If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.

Stop pretending that you aren't a racist and asking stupid questions. Racism is learned not genetic. That's how you became one.
OK. How is racism learned? What classes do we take? Where IS racism "taught"?
I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...

That why the past several generations of whites are buying up rap CDs, making Beyonce rich, and walking around with their pants sagging. Not to mention all the cultural appropriation whites have done using our culture. So let us look at the white culture, Mass shooting, girls laying passed out getting raped all over college campuses. Opioids. Meth. Donald Trump, yep, that's greatness for ya. :badgrin:

Really dullard? Entire 'generations' huh??? I refuse to believe that anyone is this casually dumb...but if you want to broaden your examination of white culture I regret to inform you that you missed a few thing: economic and academic domination...wild overrepresentation in all the elite professions...wildly disproportionate representation in areas of higher learning...life expectancy...health care...quality of life...etc...etc
I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?
I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.
By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

Two words dullard: PROVE IT
No. Lets see some proof. While youre at it get the other proof I asked for. I gave you enough time.

Gosh I'm still waiting for that solemn history lesson about how Africans taught Europeans how to build civilizations...?
Give it a break. I only taunt Ass till he's jumping up and down then I leave him alone.

It's a bit like taunting a dumb animal after that.

Well, I wouldn't say my purpose is to be mean to Black people here, it's more about educating White people about the wrongs of anti-Racism, and why we need to think things through on race.

We can't even define race in a meaningful way...

The Coyote sub-species come from Plains Coyotes who just spread out mostly since the 1940's. the most famous example the Eastern Coyote which came to the Eastern seaboard since the 1940's, and is considered a sub-species from Plains Coyotes, mixed with Wolf, and Dog.

Now, how is that anymore meaningful distinction, than Humans which some have been generally split for at least 40,000 years (Europeans vs Asians)
In fact Eurasians, and Africans could be split for 100,000 years.
Some Africans like Bushman might be split from other Africans even more than 100,000.

That's actually kind of a good example...and what illustrates how difficult it is to define sub species. There is controversy over whether the red wolf and the coyote are distinct species. All coyotes and wolves can interbreed and breed with domestic dogs. Where there territories overlap or where there are insufficient numbers they breed with the other subspecies. As a result, coyotes in some areas are bigger and heavier than in other areas. It's a constantly changing landscape.

What is "a black"?

Is it one of the Nilotic people- noted for very black skin, fine features and extreme height and slenderness (think South Sudan and Massai) and are among the tallest people in the world?

What about the Fula people in the Sahel and West Africa who's roots include the Middle East?

Or are they the Mbuti - a group of people's collectively referred to as "pygmy" where men average under 5 feet in stature?

Are lighter skinned African people's "black"? With so much variation in melanin, body characteristics, hair characteristics...which ones are "blacks"?

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?
You leave first. We have more right to be here than you whites do. If you whites keep telling me to leave I will cancel my plans to move to Africa just to give you indigestion. :laugh:

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.
Why would you try to stop me? The facts say they were. Hell people that were there and laid eyes on them say they were Black.
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I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.
Thats your delusions. There is no proof Mechata-Afalou did anything other than go extinct.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

Two words dullard: PROVE IT

You've been shown plenty of proof.
Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.
Anecdotal story: A few years back, I took a bus. In front of me sat a young black mother with a bright eyed little boy no older than 6. He was fixated on me.and he yells out : "Momma, is THAT a honkey?". I was more embarrassed for her, I smiled and pretended it never happened. We forgive and we don't forget.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Keep telling yourself these thing rube, essentially you demonstrate my profile of you better than I could...LOL

A is eating your stupid white ass alive. You can't contend.

illusion seems to be a handy tool for the low IQ set...know what I mean?

Yes .you low IQ idiots keep trying to push a proven lie.
We can't even define race in a meaningful way...

The Coyote sub-species come from Plains Coyotes who just spread out mostly since the 1940's. the most famous example the Eastern Coyote which came to the Eastern seaboard since the 1940's, and is considered a sub-species from Plains Coyotes, mixed with Wolf, and Dog.

Now, how is that anymore meaningful distinction, than Humans which some have been generally split for at least 40,000 years (Europeans vs Asians)
In fact Eurasians, and Africans could be split for 100,000 years.
Some Africans like Bushman might be split from other Africans even more than 100,000.
What you dont seem to get is those are just labels made up by the people that were last to civilization. Would you trust someone that just graduated kindergarten with setting up a classification system over someone thats teaching classes in college?

So long as Coyote sub-species exist, I don't see why Human races don't exist.
The human race does exist. All the other human races died out. Whats confusing you about this?

On my map posted, at least 4 of the Coyote sub-species are basically creations from migrations starting at the turn of the 20th century.

So, if Humans split for much longer aren't different races, how are these Coyotes different sub-species?

In the wild subspecies are far more similar than they are different and it's we humans who define them....races and ethnic groups can be like subspecies, but are also equally hard to to define particularly at the borders of another subspecies. Making a big deal about it seems pointless.
.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

If it's so bad, you can leave, but for some reason you seem to like living among the Whitey oppressor of your Blackies.
Now, you tell me who's the retard?

You. Because I was born in America pretty much like generations of my family before. So if I don't like what you whites are doing, I don't have to leave. Since I am an American I have the right to fight wrong and get it changed. So take your punk ass back to Poland if you don't like that.

My Polish family have also lived in the U.S for over 100 years, why should I leave?
Actually I would consider leaving the U.S, especially if I have kids, there's merely a racial deluge here, I don't trust raising kids in a non-White environment here in this country.
Considering that 99% of non-White posters I've dealt with on internet are kind of anti-White, to even very anti-White.
I certainly don't want to live here.
Add that with dumb Polak jokes.

Then there's the fact that my racial line would presumably become non-White in the future here.

There's no future for White people in this country, you'd have to be dumb to not know it.

But, Western Europeans on the whole, really are that dumb.

So then why should my family who has been in America over 300 years leave?
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.

Stop pretending that you aren't a racist and asking stupid questions. Racism is learned not genetic. That's how you became one.
OK. How is racism learned? What classes do we take? Where IS racism "taught"?

You don't have to take classes to learn it. Who you grew up with, who your peers are, your family views - all go into your views on "the other".
I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.

I try to stop you from saying Egyptians, and Moors were Black, truth is there's no evidence these areas ever were Black Negroid dominant.

Why are you trying to stop a man from telling the truth?

Look stupid ass, it's well known that whites have recreated world history in order to build this meme of white superiority. The shit you have presented are lies, and that you need to reconcile within yourself. We have no responsibility to validate your lies or to support the white boy revised history of planet earth.

The evidence supports that Mechta-Afalou a kind of Cro Magnon inhabited North-Africa, before a Natufian farmer like population from the Near-East invaded, and then the Arabs had invaded.

No it doesn't now shut the fuck up.

So, tell us of a North-African Negroid before Mechta-Afalou, or after Mechta-Afalou?

Yeah, that's what I thought.... Nada, zip, zilch, nothing.

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