If Liz Cheney runs and wins the White House next year, will she be a good President?

Third party and independent candidates don't generally do well. But there's so much frustration with the duopoly I think it's just a matter of time before the people finally rebel. Since there's been speculation that Liz Cheney might run in 2024 I wonder what people think about how the country would fare under a Cheney administration.
I’ve seen a lot of self deception and ridiculous political fantasy on these boards over the years, but this silly assed notion is way beyond lakota’s peyote fueled delusions.
Third party and independent candidates don't generally do well. But there's so much frustration with the duopoly I think it's just a matter of time before the people finally rebel. Since there's been speculation that Liz Cheney might run in 2024 I wonder what people think about how the country would fare under a Cheney administration.
It’s actually childish willful ignorance and stupidity rather than ‘frustration.’

And Cheney would make a dreadful president – she’s comprehensively wrong on the issues.
Yes, she would be a good president.

As long as she is consistent with what she has espoused to this point.

She claims fealty to the Constitution (albeit somewhat misguided). If that stays, she'll be good.

If she is effective, it will only be with regards to cutting down government.

My biggest concern is that she'll follow her father's willingness to go to war. I used to be a huge fan of Dick Cheney, but I was truly disappointed in the Bush administration which I felt he could have influenced more.
/——/ And you’ll be first in line to vote for Dementia Joe or whatever libtard the democRATs nominate. You don’t fool anyone with your faint praise.
She'd make a good POTUS if you agree with her ultra consertavive viewpoints. I don't, so to me she wouldn't make a good POTUS. Actually, if she didn't take Trump to the woodshed she would probably would have done quite well in a campaign.

Cheney will not run because she refuses to appeal to Trump's base. She's not a hypocrite like the other candidates are & she deserves credit for standing her ground. But that won't get her to the W.H. Ever.
Don't ever put lot lizard Cheney and Conservative in the same sentence again. She is anything but.
The definition of a good president depends on who you are and your level of acceptance. The bar is pretty low now, and anyone would be an improvement. Decide not on what they espouse, but how badly they are compromised and what are their ties to corporate interests. She certainly has all the credentials to be a world class fuck up.

Third party and independent candidates don't generally do well. But there's so much frustration with the duopoly I think it's just a matter of time before the people finally rebel. Since there's been speculation that Liz Cheney might run in 2024 I wonder what people think about how the country would fare under a Cheney administration.
Run against who ? There are not many Republicans who will vote for her she fucking lost her own reelection to a Trump backed challenger.

If by some winning lottery numbers miracle she gets the nomination she will have to go against Biden and she will no longer be the darling of the left. The loons will turn on her like a pack of jackals.

It's a fact she loathes Trump and that she has a snow balls chance in hell of ever getting in the WH. Anyone with more than half a brain cell will know that this is an attempt to stop Trump from getting elected by pulling votes away from him and giving Biden the win.
Third party and independent candidates don't generally do well. But there's so much frustration with the duopoly I think it's just a matter of time before the people finally rebel. Since there's been speculation that Liz Cheney might run in 2024 I wonder what people think about how the country would fare under a Cheney administration.
LOL. Liz Cheney wouldn't even get 1% of the vote.
I predict that before Liz could be elected president she will be killed by a flying pig that lost control and crashed out of the sky on to her.
Yes, she would be a good president.

As long as she is consistent with what she has espoused to this point.

She claims fealty to the Constitution (albeit somewhat misguided). If that stays, she'll be good.

If she is effective, it will only be with regards to cutting down government.

My biggest concern is that she'll follow her father's willingness to go to war. I used to be a huge fan of Dick Cheney, but I was truly disappointed in the Bush administration which I felt he could have influenced more.
His influence led to a trillion dollars wasted and a million people killed.
Third party and independent candidates don't generally do well. But there's so much frustration with the duopoly I think it's just a matter of time before the people finally rebel. Since there's been speculation that Liz Cheney might run in 2024 I wonder what people think about how the country would fare under a Cheney administration.
Cheney would have no chance to win a presidential election. She doesn't care about the plight of average Americans and is a warmonger.
Liz Cheney lost her last election by 36 points. In her home state.
She/We just want to give RINO's an alternative to their two current options. They're too brainwashed to vote for Biden and too patriotic to not vote. So Liz will be a way to make sure Trump loses swing states.

I love it.
Cheney would have no chance to win a presidential election. She doesn't care about the plight of average Americans and is a warmonger.

I didn't ask if she would have a chance to win. I asked whether you think she would be good at the job.

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