If Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify, fight would go to Supreme Court: Trump lawyer

Here's what dimocrap scum have failed to address -- If a regular Citizen ignores a subpoena, the Court can send Law Enforcement to go get him/her.

If Trump ignores a subpoena, what do dimocrap scum intend to do about it?

Arrest him??

I'd pay to see them try.

It's a stupid point. Trump will answer a subpoena ONLY if Trump WANTS to answer a subpoena.

fucking period

Well ... they can make videos like this one, I suppose ... LOL ... :D

Here's what dimocrap scum have failed to address -- If a regular Citizen ignores a subpoena, the Court can send Law Enforcement to go get him/her.

If Trump ignores a subpoena, what do dimocrap scum intend to do about it?

Arrest him??

I'd pay to see them try.

It's a stupid point. Trump will answer a subpoena ONLY if Trump WANTS to answer a subpoena.

MORON....(and Trump ass-dweller)........Were your orange clown refuse to answer a subpoena......then he WILL be impeached even by the spineless republicans in the senate................

Once impeached, and as a private commoner, want to know what would happen to him about refusing to answer a subpoena?..............

Fun days ahead......................LOL
MORON....(and Trump ass-dweller)........Were your orange clown refuse to answer a subpoena......then he WILL be impeached even by the spineless republicans in the senate................

Once impeached, and as a private commoner, want to know what would happen to him about refusing to answer a subpoena?..............

Fun days ahead......................LOL

I think dimocrap scum, the lowest form of life to ever exist on the Planet's surface, would Impeach Trump any time they thought they could get the votes for it.

ANY time.

There have only been two President's Impeached in our history.

And both were dimocraps.

Suck on it, frat-boy. It ain't gonna happen. dimocrap scum don't have the balls.

And maybe if you had payed attention in school instead of making posters for protests at the ROTC building, you would have learned about the Separation of Powers.

The Judicial can't step on the Executive with a fucking subpoena, shit-for-brains.

Congress can during the Impeachment process but that's as far as it goes.

moronic douche. Stop bringing your STUPID fucking Talking Points in here from DailyKooks
If Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify, fight would go to Supreme Court: Trump lawyer

Article at ABC news.

Wonder how long it would take for the whole Supreme Court thing to play out ...

Dear Sock,
I think Trump ought to subpoena Mueller to testify on his many conflicts of interest first.
Here's what dimocrap scum have failed to address -- If a regular Citizen ignores a subpoena, the Court can send Law Enforcement to go get him/her.
If Trump ignores a subpoena, what do dimocrap scum intend to do about it?
Arrest him??
I'd pay to see them try.
It's a stupid point. Trump will answer a subpoena ONLY if Trump WANTS to answer a subpoena.
MORON....(and Trump ass-dweller)........
Were your orange clown refuse to answer
Fun days ahead...

You can always tell, the closer and more to the point a person is, the more Nate lets loose with the empty, puerile, ad hominem attacks.
Fun days ahead? You mean like 2010, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018?
You keep predicting fun days right around the corner, but they NEVER SHOW UP (for you).
It's an on going left wing fantasy but Mueller doesn't have the power to compel the President of the United States to testify The stated intent of the probe was to investigate the allegations that candidate Trump was involved in collusion with the Russians and that has been found to be untrue so isn't it time for Mueller to fold up his tent?

NO, you eternal moron and Trump ass kisser.......Here's the LAW for the special counsel (have a grown up read and explain it to you)

The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(i) and (ii) are pretty banal. However, (iii) is interesting because it is also mentioned later in the document. Reading the relevant section of the CFR:

§ 600.6 Powers and authority.

Subject to the limitations in the following paragraphs, the Special Counsel shall exercise, within the scope of his or her jurisdiction, the full power and independent authority to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions of any United States Attorney. Except as provided in this part, the Special Counsel shall determine whether and to what extent to inform or consult with the Attorney General or others within the Department about the conduct of his or her duties and responsibilities.


(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.


Thanks Jake for showing Mueller CANNOT subpoena Trump
If Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify, fight would go to Supreme Court: Trump lawyer

Article at ABC news.

Wonder how long it would take for the whole Supreme Court thing to play out ...
J D watch reports:
Judicial Watch Investigates Leftist Attacks on Israel
President Barack Obama’s prejudice against Israel is still reverberating in the halls of power in Washington. We’re trying to expose one aspect of that with a Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of State, and the U.S. Department of Defense.

We want all records of communications regarding anti-Israel group Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ (BDS) efforts to lobby the Obama administration to adopt policies to harm companies doing business with Israel (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:18-cv-01721)).

We sued after all three agencies failed to respond to nearly identical April 23, 2018, FOIA requests seeking:

All emails to or from current or former officials in the [DOD, DHS, or State] Office of the Secretary containing the phrase “boycott divestment and sanctions.”

All emails to or from current or former officials in the [DOD, DHS, or State] Office of the Secretary containing both the terms “BDS” and “Israel.”

Here is the background. In February 2016 President Obama signed the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 into law. It compels U.S. trade partners to cut ties to the BDS movement and protects Israel territories from illegal discrimination. But Obama announced:

Certain provisions of this Act, by conflating Israel and “Israeli-controlled territories,” are contrary to longstanding bipartisan United States policy, including with regard to the treatment of settlements. Moreover, consistent with longstanding constitutional practice, my Administration will interpret and implement the provisions in the Act that purport to direct the Executive to seek to negotiate and enter into particular international agreements (section 414(a)(1)) or to take certain positions in international negotiations with respect to international agreements with foreign countries not qualifying for trade authorities procedures (sections 108(b), 414(a)(2), 415, and 909(c)) in a manner that does not interfere with my constitutional authority to conduct diplomacy.

Shortly after Obama signed the act, the Customs and Border Protection Bureau restated the West Bank Country of Origin Marking Requirement rules requiring labeling of goods as being from the “West Bank,” despite the fact that it is not a sovereign country. The Jerusalem Post later reported the restated rules were a result of several complaints filed by activists wanting the United States to follow policy guidelines distinguishing goods produced from Israel and the West Bank.

Proponents of the West Bank country-of-origin marking requirements claim it stems from “longstanding bipartisan U.S. policy” toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. First put in place in 1995 under the Clinton administration, the rule is to preserve the distinction between the goods produced in State of Israel and the good produced in the territories it controls over the Green Line.

The BDS movement is endorsed by the PLO and other anti-Israel groups encouraging an economic and cultural boycott of Israel. It has gained the support of radical leftwing groups here in the United States.

Americans deserve to know if the Obama-era agenda of supporting anti-Israel radicals in subverting U.S. law is ongoing. These entrenched bureaucrats of the Deep State clearly require lawsuits to compel observance of FOIA law.

Until next week…
If Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify, fight would go to Supreme Court: Trump lawyer

Article at ABC news.

Wonder how long it would take for the whole Supreme Court thing to play out ...
Not very – and Trump won’t like the outcome.
If for one second Mueller had any evidence warranting a subpoena he would have already moved forward.
Request for a interview should not be confused with a subpoena, one has to first identify the scope of a subpoena, the interview process is a back door tactic used to broaden the scope of acquiring incriminating evidence or inconsistent response to questions outside the scope of the investigation.
So why has Mueller not interviewed Clinton and Obama personnel who were directly responsible for the FISA warrant? Why has Mueller's team not prosecuted those that knowingly lied and mislead the FISA court?
Why has Mueller's team not subpoenaed the sources responsible for the investigative report presented to the FISA court?

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