If Negros Had Been Left To Their Own Devices...

There is high correlation between poverty and crime throughout the world. Since the poverty rate among blacks is much higher that whites, one would expect higher crime rates.

But the main problem with that is blacks do not have a higher crime rate. And I'm not going to play the per capita game. .
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a dedicated racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.
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Youre trying way too hard white boy. You copied me just like monkeys do. You have recessive genes and I know it makes you insecure.

If you whites were so smart why did Africans have to educate your people twice?

Smart white people.

there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.

There ain't no black supremacists.


Well you see we aren't needle dick pussies that are so insecure and paranoid that we fear our own shadow. So we don't need to go around trying to force people to believe we are superior like you white dudes.
Youre trying way too hard white boy. You copied me just like monkeys do. You have recessive genes and I know it makes you insecure.

If you whites were so smart why did Africans have to educate your people twice?

Smart white people.

there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
But the main problem with that is blacks do not have a higher crime rate. And I'm not going to play the per capita game. .
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

You have to do the hard work of changing attitudes my friend and that's what you are seeing here. .
I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.

There ain't no black supremacists.


Well you see we aren't needle dick pussies that are so insecure and paranoid that we fear our own shadow. So we don't need to go around trying to force people to believe we are superior like you white dudes.
With snowflakes like ventura he cant help but get the feeling we are superior.
But the main problem with that is blacks do not have a higher crime rate. And I'm not going to play the per capita game. .
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.
there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:
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there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...

That why the past several generations of whites are buying up rap CDs, making Beyonce rich, and walking around with their pants sagging. Not to mention all the cultural appropriation whites have done using our culture. So let us look at the white culture, Mass shooting, girls laying passed out getting raped all over college campuses. Opioids. Meth. Donald Trump, yep, that's greatness for ya. :badgrin:
I'm sorry you don't understand the simple post I wrote.
I understand just fine that you're trying to whitewash negroes by posting statistics of countries with barely any negroes. El Salvador's black population is a fraction of a percentage of the country's total population. You may as well post a country with no blacks and point out that 0 blacks were responsible for crime there. WTF would that prove? You post countries in the Americas but leave out the most glaring one: USA (over 10%). It's obvious you have an agenda.

I posted the top five countries for homicide in the world. I didn't whitewash anything at all. I simply went and took the top five countries.
Wonderful. So what's your point? That Latinos are violent, too?
Seems you're the one trying to whitewash things by being incapable of understand simple statistics.

Yes, as I pointed out El Salvador has a black population which is 0.01% of the country, almost nothing, as I also pointed out, it has the worst murder rate per capita in the world. Do you disagree with either of these two statistics?

But seriously dude, if you can't grasp the point I'm making, can I suggest enrolling in school again? It's FUCKING SIMPLE.
1, 2, and 3 show that Mestizos are violent, too. 4 and 5 show blacks are violent when a majority, too. And even that's a bit of a guess since you're only posting intentional homicide. There's far more to violent crime (intentional homicide is generally a minority of the crime).

Analyzing the USA would let you control for the environment (same country) and compare blacks to whites to let you determine if blacks can become as nonviolent and smart as whites if placed in the same country.

You said that black people lead the violent crime statistics. I was proving you wrong.
You're missing the point of this discussion.
How am I supposed to not post international homicides? Should I post interstellar homicide rates?
You're supposed to realize that other violent crimes, like robbery and assault, happen far more often and are thus a better indicator, though that isn't the biggest problem with your post.
Look, if you want to post other violent crime, go ahead. The issue here is that a murder is a murder in almost any country. Violent crime changes, statistics are almost impossible to understand in every country you're looking at, and to see how a comparative would be made.

For example the UK and the US probably have similar violent crime rates, yet the US's crime stats make it look LOWER.

Yes, analyzing the US would give you certain information. But you'd be cherry picking information to make a case.
No, I'm picking a country so that the statistics have:

1. Controls for the environment.
2. Actually has the races in substantial quantity.
3. Controls for variation in violent crime definition you were complaining about.

Picking El Salvador doesn't control for the environment, doesn't have the races, and you didn't even post meaningful violent crime statistics.

If your argument is that black people are more violent, and you ONLY stick with the US, you'll never prove that black people are more violent.

In fact there are plenty of black African countries with lower murder rates than the US.

Yes, I am probably missing the point of your discussion. Seeing as you like to just throw in random maps of things for not reason.

As I've told you, violent crime statistics are massively unreliable, murder statistics are the most reliable.

No, you're picking the statistics you think will prove you right if you manage to stop all other statistics from being taken into account.

I'm sorry, I don't play your bullshit games.
there are smart white people. he just isn't one of them. so you might want to not stoop to his level by painting with that broad brush. no?

I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

I don't expect you to not fight for your people, I expect you to run away because it's so bad here. for you among'st the Whitey's
I also expect a true anti-Racist to be against racists of all sides, that most anti-Racists are not.
Why would I run away? I live better than probably 80% of all whites. I dont have a problem with whitey trying to stop me. Its funny to me. I have a problem with Black people allowing the noise pollution you and your inbred kind produce cause them to stop their climb or give up. Once they know what I and all successful Blacks know they wont be affected.
I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Clearly you aren't very bright or perceptive...its genuinely hilarious that you convince yourself that a lightweight like yourself could possibly incite 'fury' in me...bit of egocentrism mixed in with the low IQ...?
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.
But the main problem with that is blacks do not have a higher crime rate. And I'm not going to play the per capita game. .
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is it an innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.
I suppose it's only stupid , evil, and wrong when Whites are racist, when all other races are racist it's kind of "Cool", huh?

I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Keep telling yourself these thing rube, essentially you demonstrate my profile of you better than I could...LOL
You may be correct because we do not know the crime rate for blacks or whites. The FBI collects data on crimes reported, arrests, and convictions, not the actual crime rate. There is no way to know what the actually crime rate is. so there is no way to know what the crime rate for blacks and whites are. We often make the erroneous assumption that the arrest rate equals the crime rate.

We do know that if a black person and a white person each commit a crime, the black person is more likely to be arrested. This is due in part to the fact that black people are more heavily policed. Black people, more often than white people, live in very dense urban areas. Dense urban areas are more heavily policed than suburban or rural areas. When people live in close proximity to one another, police can monitor more people more often. In more heavily policed areas, people committing crimes are caught more frequently. This could help explain why, for example, black people and white people smoke marijuana at similar rates, yet black people are 3.7 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. The discrepancy could also be driven by overt racism, more frequent illegal searches of black people, or an increased willingness to let non-blacks off with a warning.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Is racism learned or is innate part of our genetics? People are plastic. Sex changes, epiphanies, awakenings, brainwashing...um what IS racism, anyway? I hate spiders (arachnophobia), I loath heights (acrophobia) both of which are hard wired into our brain. Anyone here read Oliver Sacks? The Human mind is capable of many things. Perhaps racism is a genetic trait, something we are all capable of.

Stop pretending that you aren't a racist and asking stupid questions. Racism is learned not genetic. That's how you became one.
There will always be unknowns and you can always keep blaming those unknowns for black problems. It's kind of like a certain person on this forum who keeps going back to ancient Egyptian times and even before then, to a time from which no evidence survived, to point out supposed black achievements. I prefer to live in reality while rationally analyzing evidence that does exist and that evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.
I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Clearly you aren't very bright or perceptive...its genuinely hilarious that you convince yourself that a lightweight like yourself could possibly incite 'fury' in me...bit of egocentrism mixed in with the low IQ...?
I'm extremely perceptive. Thats how I know why you keep deflecting. Youre angry, embarrassed, and frustrated that I am your intellectual superior. To date you failed to prove yourself intelligent enough to advance your point before you flame out in a mass of deflections and other avoidance behavior. On the scale of 1- 10 I rate you a -2 on my worth adversary scale.
I think it's perfectly fine for someone who's a person of color to respond to white supremacists any way they feel appropriate. They do not have to be solicitous of white supremacists or feign tolerance for that disgusting condition which should have disappeared long ago

By that logic, then it's okay for a person of White color to respond to Black supremacists any way they feel appropriate.

You just point fingers at Whitey, and meanwhile think it's "Cool" when everybody else does it.
Stop whining. You and the OP and a few others come her talking shit about Black people and now youre crying no fair over the outcome?

Now I'm 'crying'? Gee that's funny, because earlier in the day you depicted me as 'furious'...clearly you project enough insecurity to manufacture conclusions about opposing posters to cede you some weak advantage...the spectacle is quite amusing...

As for 'talking shit' about Blacks take a good long look at what passes for Black culture in America...no need to 'talk shit' insomuch as reality provides more than enough evidence...
You were furious. Probably still are. Now youre whining to Jillian. How is that funny? I think its pretty sad to be honest. :laugh:

Keep telling yourself these thing rube, essentially you demonstrate my profile of you better than I could...LOL

A is eating your stupid white ass alive. You can't contend.
I don't see problems as being problems of Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, or any race or ethnicity because these are social problems that all us must deal with because in one or another they effect us all.

I understand your position but when you are black and get blamed for violence and see innocent blacks being killed by people who believe this nonsense while they justify murders then you understand that it is of the utmost importance to shut that kind of belief up.
I learned long ago that you can not change the mind of a racist. This is something they learned as a child. However, you can change their actions through laws, and what society considers acceptable behavior. There's been huge changes for the better over the last 60 years but progress is slow because human beliefs are slow to change. Each generation is less and less concerned with skin color, religious beliefs, and sexual preference. My grand-kids have friends that are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, and Muslim. When I was a kid, that was unthinkable. The rule was birds of a feather stick together. All my friends were white Christians, no Jews, no Blacks, no Hispanics, and no Asians. With the increase in multiracial couples, I believe by the end of this century, skin color in this country will be no more than a physical characteristic.

Not really, it seems on the whole Whitey's becoming more racist, a normal reaction to multiculturalism replacing your people with Third-World Islamists.
It's especially apparent in many parts of Central / East Europe where the right wing is on the rise, and even in control, it has for a longer time included Poland, Hungary, and Czech, but now Austria seems to have also gone this way.
I guess not all Whites are so worthless as you are, it seems to mostly be a stupid Western European thing.

.You are the worthless one.

So says the guy who just whines about White privilege , and White oppression all the dang time, with no proof of those even existing much today in this era.

You've been shown plenty of proof retard.

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