First, I am NOT assuming that Trump is guilty of treason....I consider Trump to be too stupid for the Russians to have him directly involved in any subterfuge scheme.....Rather, OTHERS within the Trump cabal are smarter and were involved.

Trump will most likely resign and not be impeached directly (claiming that his businesses need his leadership or some other bullshit.)

The only pardoning will be a blanket pardon by Pence, that if any high crime and MISDEMEANORS occurred, they would be moot..........attempting for Congress (through the DOJ) to de-fund the continuance of the investigation.......

However, congressional committees would STILL pursue the high probability that Russia interfered in our election and propose a set of guidelines on how to stop such interference in the future....Whether those would work or not, I'm not sure.
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
Never Say Never. Impeachment could be in the foreseeable future for Donald Trump. Here's why. You see, Republican morality and the core values allotted to conservatism itself are at stake. While many low caste konservative Trump Bots do not care what Trump says or does personally or politically, the establishment conservatives are squirming in their seats trying to find some way to disassociate themselves from this madman. If he does the unthinkable and fires Mueller, I'm afraid the backlash from Americans still holding on to a sense of justice all over the country could force establishment Republicans to consider impeachment.
When and if it comes down to a choice of being reelected or saving Trump's presidency, Trump is going to go down.
Could be, but won't be. Trump will resign first because the last thing the Republicans want before the November 2018 elections is an impeachment in Congress to distract from the Republican agenda....which is already derailed for the remainder of 2017 over the Russian ties and Russian actions.
So why would the Republicans fear an impeachment before the 2018 elections? I'm of the persuasion that they have more to fear by not having an impeachment before the 2018 elections. At least they can salvage some of their good faith with a majority of the American people and possibly retain all three houses of government by doing the right thing.

Of course, the possibility that Trump may have done nothing wrong may make all of this moot anyway. But we do need to know one way or another since the country belongs to the people and not individuals or the government.
We have the right to know if our president or any other government officials are spies, crooks or some other agent working against the common interests of the American people.
It is in the best interests of the RNC that there be no impeachment, that Trump resign sometime between now and the end of the year and have President Pence put the RNC agenda back on track for 10-16 months....the longer the better.
You might be right. But think about this. Without populism buttressed by the anti-establishment rhetoric of Trump, the Republicans would never have won the presidency. Hillary would have kicked Pence's ass. An establishment candidate like Pence is still going to be just as un popular as he was before Trump came into the picture. Now, if the Democrats could convince Oprah or Michelle Obama to run in 2020, it's a no-brainer, regardless of whether Trump or Pence is the incumbent..
If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump
Discussion in 'Politics' started by Marion Morrison, Monday at 9:27 PM.

Curious title. The left has no power to impeach Trump. Any impeachment would have to come from the Republicans......they are calling the shots
You're correct. But keep in mind that the establishment conservatives never wanted Trump in the first place. Pence is the man they want to be the chief executive of this nation. So Pence is being groomed to replace Trump as the odds go up that "the Donald" will be impeached.
But just what that does that mean? If Pence becomes president what's going to change drastically? Do you honestly think that the American people are going to stand by and allow drastic cuts to Medicare, Medicaid or all the other social benefits that they fought long and hard to attain? That's not going to happen no matter who's president. We have three branches of government; and, even if they are all controlled by the same party, the constituencies of Congress can wield impressive power just by voting or threatening to unseat congresspersons who do not respond to their needs and wishes. It is those independent swing voters that congressmen are concerned about. Yes ,it's people like me who are neither Democrat or Republican that keep men like Pence from becoming dictators.
If Pence becomes President, he will become a lame duck
He will have no political capital or support. He would be tainted by his support of Trump

There would be a political price to pay for electing Trump
The nation Nixon issue was domestic. The cover-up seemed to be a greater crime than the actual burglary. So when Ford pardoned Nixon, that might have been far more acceptable than pardoning A
any American, including a President, for treasonous behaviours with enemy nations. Ramifications of what Trump and some of his coharts have been up to point to that possibility.
IF Trump committed treason, I agree. If he didn't, what then?
Then we all gather ' round and sing kum by ya.
The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.

What right wing morons will never acknowledge......

U.S. Map by population

The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.

What right wing morons will never acknowledge......

U.S. Map by population

View attachment 140191

And this need of conservatives to use statistics and maps that distort reality is something to note. They easily and very comfortably lie to themselves because it makes them feel good. It is all about emotion with conservatives. The Dirt Map fits in perfectly with Trump's self delusion that he had a 'huge' crowd at his inauguration. He needs desperately to believe something that isn't true and he'll lie to himself so he can feel good about the lie.
The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.
Oh, yes but there is still a lot of blue under that red. Don't forget that. Some of that red came about under suspicious activity that disenfranchised thousands of blue votes via Crosscheck Lava from the blue volcano is simmering and spreading jusr beneath the surface of the thin red crust.
The American people do not have to live through four years of an incompetent president nor even three years of an incompetent vice president that becomes president. Keep impeaching until we find a real president. America deserves better than what it has now, and gradually the Republican Party will agree for the sake of continuing the Republican party's good name.
If it didn't work for Bill Clinton, why do you think it will work now?
Clinton was impeached and found not guilty. Was Clinton a threat to the American people? Trump may well be.
yes, he was, just ask all the americans his justice department burned to death in a central Texas church
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
Never Say Never. Impeachment could be in the foreseeable future for Donald Trump. Here's why. You see, Republican morality and the core values allotted to conservatism itself are at stake. While many low caste konservative Trump Bots do not care what Trump says or does personally or politically, the establishment conservatives are squirming in their seats trying to find some way to disassociate themselves from this madman. If he does the unthinkable and fires Mueller, I'm afraid the backlash from Americans still holding on to a sense of justice all over the country could force establishment Republicans to consider impeachment.
When and if it comes down to a choice of being reelected or saving Trump's presidency, Trump is going to go down.
Could be, but won't be. Trump will resign first because the last thing the Republicans want before the November 2018 elections is an impeachment in Congress to distract from the Republican agenda....which is already derailed for the remainder of 2017 over the Russian ties and Russian actions.
So why would the Republicans fear an impeachment before the 2018 elections? I'm of the persuasion that they have more to fear by not having an impeachment before the 2018 elections. At least they can salvage some of their good faith with a majority of the American people and possibly retain all three houses of government by doing the right thing.

Of course, the possibility that Trump may have done nothing wrong may make all of this moot anyway. But we do need to know one way or another since the country belongs to the people and not individuals or the government.
We have the right to know if our president or any other government officials are spies, crooks or some other agent working against the common interests of the American people.
It is in the best interests of the RNC that there be no impeachment, that Trump resign sometime between now and the end of the year and have President Pence put the RNC agenda back on track for 10-16 months....the longer the better.
You might be right. But think about this. Without populism buttressed by the anti-establishment rhetoric of Trump, the Republicans would never have won the presidency. Hillary would have kicked Pence's ass. An establishment candidate like Pence is still going to be just as un popular as he was before Trump came into the picture. Now, if the Democrats could convince Oprah or Michelle Obama to run in 2020, it's a no-brainer, regardless of whether Trump or Pence is the incumbent..

No, the same number of people would have voted against the corporate whore. She was a flawed candidate who alienated real Progressives as much as she alienated Conservatives.
Pence is obviously more Conservative than Trump is. So if he ends up getting to appoint a couple Supreme Court Justices, it will amount to a major Coup for folks who still respect America and its Constitution. He'll be a much more effective adversary for the Anti-American NWO Globalists. Globalist Communist/Progressive Democrats should be very careful of what they wish for.

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