If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
Name the pol who colluded with the Russians, rock.

Now there you go putting words in my mouth! I never said anyone colluded with the Russians. Read my post again. The word Russians does not even appear in my post. Please quote where I made that statement.
No you merely implied Jr was just doing what they all do. Nothing dishonest there. LOL

No. I never implied that he was doing what they all do, simply because as far as I know, he did NOTHING, which is a far cry less than what has been documented on Hillary and the Dems.
Exactly, you claim Hillary did worse, and that's simple bullshit by a bullshtter, rock

Name the time Hilalry or anyone else met with Russian intelligence to get dirt on an American political opponent. your bullshitter

Look up the recent revelations about Hillary and the Ukraine. Again, for possible penetration, I never said it was the Russians! Why is that so hard for libs to understand?

Okay, I looked it up. Did you?

Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

The differences

If the broad outlines are similar, some key elements distinguish these episodes from each other.

The Politico article highlighted a major one.

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

To be clear, we do not know if the hacked emails had any ties to contacts the Trump campaign did or didn’t have with Russians. But hacked emails are different from the results of a public investigation.

Taking that difference one step further, there was nothing inherently illegal in the quest for information on Manafort and how that might link Donald Trump to Russia. Wittes noted that from a research perspective, since Manafort’s work took place in Ukraine, "you pretty much have to go to the Ukrainians to get that."

Other details also separate the two narratives.

Ukraine is seen as an ally to the United States, while Russia is at best a competitor and often called an enemy.

Lastly, the stories from Trump associates have changed over time as more press reports emerge. In the case of Donald Trump Jr., he first said he never represented the campaign in any meetings with Russians. Then he said there was a meeting, but it was about adoption laws. Then he said it was about Clinton, but it represented ordinary opposition research.
OP is wrong.

Not about pence. He's about as vile as most of the rest but dump will rubber stamp anything that makes look like he's actually doing something besides eating and twitting. We're stuck with Pence and his sharia law either way.

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You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
NFW will Trump be impeached for anything done so far. Not with a Republican Congress.


Like I said, he will agree to anything, will pass any pile of excrement the Rs tell him to.

He's their ticket to huge tax cuts for them and the other 1% as well as huge tax increase on the working class.

And while he's rubber stamping to his heart's content, the Rs will keep chipping away at ObamaCares so they can say it's failing.

RWNJs will say if the elderly, kids, handicapped didn't want to die, they shouldn't have chosen to be poor. Or have pre-existing illness. Or be born with a congenital defect.

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Now there you go putting words in my mouth! I never said anyone colluded with the Russians. Read my post again. The word Russians does not even appear in my post. Please quote where I made that statement.
No you merely implied Jr was just doing what they all do. Nothing dishonest there. LOL

No. I never implied that he was doing what they all do, simply because as far as I know, he did NOTHING, which is a far cry less than what has been documented on Hillary and the Dems.
Exactly, you claim Hillary did worse, and that's simple bullshit by a bullshtter, rock

Name the time Hilalry or anyone else met with Russian intelligence to get dirt on an American political opponent. your bullshitter

Look up the recent revelations about Hillary and the Ukraine. Again, for possible penetration, I never said it was the Russians! Why is that so hard for libs to understand?

Okay, I looked it up. Did you?

Trump and Russia, Clinton and Ukraine: How do they compare?

The differences

If the broad outlines are similar, some key elements distinguish these episodes from each other.

The Politico article highlighted a major one.

"Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin (and) involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services," the article said. "There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine."

So, according to American intelligence agencies, the Kremlin shaped and directed the email hacking of Democrats and subsequent distribution. In contrast, a variety of actors on the Ukrainian side responded to American queries and provided public documents.

Which leads to the other big distinction: The Russians got their materials through cyber-attacks, while the only telling document revealed by a Ukrainian lawmaker was the product of an official investigation.

"There’s a difference between dealing with the embassy and dealing with a covert intelligence operation," Wittes said. "Are you dealing with government records, or are you dealing in stolen dirt?"

To be clear, we do not know if the hacked emails had any ties to contacts the Trump campaign did or didn’t have with Russians. But hacked emails are different from the results of a public investigation.

Taking that difference one step further, there was nothing inherently illegal in the quest for information on Manafort and how that might link Donald Trump to Russia. Wittes noted that from a research perspective, since Manafort’s work took place in Ukraine, "you pretty much have to go to the Ukrainians to get that."

Other details also separate the two narratives.

Ukraine is seen as an ally to the United States, while Russia is at best a competitor and often called an enemy.

Lastly, the stories from Trump associates have changed over time as more press reports emerge. In the case of Donald Trump Jr., he first said he never represented the campaign in any meetings with Russians. Then he said there was a meeting, but it was about adoption laws. Then he said it was about Clinton, but it represented ordinary opposition research.
I won't even bother with the lying bullshitter.
....Not about pence. He's about as vile as most of the rest but dump will rubber stamp anything that makes look like he's actually doing something besides eating and twitting. We're stuck with Pence and his sharia law either way.

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Several things you should reconsider in your post.

1) Being President doesn't make him King nor can he sign any bills not passed to him.

2) Pence is Christian, not Muslim. Even if he was, getting "sharia law" past both Congress and SCOTUS would be near impossible....and we'd probably have a revolution as a result.

3) As we are seeing with the Health Care bill, despite all the grandstanding and blather, many Congressional reps are worried about reelection so your panic is overboard.
Perhaps the best reason given for not impeaching Trump is that we will get Pence. Are the Republicans are proud of that strategy, I mean electing a VP as bad as the president so the American people have no real chance of good government.
Perhaps the best reason given for not impeaching Trump is that we will get Pence. Are the Republicans are proud of that strategy, I mean electing a VP as bad as the president so the American people have no real chance of good government.

Trump's impeachment will weaken the right to the point they will be even weaker than they are now. They will accomplish none of their goals, and Pence will be dumped in the next election.
Perhaps the best reason given for not impeaching Trump is that we will get Pence. Are the Republicans are proud of that strategy, I mean electing a VP as bad as the president so the American people have no real chance of good government.

Why do you think Obama picked Joe Biden?

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Perhaps the best reason given for not impeaching Trump is that we will get Pence. Are the Republicans are proud of that strategy, I mean electing a VP as bad as the president so the American people have no real chance of good government.

Trump's impeachment will weaken the right to the point they will be even weaker than they are now. They will accomplish none of their goals, and Pence will be dumped in the next election.
Translation: There will be no impeachment because it will weaken the Republicans.
Perhaps the best reason given for not impeaching Trump is that we will get Pence. Are the Republicans are proud of that strategy, I mean electing a VP as bad as the president so the American people have no real chance of good government.

Trump's impeachment will weaken the right to the point they will be even weaker than they are now. They will accomplish none of their goals, and Pence will be dumped in the next election.
Translation: There will be no impeachment because it will weaken the Republicans.

Not exactly what I said. Trump could weaken the party so much until they could have to dump him to be able to remain a credible party. At that point, they will be able to dump him and survive, but they will be so weakened that they will be powerless until they rebuild their viability.
At least two conservative parties have died already while the liberal party formed under Jefferson keeps rolling along.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

I don't have time to read the entire thread on this but I hope someone already mentioned the likelyhood of never ending paybacks from the GOP for every leftard ever elected again, if they are successful in bringing Trump down.

It may not be right and a lot of tardz might think it's worth the risk.... but I'm here to tell them / warn them that it will not end with the impeachment of Trump. No matter how much you think he deserves it.
I'm of the growing opinion that it makes NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE who is elected.......

In the final analysis, the will of the Establishment WILL BE DONE....

They've had too long to get everything set up to make them invincible.....and the American people as a whole don't care if they're used and prostituted out for the good of the Establishment. The American people are too busy bitching at one another and when not doing that....struggling in the system that was set up to keep them down to have time to do anything.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

You're not much of a foward thinker are you?

Republicans have two options.

1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2 Burn down the entire party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education into what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump

Furthermore it won't be the "lefties" that impeach Trump, it will be Republicans because they hold the majority in both houses.

You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

I don't have time to read the entire thread on this but I hope someone already mentioned the likelyhood of never ending paybacks from the GOP for every leftard ever elected again, if they are successful in bringing Trump down.

It may not be right and a lot of tardz might think it's worth the risk.... but I'm here to tell them / warn them that it will not end with the impeachment of Trump. No matter how much you think he deserves it.

If you say so.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

I don't have time to read the entire thread on this but I hope someone already mentioned the likelyhood of never ending paybacks from the GOP for every leftard ever elected again, if they are successful in bringing Trump down.

It may not be right and a lot of tardz might think it's worth the risk.... but I'm here to tell them / warn them that it will not end with the impeachment of Trump. No matter how much you think he deserves it.

If you say so.

You'll see.

Whether Trump is ever impeached or not... If you are going to dish it out, you better be ready to take it.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

If the GOP allows this to happen, and I see no sign that they won't, I will never ever vote Republican again.
Pence would make a good president and he is much more conservative than Trump. Looks like a win/win.

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