If leftists get their dream and successfully impeach Trump

Is impeaching Trump a good idea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.1%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%
  • I'm a lemming

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Potato

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
Your first mistake is underestimating your enemy Trump. He's not stupid.

I would readily call Trump stupid, for ONE main reason.....His narcissism goes way beyond just "self-assurance" boundaries and THAT (along with his clear lack of interest in anything that would take some reading and objective comprehension) is what makes him stupid.

I very much believe that as the realization sinks in for Trump that people do not like him and that he will NEVER be labeled even an OK president, he will lie to himself....blame it on the ingratitude of others in not recognizing his self perceived "genius".....and he will resign.
I will gladly join an army to defend Trump from a NWO Globalist Coup d'etat. As usual, Democrats are underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back. Getting rid of Trump won't be a cakewalk for em.
Sorry dude, but that's just crazy conspiracy bullshit. The same type which declared that Bill Clinton was planning to have the "UN army" invade the United States with the proof being spray painted markings on the backs of highway signs.
Your first mistake is underestimating your enemy Trump. He's not stupid.

I would readily call Trump stupid, for ONE main reason.....His narcissism goes way beyond just "self-assurance" boundaries and THAT (along with his clear lack of interest in anything that would take some reading and objective comprehension) is what makes him stupid.

I very much believe that as the realization sinks in for Trump that people do not like him and that he will NEVER be labeled even an OK president, he will lie to himself....blame it on the ingratitude of others in not recognizing his self perceived "genius".....and he will resign.
Your choice to underestimate anyone with whom you disagree.
Should we prosecute any elected official who uses an unsecure email account to conduct government business?

My answer would be, NO.......There's no need to prosecute for downright stupidity in someone using an unsecure account....As Clinton found out, she lost because she allowed hacking.

NO ONE has ever offered and/or proven that ANYTHING that Clinton's account divulged through the hacking, was injurious to our country's welfare.........only her own "welfare"......So, she deserved to lose and my only reason for being disappointed is that her stupidity, gave us an orange clown in the oval office.
I will gladly join an army to defend Trump from a NWO Globalist Coup d'etat. As usual, Democrats are underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back. Getting rid of Trump won't be a cakewalk for em.
Sorry dude, but that's just crazy conspiracy bullshit. The same type which declared that Bill Clinton was planning to have the "UN army" invade the United States with the proof being spray painted markings on the backs of highway signs.

Like i said, bring it on. I will gladly join an army to defend Trump. Removing Trump ain't gonna be the cakewalk Democrats think it will be. There will be a fight.
2) You are assuming that Trump is guilty of treason. In that case, I doubt Pence would pardon him.

What crimes do you accuse Trump of committing? Which would you consider pardonable, please set your partisanship aside for a minute, and which would you never consider pardonable. For example, I consider treason and murder unpardonable. Lying about hookers is pardonable.

First, I am NOT assuming that Trump is guilty of treason....I consider Trump to be too stupid for the Russians to have him directly involved in any subterfuge scheme.....Rather, OTHERS within the Trump cabal are smarter and were involved.

Trump will most likely resign and not be impeached directly (claiming that his businesses need his leadership or some other bullshit.)

The only pardoning will be a blanket pardon by Pence, that if any high crime and MISDEMEANORS occurred, they would be moot..........attempting for Congress (through the DOJ) to de-fund the continuance of the investigation.......

However, congressional committees would STILL pursue the high probability that Russia interfered in our election and propose a set of guidelines on how to stop such interference in the future....Whether those would work or not, I'm not sure.
I have not problem with our nation investigating any allegations of foreign or domestic interference with our elections. Yes, the Russians interfered using cyber warfare to hack into unsecure email accounts.

Should we prosecute any elected official who uses an unsecure email account to conduct government business?

Yeah, I can guess your answer. It even has a name: Situational Ethics.
They already made that rule, AFTER Hillary- who wasn't hacked.

They should prosecute media who lie about e-mails lol...
That's one reason it's never going to happen.
Never Say Never. Impeachment could be in the foreseeable future for Donald Trump. Here's why. You see, Republican morality and the core values allotted to conservatism itself are at stake. While many low caste konservative Trump Bots do not care what Trump says or does personally or politically, the establishment conservatives are squirming in their seats trying to find some way to disassociate themselves from this madman. If he does the unthinkable and fires Mueller, I'm afraid the backlash from Americans still holding on to a sense of justice all over the country could force establishment Republicans to consider impeachment.
When and if it comes down to a choice of being reelected or saving Trump's presidency, Trump is going to go down.
Could be, but won't be. Trump will resign first because the last thing the Republicans want before the November 2018 elections is an impeachment in Congress to distract from the Republican agenda....which is already derailed for the remainder of 2017 over the Russian ties and Russian actions.
So why would the Republicans fear an impeachment before the 2018 elections? I'm of the persuasion that they have more to fear by not having an impeachment before the 2018 elections. At least they can salvage some of their good faith with a majority of the American people and possibly retain all three houses of government by doing the right thing.

Of course, the possibility that Trump may have done nothing wrong may make all of this moot anyway. But we do need to know one way or another since the country belongs to the people and not individuals or the government.
We have the right to know if our president or any other government officials are spies, crooks or some other agent working against the common interests of the American people.
It is in the best interests of the RNC that there be no impeachment, that Trump resign sometime between now and the end of the year and have President Pence put the RNC agenda back on track for 10-16 months....the longer the better.
You might be right. But think about this. Without populism buttressed by the anti-establishment rhetoric of Trump, the Republicans would never have won the presidency. Hillary would have kicked Pence's ass. An establishment candidate like Pence is still going to be just as un popular as he was before Trump came into the picture. Now, if the Democrats could convince Oprah or Michelle Obama to run in 2020, it's a no-brainer, regardless of whether Trump or Pence is the incumbent..
You are still making this about Republicans vs. Democrats after I pointed out that Independents are larger as a group than either party.

The fact remains, Americans are very unhappy with the direction our nation is going. Party partisanship is one of the problems. You, sir, are just another party partisan.

As such, not only are you against the 45% who are Independents, but also against the 25% who are Republicans making your 28% Democrats attacking 70% of Americans.

Good luck, sir, you're going to need it.

Party Affiliation
The 'Dirt Votes' map that conservatives keep under their pillow. The red areas are where squirrels, prairie dogs, and ants live, the blue areas are where people live. Conservatives believe dirt votes rather than people. Thus the 'Dirt Map'. I guess conservatives have always owned the Kingdom of Dirt. Support of the raccoons, but not the people.
1) You epitomize the concern our Founders had about the Tyranny of the Majority. It's why we have a Republic, not a pure Democracy. Who wants a nation to be run where half have an IQ less than 100?

2) Your "Dirt Votes" comment is not only a direct attack on the Constitution, but also epitomizes the truth about the Left Wing; they don't give a shit about freedom, individual rights or the Constitution. All they care about is domination and Socialist Totalitarianism. Sorry dude, but if you had your way, I'd start the revolution myself the same day....or at least try to do so.

His comment was also leftarded fascism on display for all to see. The condescension and resentment they feel towards anyone who lives in "dirt country" is right there for all to see.
Just the brainwashed deplorables...
LOL. I encourage your attack against anyone to the right of your own beliefs. It's one reason why Americans are leaving the major parties and choosing to shake up the Status Quo.
It's the lies you believe that are the problem- and the misinformed, ignorant bigotry. And they're not really leaving the GOP, the silly geese.
2) You are assuming that Trump is guilty of treason. In that case, I doubt Pence would pardon him.

What crimes do you accuse Trump of committing? Which would you consider pardonable, please set your partisanship aside for a minute, and which would you never consider pardonable. For example, I consider treason and murder unpardonable. Lying about hookers is pardonable.

First, I am NOT assuming that Trump is guilty of treason....I consider Trump to be too stupid for the Russians to have him directly involved in any subterfuge scheme.....Rather, OTHERS within the Trump cabal are smarter and were involved.

Trump will most likely resign and not be impeached directly (claiming that his businesses need his leadership or some other bullshit.)

The only pardoning will be a blanket pardon by Pence, that if any high crime and MISDEMEANORS occurred, they would be moot..........attempting for Congress (through the DOJ) to de-fund the continuance of the investigation.......

However, congressional committees would STILL pursue the high probability that Russia interfered in our election and propose a set of guidelines on how to stop such interference in the future....Whether those would work or not, I'm not sure.
I have not problem with our nation investigating any allegations of foreign or domestic interference with our elections. Yes, the Russians interfered using cyber warfare to hack into unsecure email accounts.

Should we prosecute any elected official who uses an unsecure email account to conduct government business?

Yeah, I can guess your answer. It even has a name: Situational Ethics.
They already made that rule, AFTER Hillary- who wasn't hacked.

They should prosecute media who lie about e-mails lol...
We should also hang foreign spies....publicly....naked so we can see they are eunuchs for their little country.
Y'all Democrats try and Impeach Trump. You're gonna be shocked at the willingness of Trump-supporters to fight to defend him. Your attempted Coup d'etat is far from the given you think it is. You'll experience an upheaval unlike anything you've seen before. You think your 'Ferguson' and 'OWS' protests were big? You ain't seen nothing yet. So go for it. You're in for a monumental fight. Bet on that.
It's the lies you believe that are the problem- and the misinformed, ignorant bigotry. And they're not really leaving the GOP, the silly geese.
LOL. Again...Public hanging of foreign spies. If they are in foreign countries, perhaps a little cap to the back of the head.
Y'all Democrats try and Impeach Trump. You're gonna be shocked at the willingness of Trump-supporters to fight to defend him. Your attempted Coup d'etat is far from the given you think it is. You'll experience an upheaval unlike anything you've seen before. You think your 'Ferguson' and 'OWS' protests were big? You ain't seen nothing yet. So go for it. You're in for a monumental fight. Bet on that.
By doing what? What do you think a small percentage of Americans would do for Trump? Burn down buildings and rob liquor stores like Ferguson? Stage a coup? If anyone supported a coup against the United States and/or tried to shred the Constitution, I'd be among those shooting the anti-Constitutionalists. I took an oath and I take that oath seriously. Deadly seriously. Kamikaze seriously.

Some things are worth dying for.

I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Y'all Democrats try and Impeach Trump. You're gonna be shocked at the willingness of Trump-supporters to fight to defend him. Your attempted Coup d'etat is far from the given you think it is. You'll experience an upheaval unlike anything you've seen before. You think your 'Ferguson' and 'OWS' protests were big? You ain't seen nothing yet. So go for it. You're in for a monumental fight. Bet on that.
By doing what? What do you think a small percentage of Americans would do for Trump? Burn down buildings and rob liquor stores like Ferguson? Stage a coup? If anyone supported a coup against the United States and/or tried to shred the Constitution, I'd be among those shooting the anti-Constitutionalists. I took an oath and I take that oath seriously. Deadly seriously. Kamikaze seriously.

Some things are worth dying for.

I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Some are willing to fight. Let em try to Impeach Trump. As usual, the Democrats are vastly underestimating their adversaries' willingness to fight back.
This isn't a political post, it's left wing graffiti and intentionally intended to be disrespectful to the 6 month old administration without offering any credible insight or real opinion. Save it for the rubber room.
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras
this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?


Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

Credible insight into the Trump Administration. Lies and treason. That is the basis of this admin. Time to get rid of the lot of them, lock 'em up, and throw the key away.
Okay. So Trump supporters openly admitting that they're treasonous now. Not surprised, tbh.
Treason is weaponizing the IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA against average citizens just because of their beliefs..................

Those people doing so not getting tried and going to jail for violating the rights of American citizens is TREASON against the Constitution and this Republic.
Y'all Democrats try and Impeach Trump. You're gonna be shocked at the willingness of Trump-supporters to fight to defend him. Your attempted Coup d'etat is far from the given you think it is. You'll experience an upheaval unlike anything you've seen before. You think your 'Ferguson' and 'OWS' protests were big? You ain't seen nothing yet. So go for it. You're in for a monumental fight. Bet on that.
By doing what? What do you think a small percentage of Americans would do for Trump? Burn down buildings and rob liquor stores like Ferguson? Stage a coup? If anyone supported a coup against the United States and/or tried to shred the Constitution, I'd be among those shooting the anti-Constitutionalists. I took an oath and I take that oath seriously. Deadly seriously. Kamikaze seriously.

Some things are worth dying for.

I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
I took Oaths in the military.............signed classified documents that basically said if I disclose this information that I would rot in Kansas for the rest of my life.

Yet we had a secretary of State Placing servers in her bathroom containing Classified and even Top Secret information. Clear violations of protocol...................and criminal to boot...........but when you OWN THE DOJ you don't get tried now do you.
Okay. So Trump supporters openly admitting that they're treasonous now. Not surprised, tbh.
Treason is weaponizing the IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA against average citizens just because of their beliefs..................

Those people doing so not getting tried and going to jail for violating the rights of American citizens is TREASON against the Constitution and this Republic.

Yeah, the Obama Administration was allowed a complete free pass. His egregious IRS abuses alone, were Impeachable offenses. But Trump isn't going along with the NWO Globalist agenda. So he's a target for destruction.

Hopefully his supporters will fight till the death to defend him. Because he has been targeted for destruction by the NWO Globalist Elites. He's advocating putting Americans first. And the NWO Globalists despise him for that. I'll continue to pray he survives.
This isn't a political post, it's left wing graffiti and intentionally intended to be disrespectful to the 6 month old administration without offering any credible insight or real opinion. Save it for the rubber room.
On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras
this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?


Read the Emails on Donald Trump Jr.’s Russia Meeting

Credible insight into the Trump Administration. Lies and treason. That is the basis of this admin. Time to get rid of the lot of them, lock 'em up, and throw the key away.
It's a great big nothing burger, moron.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Treason is weaponizing the IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA against average citizens just because of their beliefs..................

No, treason is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Treason is believing Putin over your own intelligence agencies. Treason is telling the russians classified information about national security.

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