If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
Nubians and Egyptians

I thought Nubians were mostly J haplogroup like Arabs?

Apparently you thought wrong.

Well, well, this shows J is the dominant haplogroup in Nubians.

Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of Sub-Saharan Africa - Wikipedia
I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.

Stop pretending that you aren't a racist and asking stupid questions. Racism is learned not genetic. That's how you became one.
OK. How is racism learned? What classes do we take? Where IS racism "taught"?

You don't have to take classes to learn it. Who you grew up with, who your peers are, your family views - all go into your views on "the other".
I meant that rhetorically. Ok, I grew up in the early sixties. My playmates were mostly black. Styvie, Daryl, and their little minion brothers. Crumb snatchers. Jesus, No sisters, why weren't there more girls?, instead I was out there playing rough and tumble football or army ( I was always the German) because I was blonde and knew some German words ( Scheisse), and lost...it was fun in a weird way.
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I'll allow you the privilege of doing your own research, but... I'll leave you with this. The US isn't the only white founded nation that millions from around the world desire entry into...
Are we not seeing that now in the strategic preliminary invasion of Europe and Scandinavia by Islamists who seem to be initiating the Tenth Crusade?
I'll allow you the privilege of doing your own research, but... I'll leave you with this. The US isn't the only white founded nation that millions from around the world desire entry into...
Are we not seeing that now in the strategic preliminary invasion of Europe and Scandinavia by Islamists who seem to be initiating the Tenth Crusade?
They're refugees from Syria who want to go home duh...
I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
The earliest Egyptians were most probably the Anu people. These people came from Southern Africa in the Great Lakes region. They were certainly Black. Other Africans cultures migrated north over the tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history. Traders from Mesopotamia, the Greek Isles, other early cultures intermixed with the early African cultures producing lighter skin blacks. Later Romans, Greeks and Europeans added to gene pool. After tens of thousands of years, the Egyptians were neither black nor white but a mix race but they started out as black as did many peoples who descended from the early Africans.
The ancient Egyptians were Black
Prehistoric Egypt - Wikipedia
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I'll allow you the privilege of doing your own research, but... I'll leave you with this. The US isn't the only white founded nation that millions from around the world desire entry into...
Are we not seeing that now in the strategic preliminary invasion of Europe and Scandinavia by Islamists who seem to be initiating the Tenth Crusade?
They're refugees from Syria who want to go home duh...
The ones who want to come here are vetted for two or three years thanks to Obama and want to move here... Glad to be able to fill you in on a couple of facts, brainwashed functional moron racist LOL
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This OP is an opinion that blacks had to be shown by whites how to live. It is not about the origins of human species. And It's time we stopped pretending this was the objective of the OP and most of these posters.
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This OP is an opinion that blacks had to be shown by whites how to live. It is not about the origins of human species. And It's time we stopped pretending this was the objective of the OP and most of these posters.

The OP is a bunch of useless rubbish meant to incite race obsessed loons into a furious battle of wits ... Want to trade potato salad recipes instead ... :dunno:

They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This OP is an opinion that blacks had to be shown by whites how to live. It is not about the origins of human species. And It's time we stopped pretending this was the objective of the OP and most of these posters.
You call kidnapping and hundreds of years of enslavement a petty gripe?

You seem to forget that the Egyptians were Africans. The earliest Egyptians came from Southern Africa between 30,000 and 40,000 BC and were certainly black. Other black cultures migrated north from western and southern Africa ( Badarian culture about 5000 BC).Traders and farmers from Mesopotamian and the Sudan also settled in Egypt. When the Egyptians were developing a written language, living a prosperous lifestyle, and building the great pyramids in 2500 BC, northern Europeans were living in huts and and caves.

From as early as 50,000 BC, Africans were migrating North, Settling in the Sudan and crossing over the Nile Delta to what is now Palestine and Mesopotamia. It's a myth that Africans never ventured out of Africa.
By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
The earliest Egyptians were most probably the Anu people. These people came from Southern Africa in the Great Lakes region. They were certainly Black. Other Africans cultures migrated north over the tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history. Traders from Mesopotamia, the Greek Isles, other early cultures intermixed with the early African cultures producing lighter skin blacks. Later Romans, Greeks and Europeans added to gene pool. After tens of thousands of years, the Egyptians were neither black nor white but a mix race but they started out as black as did many peoples who descended from the early Africans.
The ancient Egyptians were Black
Prehistoric Egypt - Wikipedia

Your last link has something interesting.

Nazlet Khater - Wikipedia

The similarities between NK2 and Upper Paleolithic European samples may indicate a close relationship between this Nile Valley specimen and European Upper Paleolithic modern human
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
The earliest Egyptians were most probably the Anu people. These people came from Southern Africa in the Great Lakes region. They were certainly Black. Other Africans cultures migrated north over the tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history. Traders from Mesopotamia, the Greek Isles, other early cultures intermixed with the early African cultures producing lighter skin blacks. Later Romans, Greeks and Europeans added to gene pool. After tens of thousands of years, the Egyptians were neither black nor white but a mix race but they started out as black as did many peoples who descended from the early Africans.
The ancient Egyptians were Black
Prehistoric Egypt - Wikipedia

Your last link has something interesting.

Nazlet Khater - Wikipedia

The similarities between NK2 and Upper Paleolithic European samples may indicate a close relationship between this Nile Valley specimen and European Upper Paleolithic modern human
We've been down this road before. We can play DNA all we want as those are just labels. Someone needs to explain to me why the Greeks said on multiple occasions the Egyptians were Black and never said they were white? Can you explain that? Then after that please explain all the statues and paintings that show they were Black?
I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.

Stop pretending that you aren't a racist and asking stupid questions. Racism is learned not genetic. That's how you became one.
OK. How is racism learned? What classes do we take? Where IS racism "taught"?

You don't have to take classes to learn it. Who you grew up with, who your peers are, your family views - all go into your views on "the other".
You left out the most basic, and obvious. Which happen to be the most important. Simple observation, and outcome.
Apparently they're close to Jebel Sahaba, the remains which are often cited as being Caucasoid's involved with a race war against Negroids.

Belgium to return 35,000 year-old skeleton of ‘Nazlet Khater man’ to Egypt

Leuven’s archaeologists are reported to have noted physical similarities amongst the skeleton of “Nazlet Khater man” and other prehistoric skeletons found in Egypt and Northern Sudan. Remains have also been discovered in Gabal Sahaba and Wadi Halfa, the deceased are believed to have lived and died around 12,000–11,000 BC and 9,000–6,000 BC, respectively.
I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
The earliest Egyptians were most probably the Anu people. These people came from Southern Africa in the Great Lakes region. They were certainly Black. Other Africans cultures migrated north over the tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history. Traders from Mesopotamia, the Greek Isles, other early cultures intermixed with the early African cultures producing lighter skin blacks. Later Romans, Greeks and Europeans added to gene pool. After tens of thousands of years, the Egyptians were neither black nor white but a mix race but they started out as black as did many peoples who descended from the early Africans.
The ancient Egyptians were Black
Prehistoric Egypt - Wikipedia

Your last link has something interesting.

Nazlet Khater - Wikipedia

The similarities between NK2 and Upper Paleolithic European samples may indicate a close relationship between this Nile Valley specimen and European Upper Paleolithic modern human
We've been down this road before. We can play DNA all we want as those are just labels. Someone needs to explain to me why the Greeks said on multiple occasions the Egyptians were Black and never said they were white? Can you explain that? Then after that please explain all the statues and paintings that show they were Black?

Didn't some parts of Europe until pretty recently refer to even Ashkenazi Jews as Black like people, in fact I think some people in Russia still call people from the Caucasus mountains as Black like people, like the Chechens.

Well, it seems North Africa has long been Caucasoid leaning, but with some traces of Negroid.

Despite being morphologically mostly Caucasoid, the Mechta Afalou did have a wider nose, and more prognathism than Cro Magnons in Europe.

While, autosomal DNA doesn't detect much Negroid DNA in Egyptians, the fact that Y-Haplogroup E1b1b is present in Egypt, and is found in pure Africa Mota, does support mixing too.
I've seen articles before describing Jews as Black in Europe.
Here's one.

Now between the 1600's did the Jews change colors?
did the Europeans exaggerate swarthiness?

The latter is far more likely.

How were the Jews regarded in 16th-century England?

’ The blackness of the Jews also caught the attention of a number of writers; when William Brereton jotted down his impressions of the Jews in the synagogue in Amsterdam in 1635 he noted that the Jewish ‘men are black ..
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This OP is an opinion that blacks had to be shown by whites how to live. It is not about the origins of human species. And It's time we stopped pretending this was the objective of the OP and most of these posters.
You call kidnapping and hundreds of years of enslavement a petty gripe?

You seem to forget that the Egyptians were Africans. The earliest Egyptians came from Southern Africa between 30,000 and 40,000 BC and were certainly black. Other black cultures migrated north from western and southern Africa ( Badarian culture about 5000 BC).Traders and farmers from Mesopotamian and the Sudan also settled in Egypt. When the Egyptians were developing a written language, living a prosperous lifestyle, and building the great pyramids in 2500 BC, northern Europeans were living in huts and and caves.

From as early as 50,000 BC, Africans were migrating North, Settling in the Sudan and crossing over the Nile Delta to what is now Palestine and Mesopotamia. It's a myth that Africans never ventured out of Africa.
Yes. Using the misfortune of another, one whom you likely couldn't even name... As a crutch to "explain" your failures in the present, show a lack of self determination. A "pity me" attitude that is worthy of no respect. Men of character, and worthy of respect; are men who fail, or succeed based on their own merits. Not men who blame other for their failures. For if others are to blame for their failures, others are also responsible for their success. One cannot have it both ways...
By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
The earliest Egyptians were most probably the Anu people. These people came from Southern Africa in the Great Lakes region. They were certainly Black. Other Africans cultures migrated north over the tens of thousands of years of Egyptian history. Traders from Mesopotamia, the Greek Isles, other early cultures intermixed with the early African cultures producing lighter skin blacks. Later Romans, Greeks and Europeans added to gene pool. After tens of thousands of years, the Egyptians were neither black nor white but a mix race but they started out as black as did many peoples who descended from the early Africans.
The ancient Egyptians were Black
Prehistoric Egypt - Wikipedia

Ancient Egyptians spoke an Afro-Asiatic language, now it would be pretty difficult to prove this language group was ever purely African.

Especially considering Mechts-Afalou.
They would still be living out their existence much in the manner observed in the quote that follows. Its past time that blacks started expressing their appreciation, for all that the civilized world has done for them. Because petty gripes, and century old grievances aside... The outside world has done far more for Negros; than Negros ever have, or ever will for the non-Negro.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa - rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail." - Thomas Dixon

This OP is an opinion that blacks had to be shown by whites how to live. It is not about the origins of human species. And It's time we stopped pretending this was the objective of the OP and most of these posters.
You call kidnapping and hundreds of years of enslavement a petty gripe?

Clear gross exaggeration.

If African Americans had it so bad, why did their population grow so fast?

500,000 African American slaves bought since the 1600's became 40 million by the 2000's.

Dare to compare with some other European countries?

Ireland had over 1 million in the 1600''s, now Ireland has over 4.6 million in the 2000's.

Poland had over 4.5 million Poles in the 1600's, now there's 38 million in Poland by the 2000's.

England, and Wales had over 4.4 million in the 1600's, now there's over 53 million in England, and Wales by the 2000's.
If you think Africans are inferior you are a racist, got it? Africa it's very hot. how were the Se Asians doing before air conditioning? Jungle is tough believe it... Idiot racists LOL

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