If Mueller had something on Trump he would be shouting it on every street corner...

Clinton raped a woman and the Democrats didn't care.
See, this is what I am talking about. Someone accused of rape....guilty!

40 investigations into trump...did nothing wrong!

Not sure how you guys even dress yourselves without one hand getting into a fight with the other.
Why would Mueller be trying to piece together a relationship?
You're asking me to guess? Okay...now, don't go throwing your patented little fit when I guess, mmmmmkay?

Because, of he has found evidence of close relationships with Trump and Russians, he would want to explain the origin of those relationships, and how they became what they were in 2016. As you may or may not be know, his mandate specifically calls for him to investigate possible ties between Trump campaign members and Russia.
Clinton raped a woman and the Democrats didn't care.
See, this is what I am talking about. Someone accused of rape....guilty!

40 investigations into trump...did nothing wrong!

Not sure how you guys even dress yourselves without one hand getting into a fight with the other.
Clinton was disbarred for perjury and obstruction of justice. Do you care about that, or will you continue to defend him?
Clinton raped a woman and the Democrats didn't care.
See, this is what I am talking about. Someone accused of rape....guilty!

40 investigations into trump...did nothing wrong!

Not sure how you guys even dress yourselves without one hand getting into a fight with the other.

The Whitewater/Ken Starr thing was a shitshow the 1st time. I can't believe people would advocate repeating the same thing with Mueller. I hated that crap.

It's a fucking massive waste of time, money, and resources. Nothing good comes of shit like this.
Clinton raped a woman and the Democrats didn't care.
See, this is what I am talking about. Someone accused of rape....guilty!

40 investigations into trump...did nothing wrong!

Not sure how you guys even dress yourselves without one hand getting into a fight with the other.

The Whitewater/Ken Starr thing was a shitshow the 1st time. I can't believe people would advocate repeating the same thing with Mueller. I hated that crap.

It's a fucking massive waste of time, money, and resources. Nothing good comes of shit like this.
I think you are wrong.

I think we need to show President Donald Trump the SAME respect the Republicans showed the Clintons.


Anything else would be unfair. Especially unfair to President Trump.

The Clintons were given every opportunity do defend themselves from Republicans in congress.

Why not give Trump that same opportunity? Nothing else would be remotely fair.

I'm sure you agree.
Clinton raped a woman and the Democrats didn't care.
See, this is what I am talking about. Someone accused of rape....guilty!

40 investigations into trump...did nothing wrong!

Not sure how you guys even dress yourselves without one hand getting into a fight with the other.
Cohen Plea Deal Makes Trump 'Unindicted Co-Conspirator,' Watergate Prosecutor Says

Trump is ‘essentially an unindicted co-conspirator’ in Cohen case

This from the Conservative Chicago Tribune:

The unindicted co-conspirator in the Oval Office

If Trump is not re elected, he will leave office before that statute of limitations runs out.
Nope....that is not the way Mueller works....just be patient....​
Meuller has had two years to bring charges against Trump.

It's time for this travesty to end.

Sitting Presidents are never indicted or charged. Please try to keep up.

Mueller will write a report to Congress detailing what he has found. Cogress will decide what to do with the Criminal in Chief....

So deciding he’s guilty before the investigation is over is totally okay but deciding he’s innocent means you’re retarded? How about take your own advice?

Soooooonnnn...he is already an unindicted cocospirator....but I expect much more to come......
Clinton was disbarred for perjury and obstruction of justice. Do you care about that, or will you continue to defend him?
Sorry,, but the Clinton threads are that way ->

(Clinton should have resigned)

Now,take your meds for your Clinton Tourette's syndrome and get back to the topic that you really really don't seem to want to talk about, depsite starting a thread on it and posting multiple times in said thread .
Nope....that is not the way Mueller works....just be patient....​

You don’t have a f’cking clue how your own brain works much less what Mueller is doing, STFU...

Stress is getting to you.....:102:

If you’re referring to the BS indictments he’s produced so far, it’s a safe bet he has nothing that will place President Trump in any courtroom, but we all know they have you lapping up their kool aid by the gallons...
They have leaked everything even presidential conversations with heads of states. They have committed treason and espionage and sedition and plotted a coup, and they are getting away with it, because Evil Men with Wealth wish it to be so.

You don't charge a bunch of minor players with petty process crimes you created yourself if you actually have bigger fish to fry. You give them immunity like you did Hillary Clinton and get them to talk, only you don't "Erase" the conversations.....and cover it up...like they did for Clinton and Obama.
Mueller has leaked virtually NOTHING

What we know about his investigation comes from court filings and claims made by his interviewees and targets


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