If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.

I'm inclined to agree...American Liberalism appears to breed an anti-White fervor even among whites themselves, but then we have to take into consideration the general character of the liberal brain, or lackthereof...America is a toxic dump of dismal idiocy and race-baiting...
Folks - this is a reminder to get back on topic - this isn't the FZ....
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.

Ignorance of western foreign policy is apparent here by this stupid ass white man. Again you might want not to make ship accidents racial. The US has 2 naval ship accidents here recently.

There have actually been four this year ... And the Navy has been quick in disciplining the Commanders.
How about a shout out for Jennifer Ellinger, the new Commander of the USS Lake Champlain.


Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Keep telling yourself these thing rube, essentially you demonstrate my profile of you better than I could...LOL

A is eating your stupid white ass alive. You can't contend.

illusion seems to be a handy tool for the low IQ set...know what I mean?
Glad you are admitting your problem. The first step is admitting that you have the problem. Good boy.

just wondering what happens when reality imposes itself...do you double-down on the elective delusions or pop some meds and take a break? Still waiting for that brilliant thesis on African contributions to European cultural architecture...like waiting for a bus during a transit strike...LOL
.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.
Back in the seventies, we had all these prejudiced against slavs and Poles in particular as stupid. And then We got a Polish pope. And all the racist Polish jokes went out the window.
I used to think race was a superficial matter, and the mindset behind race was a placebo effect. I am beginning to wonder if there isn't something deeper in our DNA that effects our behavior. When I see family members with the same genetics have the same preferences act in the same ways, think the same way, or with twins and these strange coincidences behaviorally. Race, DNA may be more than skin deep. What if certain forms of behavior, say being more prone to violence, even racism itself where a behavioral trait that is genetic? In the list of things we may have inherited genetically, predilections to certain behaviors, it wouldn't surprise me.

Actually....racism in a way IS hardwired...though not in the way people think. If I recall what I read, fear/distrust of the other (whatever tribe is different) has a biological value in primitive societies. One hopes that one's brain overcomes those instincts.

The problem is race itself is poorly defined - when does white become black and black become white?
Correct but it goes even deeper. As children, our parents teach us to fear what is different because difference often equates to danger. It is through education that we learn that being different is not necessary dangerous or bad and in fact it can be good and beneficial. Some people just never learn this.

The definition of race today is subjective. Practically all of our racial statistics come from the government and how does the government define race? The government allows the individual to determine their race on government documents. If a black person marks their race as white on government documents, they are white. A Hispanic with dark skin is more likely to identify themselves as white than black. Law enforcement and employers will identify the persons race by observation. So who is black and who is white. Often it is in the eye of the beholder and as our society continues to become more multiracial, race will have less and less meaning.
So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.

I'm inclined to agree...American Liberalism appears to breed an anti-White fervor even among whites themselves, but then we have to take into consideration the general character of the liberal brain, or lackthereof...America is a toxic dump of dismal idiocy and race-baiting...

Not so. Anti racist is not anti white.
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


Just proof of why I don't want to live here when this country becomes non-White in the majority, all you non-Whites do is bicker about Whites, I don't think you're going to treat us well to say the very least, in fact you don't treat your own people well either.
So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.
Back in the seventies, we had all these prejudiced against slavs and Poles in particular as stupid. And then We got a Polish pope. And all the racist Polish jokes went out the window.

False equivalence.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
Nubians and Egyptians
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


How about other Blacks denying their brethran rights and opportunities you brainless Liberal? Whom do you imagine sold Africans to the Dutch and Spaniard Slave-Traders? That's right other Africans! African Kings were commercial partners with the European Slave merchants...ahhh the sense of unity brings a tear to my eyes...
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


Just proof of why I don't want to live here when this country becomes non-White in the majority, all you non-Whites do is bicker about Whites, I don't think you're going to treat us well to say the very least, in fact you don't treat your own people well either.

If there were no whites like you there would be no bickering. And spare me your moral bullshit when your asses just saw a white man shoot up over 500 people in less than 5 minutes a couple of weeks ago. And that 86 percent of murdered whites are killed by another white. Retard.
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


How about other Blacks denying their brethran rights and opportunities you brainless Liberal? Whom do you imagine sold Africans to the Dutch and Spaniard Slave-Traders? That's right other Africans! African Kings were commercial partners with the European Slave merchants...ahhh the sense of unity brings a tear to my eyes...

You really need to stop trying to tell me about what happened in Africa. I know what happened and I know how it happened and none of it happened as you say.
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


Just proof of why I don't want to live here when this country becomes non-White in the majority, all you non-Whites do is bicker about Whites, I don't think you're going to treat us well to say the very least, in fact you don't treat your own people well either.

If there were no whites like you there would be no bickering. And spare me your moral bullshit when your asses just saw a white man shoot up over 500 people in less than 5 minutes a couple of weeks ago. And that 86 percent of murdered whites are killed by another white. Retard.

I'm not Anglo like Paddock, Fields, or Roof, why do I have to take the heat for them if I'm Polish?

Yes, Anglos seem to be f*cked up people, no arguments from me there.
I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
Nubians and Egyptians

I thought Nubians were mostly J haplogroup like Arabs?
Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
Nubians and Egyptians

I thought Nubians were mostly J haplogroup like Arabs?

Apparently you thought wrong.
Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.
Nubians and Egyptians

I thought Nubians were mostly J haplogroup like Arabs?
What does that have to do with your question? Do you know where Nubia was/is?
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

You have to do the hard work of changing attitudes my friend and that's what you are seeing here. .

Hardcore racists are in the minority and the likelihood of changing their beliefs is pretty low. However, plenty of people have racial biases and they can certainly be swayed.
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.

And that's your equivalence to .3-400 years of whites creating laws and policies denying blacks of rights and opportunities which we are to totally forget according to whites like you.


Just proof of why I don't want to live here when this country becomes non-White in the majority, all you non-Whites do is bicker about Whites, I don't think you're going to treat us well to say the very least, in fact you don't treat your own people well either.

If there were no whites like you there would be no bickering. And spare me your moral bullshit when your asses just saw a white man shoot up over 500 people in less than 5 minutes a couple of weeks ago. And that 86 percent of murdered whites are killed by another white. Retard.

low IQ
No, don't think so, we have Neil Degrasse Tyson. But the level of melanin dosen't influence intellect. Smartest person I ever met was woman, short , heavy and had a IQ that would blow most of us away, did calculus in her head for fun...scary smart. And black. I still hold her in awe, reminds me of the movie "hidden figures".

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