If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.
Seriously, the cowardly GOP congress will not impeach the orange lardo and will only ask him to resign when the 2018 midterms begin looking dismal for republicans.

The "best" scenario is Trump resigns for "health related reasons, blah, blah, blah....."

The "worst" scenario is Trump resigns because of pending revelations of collusion with Russia...or financial misdeeds or emolument issues .......this would force Pence to issue a pardon,
and we all know how THAT worked out for the decent, poor Gerald Ford.
Trump is arrogant enough to Pardon himself.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
The minions of Trump are ancient dinosaurs with ancient ideas, they suck, as they attempt to live in a system discarded long ago..
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

You know they'd start talk of impeaching him, too. They won't give up until they have a socialist in the WH.
Most certainly. The goal is total victory, not getting rid of Trump. The smear and fear machine would immediately shift to Pence the instant they were sure Trump was leaving. It's as predictable as sunrise on the Sahara.
If this works, democrats will use the same tactics against every republican that runs for office. The united states as a republic will essentially be dead.
The process has been building momentum for years now and the minions run on auto-pilot. The moment a Republican gains any kind of prominence, the smear and fear machine kicks into gear and away they go. Losing an election doesn't mean loss to them any more, it just means they try to get rid of the winner.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!
Sounds like a good reason for CA's governor to avoid insulting tweets.

At one time, I would have written that off as a snide remark. Sadly, I suspect lots of his followers would encourage nuking California.
Sad commentary on our time. A lot of hate going around.

What do you expect when a crazy, paranoid president claims the press is an enemy of the people, and his own government is controlled by some tinfoil hat inspired "deep state" who is out to get him?

You have to be delusional if you think it's all coming from Trump. He's not holding the fake severed head of his enemies.

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His crazy followers here advocate violence every day. To be fair, they were crazy to start with, but now they are proud of it.
So do the acolytes on the other side. In fact, IRL, it is the other side that is doing actual violence, not just talking about it.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.
Pence would, indeed, be a hard-ass right-winger.

A competent, sane, rational, moral, dedicated public servant, whose politics and agenda lean heavily to the right.
Mike Pence is certainly a despicable human being, but at least I won't have to worry about him accidentally launching a bunch of nukes because he's a retard like Trump.

The fact that you lefties have to talk such shit to justify your butt hurt, shows how full of shit you are.
"Damned if they do, damned if they don't". This is gonna be a great 8 years. :lmao:
Given the grotesque rate of failure and the pace at which we are losing allies and respect around the world, you may not even make the FOUR year mark.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the work of his investigative team may have valuable input along those lines as their work commences and expands.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!

Well you would think that listening to the left wing news.
It just isn't true.
Hillary was a bad pick. She lost because she didn't go to campaign in the right States, just like she did when she ran against Obama and lost.
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!

Well you would think that listening to the left wing news.
It just isn't true.
Hillary was a bad pick. She lost because she didn't go to campaign in the right States, just like she did when she ran against Obama and lost.

News flash....she won more votes. Three MILLION more. Also in any other democracy that would not be a "loss".
"Damned if they do, damned if they don't". This is gonna be a great 8 years. :lmao:
Given the grotesque rate of failure and the pace at which we are losing allies and respect around the world, you may not even make the FOUR year mark.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the work of his investigative team may have valuable input along those lines as their work commences and expands.
Yes, it is remarkable just how leak free his investigation is. It's the reason many think they have nothing on Trump and his crew. The day they release their preliminary findings is going to be amazing.
Yes, it is remarkable just how leak free his investigation is. It's the reason many think they have nothing on Trump and his crew. The day they release their preliminary findings is going to be amazing.
LOL "whistling past the graveyard" ...the silence of the graves :biggrin:
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!

Well you would think that listening to the left wing news.
It just isn't true.
Hillary was a bad pick. She lost because she didn't go to campaign in the right States, just like she did when she ran against Obama and lost.

News flash....she won more votes. Three MILLION more. Also in any other democracy that would not be a "loss".

Yes she did ,but she did not know how to play the electoral college game.
Also we are a Republic not a Democracy.
I don't like only 2 States being represented for the whole country, do you?
If you don't live in Calf. or New York
You dumbasses, now you got Mike Pence for president.

He is a leftist's nightmare,

Trump is moderate compared to Mike Pence.

If you get rid of Trump, you're in for a world of pain. Mike Pence is uber-right wing.

Those who want to impeach president Trump think that if Trump is impeached, Hilary would become president.

Kind of like a wrestling match where the referee reverses the result and awards the match to the loser.
Some do. What they really want is a do-over election. Silly, but that's their thinking.

And yet that's what we would encourage other countries to do if their elections were fucked with the way ours was...

But we don't have a mechanism for having elected an illegitimate buffoon installed by Russian propaganda. Oh well!

Well you would think that listening to the left wing news.
It just isn't true.
Hillary was a bad pick. She lost because she didn't go to campaign in the right States, just like she did when she ran against Obama and lost.

News flash....she won more votes. Three MILLION more. Also in any other democracy that would not be a "loss".

Well I don't like New York and California being the only votes that count either ,if we had the popular vote.
We are Republic.
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Mike Pence is certainly a despicable human being, but at least I won't have to worry about him accidentally launching a bunch of nukes because he's a retard like Trump.
You surely won't find either Trump or Pence hiding under their desks with their heads up their asses. That's a remarkable improvement over the last eight years!
Mike Pence is certainly a despicable human being, but at least I won't have to worry about him accidentally launching a bunch of nukes because he's a retard like Trump.
You surely won't find either Trump or Pence hiding under their desks with their heads up their asses. That's a remarkable improvement over the last eight years!
What's nice is republicans having a backbone and not caving in for a change.
Sounds like a good reason for CA's governor to avoid insulting tweets.

At one time, I would have written that off as a snide remark. Sadly, I suspect lots of his followers would encourage nuking California.

Nope. It's ours. We would be happy though, I think, to send in the troops and run you Commies out.

Of course you would.

Bullets don't care if you look stupid.

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I've read your posts. Obviously, you don't care if you look stupid either.

Wow, I did NOT expect to be insulted on a debate board. What is this world coming to? </sarcasm>

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