IF more guns = more gun crime...why are the 3 safest states Constitutional carry states?

More Americans don't own guns. In the 1950's, half of American households had a gun. Now it is one third of households. They just own MORE guns than they used to.
So... more guns do -not- lead to more gun-related crime.
Thank you
There are a couple reasons the gun homicide rate has dropped. First, much improved trauma medicine for saving shooting victims. Second, less households have a lethal weapon designed to kill people sitting in their closet waiting to be used to kill someone.
Just so long as you are clear you agree: more guns do -not- lead to more gun-related crime.
More Americans don't own guns. In the 1950's, half of American households had a gun. Now it is one third of households. They just own MORE guns than they used to.
So... more guns do -not- lead to more gun-related crime.
Thank you
There are a couple reasons the gun homicide rate has dropped. First, much improved trauma medicine for saving shooting victims. Second, less households have a lethal weapon designed to kill people sitting in their closet waiting to be used to kill someone.
I have 2 guns that have been sitting around or hanging from a hip for 146 years and haven't killed a soul.
Der.......um.....well.......the anti-gunners sorta, kinda say that more guns make people less safe......right? But then how is it that the 3 safest states in the United States....allow normal people to carry guns without permits.....?

Riddle me that, Batman...

GUN WATCH: Top Three Rated "Safe States" are Constitutional Carry States

US News and World Report rates the states for public safety. The rating takes both property crime and violent crime into account. The ratings use the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data from 2017 for the article this year, as the latest data available.

The top three states for public safety this year are Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. All three are Constitutional Carry states, which means no permit is required to carry a loaded handgun in most public places, openly, or concealed.

That was the state of the law in the nation when the Constitution was ratified on 4 March, 1789. Constitutional carry existed in all states for the first four decades of the Republic. Then states and the courts started chipping away at the Second Amendment.

Im sure its a coincidence. Thats all.

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What..that Democrats or moderate and Independent Republicans run all three?

that is odd....ain't it?
Angus King caucuses with the Dems, and in any vote I've ever checked him on, he's voted Democrat. Just so ya know.

Some Democrats do that to avoid answering for the lunatics in the Democrat Party.
For the anti-gunners out there....

According to your argument...

More Guns = More Gun Crime.......these states can't be the safest......but, your argument isn't based on truth, facts or reality....
Guy, your link in the OP has nothing to do with the number of guns. Maine is 38th in the US in % of gun owners (22%). In only twelve states do less citizens own guns.
So whatever you're arguing, the number of guns isn't "proven" to have anything to do with safety. Not from what you're putting forth.


People can carry guns in these 3 states without training or permits...we have been assured by people like you this means there will be more gun violence and death.....and yet, it does not happen.....
No, your article showed it doesn't happen when a state becomes Constitutional carry states, but I agree with Fleegle that it isn't because of Constitutional carry that they are safe states; it is because they are safe states that Constitutional carry is permitted.

He didn’t say they were safe because the were constitutional carry. He pointed out that gun rights apparently don’t lead to higher crime.

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