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If marijuana were made legal, would you try it?

If marijuana were legal, would you try it?

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In the mid-70's I smoked a joint. I think pot is pretty highly over-rated. Not worth my time, effort, or expense.

You have to draw the line somewhere. If you suddenly say that pot is ok - that it's legal - then what's next? Where will the line be drawn then?

you smoked one joint in the mid 70's......and out of that you think it was HIGHLY over rated?....:lol:
if one wants to kill their grey cells and impair the cognitive function - why not.

There is plenty of ways to have fun without causing physical harm to the body.

Unless you have an illness which causes some symptoms which could be alleviated by THC

so - NO.

even if it would be legal on any level.

The heavy cannabis users really present in the clinical area like they have dementia. It's pretty sad, actually.
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Tried it 2 or 3 times in college, was always already drunk though so never noticed anything major. Increased notice of colors was about it. Acid though I did a lot and am actually in favor of keeping that illegal. Too iffy. If someone's kinda borderline to begin with, not anything they should try. Really is like going clinically insane for about 12 hours.
socially. don't try to equate the substance which is beneficial in very small doses ( alcohol) with a substance which is harmful even in very small doses ( marijuana)

I gave up booze years ago (except for a couple of Martinis a year). I found alcohol to be dangerous. I lost a friend to a drunk driver. My wife works with battered women and she knows how much alcohol plays into that. I have a friend of mine who is a counselor at a treatment center, he has repeatedly that next to heroin and meth that alcohol is one of the worse addiction to have, it destroys lives. Even though pot as several flaws, it's not comparable to the harm booze can have and it's far more addicting than pot.

Yep. Alcohol (along with Benzodiazepines) is one of the only drugs in which the withdrawal can actually kill you.

That is true. Opiate withdrawal will make you wish you could die, but rarely kills the person. I had the dubious honor of teaching the substance abuse unit in the nursing program where I taught for a few years. There are some hard people out there. A lot of people think you should have to do it with no assistance whatsoever. Even after they learn that 20% of people who go into DTs will die.

I actually had a patient die from benzodiazepine withdrawal. He went into a treatment program but was slipping drugs in and taking them. When they caught him, they made sure he didn't do it any longer. But they didn't know the amount he was actually taking. He went into status epilepticus and died in the treatment program. He had done time for murder, and had actually threatened me. Some of the staff where I worked were always worried he was going to do me in. I hate that he died, but when you know a killer wants to kill you it is easy to be relieved to know he can't.
Interesting thing about opiates and Oreos. Apparently Oreos create an opioid-like thing in the brain. :) And more broadly, formulated junk food itself does. Right mix of sugar, salt, and fat and neurologically it's like opiates. More surprisingly, or not, it's by design.
I would add that mixing benzos and alcohol even in small amounts can be lethal. Individually they do not suppress the breathing. But taken together they suppress breathing and will kill you.
I have never known anyone to go into substance abuse treatment for eating Oreos. Nor have I ever known anyone to enter substance abuse treatment for being addicted to Afrin.

Eating any kind of carbs induces some endorphin release, that's why they are known as 'comfort food.'
I have never known anyone to go into substance abuse treatment for eating Oreos. Nor have I ever known anyone to enter substance abuse treatment for being addicted to Afrin.

Eating any kind of carbs induces some endorphin release, that's why they are known as 'comfort food.'

Food addiction's a growing thing, and of course eating disorders have been with us a while. Isn't because apple slices and celery are so yummy, it's because processed foods are specially formulated to be addictive.

Oreo cookies as addictive as cocaine - to lab rats - Medical News Today

Are Oreos addictive? Research says yes

"In a study designed to shed light on the potential addictiveness of high-fat/ high-sugar foods, Professor Joseph Schroeder and his students found rats formed an equally strong association between the pleasurable effects of eating Oreos and a specific environment as they did between cocaine or morphine and a specific environment. They also found that eating cookies activated more neurons in the brain's "pleasure center" than exposure to drugs of abuse.

Schroeder, an assistant professor of neuroscience at Connecticut College, will present the research next month at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, Calif.

"Our research supports the theory that high-fat/ high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do," Schroeder said. "It may explain why some people can't resist these foods despite the fact that they know they are bad for them.""
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Why would anyone smoke something that smells like it came out of the ass end of a pig with diarrhea? How can you even put something like that up to your lips?

One of the six types of pot smokers is the “Secret Toker” … And someone that most likely only their dealer knows they smoke pot.

They also make some of the most interesting smokers … Because they are not traditional “stoners”.
They are professionals, lawyers, CEO's, your neighbor, the lady walking her dog on Saturdays … They are anyone you know … You just don't know they smoke pot.
Some smoke a little pot … Others smoke pot all day and still function at or above the level of the general sober population.

I know a Vice President of a major food company in the US that smokes whenever he feels like it.
He can be high as a kite and give a presentation to a group of board members and no one knows the difference.
When I caught him smoking during a vacation … I was shocked and said that I didn't know he smoked … To which he replied, “You have never seen me anything other than high”.

Of course they are not going to out themselves … And you will probably never see them at a store buying pot.
They are smart enough to have someone else get it for them … For either money or sharing the pot they do get for free with the person who actually made the purchase.

It doesn't really matter if it is legal or not to the “Secret Toker” … Because they don't fit the mold to draw suspicion and don't do crap that gets them stopped and searched … They are everywhere and you just don't know it.

One of the six types of pot smokers is the “Secret Toker” … And someone that most likely only their dealer knows they smoke pot.

They also make some of the most interesting smokers … Because they are not traditional “stoners”.
They are professionals, lawyers, CEO's, your neighbor, the lady walking her dog on Saturdays … They are anyone you know … You just don't know they smoke pot.
Some smoke a little pot … Others smoke pot all day and still function at or above the level of the general sober population.

I know a Vice President of a major food company in the US that smokes whenever he feels like it.
He can be high as a kite and give a presentation to a group of board members and no one knows the difference.
When I caught him smoking during a vacation … I was shocked and said that I didn't know he smoked … To which he replied, “You have never seen me anything other than high”.

Of course they are not going to out themselves … And you will probably never see them at a store buying pot.
They are smart enough to have someone else get it for them … For either money or sharing the pot they do get for free with the person who actually made the purchase.

It doesn't really matter if it is legal or not to the “Secret Toker” … Because they don't fit the mold to draw suspicion and don't do crap that gets them stopped and searched … They are everywhere and you just don't know it.


i smoked a joint in the backyard of a Lawyers house at a party with 5 other guys.....my buddy who worked for the Lawyer told me that i just got high with a Superior Court Judge and 2 defense Attorneys....
I would probably smoke it occasionally. But I do that now.

As for the comparison between alcohol and pot, the biggest difference is that many people drink alcohol without getting drunk. I never met anyone who smoked pot without getting stoned.

Those who get drunk drink too much alcohol. Those who get "stoned" smoke too much marijuana.

One of the many negative effects of marijuana prohibition is suppressed availability of quality plant material in accurately measured potencies. This long-term suppression has led to the notion that for most users the only means of use is the "joint," which, once it's lit must be smoked to its end. And very often the potency of what one is about to smoke is unknown.

Legalization will eliminate this problem and enable prudent usage.

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