If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
Rather have Pence than Trump. Shit, I'd have rather had Pence than Hillary, despite his whack-job ideas about abortion.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

I don't have time to read the entire thread on this but I hope someone already mentioned the likelyhood of never ending paybacks from the GOP for every leftard ever elected again, if they are successful in bringing Trump down.

It may not be right and a lot of tardz might think it's worth the risk.... but I'm here to tell them / warn them that it will not end with the impeachment of Trump. No matter how much you think he deserves it.

If you say so.

You'll see.

Whether Trump is ever impeached or not... If you are going to dish it out, you better be ready to take it.

That's OK. After years of continuous crazy accusations, it's hard to imagine the right has been holding back.
After the landings on Omaha Beach the allies didn't think it was the end, they knew it was finally the beginning. Trump is a direct threat to the democracy and though many cons are too stupid to know this the rest of us will do our best to save ourselves and you from this wannabe Musollini. Pence is just a run of the mill asshole who wants to return to 1853, but he isn't a maniacal narcissist that has the intelligence of a broom handle. Pence can be dealt with using the Constitution, Trump wants to do away with the Constitution.

Figure it out cons, the bubble you live in is endangering all the rest of the population.
Pence is just a run of the mill asshole who wants to return to 1853, but he isn't a maniacal narcissist that has the intelligence of a broom handle.
I just have to admire your turn of phrase there, Isaac. LOL
The left couldn't impeach a dog catcher................they simply don't have the numbers...............
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president. He is a leftist's nightmare, Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence. If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
You are 100% correct, Marion Morrison. However, you have left out that Pence believes in the Constitution, as he understands it, whereas Trump believes that he should not be constrained at all in anyway. Pence is an American, Trump is a Trump. No contest. Pence for President.

You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

I don't have time to read the entire thread on this but I hope someone already mentioned the likelyhood of never ending paybacks from the GOP for every leftard ever elected again, if they are successful in bringing Trump down.

It may not be right and a lot of tardz might think it's worth the risk.... but I'm here to tell them / warn them that it will not end with the impeachment of Trump. No matter how much you think he deserves it.

If you say so.

You'll see.

Whether Trump is ever impeached or not... If you are going to dish it out, you better be ready to take it.

That's OK. After years of continuous crazy accusations, it's hard to imagine the right has been holding back.
If you say so.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
The minions of Trump are ancient dinosaurs with ancient ideas, they suck, as they attempt to live in a system discarded long ago..
By "ancient ideas" you mean "fundamental truths." Yeah, reality sucks, but you can't legislate it away. You can't make someone with a dick and a 'Y' chromosome into a woman just because he says he's a woman.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!
Your messiah said it's impossible for the Russians to hack our elections. Are you calling Barry a liar?
If this works, democrats will use the same tactics against every republican that runs for office. The united states as a republic will essentially be dead.
The process has been building momentum for years now and the minions run on auto-pilot. The moment a Republican gains any kind of prominence, the smear and fear machine kicks into gear and away they go. Losing an election doesn't mean loss to them any more, it just means they try to get rid of the winner.
The Democrats have been doing that for years. Why do you imagine those douche bags in the Senate are afraid to vote for a repeal of Obamacare?
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
The minions of Trump are ancient dinosaurs with ancient ideas, they suck, as they attempt to live in a system discarded long ago..
You mean democracy?
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
While I don't like his politics, I trust that Pence is capable of performing the job of President

I don't feel the same about Trump

But impeachment has nothing to do with your qualifications as president. It is being guilty of a high crime and misdemeanor. If Trump is guilty he has to go

Why would you want to keep him?
....But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!
That's a false statement on the same level as the Birther's saying Obama was a Socialist, Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent sent to destroy the United States. The Russians attempted to influence the election, but there is zero evidence that anyone changed their vote because of it.

Your messiah said it's impossible for the Russians to hack our elections. Are you calling Barry a liar?
Obama was correct. The Russians didn't "hack our elections", but they certainly used cyberwarfare to influence it.
Seriously, the cowardly GOP congress will not impeach the orange lardo and will only ask him to resign when the 2018 midterms begin looking dismal for republicans.

The "best" scenario is Trump resigns for "health related reasons, blah, blah, blah....."

The "worst" scenario is Trump resigns because of pending revelations of collusion with Russia...or financial misdeeds or emolument issues .......this would force Pence to issue a pardon,
and we all know how THAT worked out for the decent, poor Gerald Ford.
Trump is arrogant enough to Pardon himself.
True, but that doesn't make it legal. Only President Pence can pardon him.
Seriously, the cowardly GOP congress will not impeach the orange lardo and will only ask him to resign when the 2018 midterms begin looking dismal for republicans.

The "best" scenario is Trump resigns for "health related reasons, blah, blah, blah....."

The "worst" scenario is Trump resigns because of pending revelations of collusion with Russia...or financial misdeeds or emolument issues .......this would force Pence to issue a pardon,
and we all know how THAT worked out for the decent, poor Gerald Ford.
Trump is arrogant enough to Pardon himself.
I only wish he was.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
While I don't like his politics, I trust that Pence is capable of performing the job of President

I don't feel the same about Trump

But impeachment has nothing to do with your qualifications as president. It is being guilty of a high crime and misdemeanor. If Trump is guilty he has to go

Why would you want to keep him?
You think the job of government is to dispense goodies to those who haven't earned them, and to force everyone to live their lives the way you want them to. Of course Trump isn't capable of running your conception of government. That's why we elected him.

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