If Obama Has Done a Good Job, What Would Constitute a Bad Job?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Consider Obama's record:

* 2 years in a row of declining GDP growth (we're now down to just 2% GDP growth in 2012).
* More than 3 years in a row with unemployment above, at, or just below 8%. (Like Obama, Reagan faced a very severe recession early in his presidency, but by this same point in Reagan's presidency, unemployment had dropped to 7.4%, and by his last month in office, it was 5.4%. Does anyone here really believe that if Obama is reelected unemployment will be at 5.4% by January 2016?)
* The worst job-creation record in over 70 years, with a net decrease of only 200,000 in the number of jobless people since January 2009 (and this figure does not include the millions of people who have simply stopped looking for work).
* More debt in 45 months than Bush added in 8 years (Obama has added $5.5 trillion in 45 months; Bush added $5.1 trillion in 8 years).
* A trillion-dollar deficit for 3 years in a row.
* 15% reduction in the dollar's value.
* A drop in median family income of over $4,000 on average.
* A record number of people living below the poverty line.
* A huge increase in food stamp recipients (several leading Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, are on record as believing that food stamps stimulate economic growth).
* Price of gas doubled.
* Cancellation of the perfectly sane Keystone XL pipeline (which would have created thousands of good-paying jobs, many of them union jobs).
* A nearly 50% reduction in the number of oil-leasing drilling leases on federal lands.
* Tens of billions of dollars wasted on "green" companies that have gone bankrupt.
* An auto bailout that cost taxpayers at least $12 billion--i.e., $12 billion that we won't be getting back. (If those automakers had gone through a normal structured bankruptcy, they would have emerged in much better condition for the long term and taxpayers would not have been stuck for $12 billion.)
* Hundreds of bank failures since January 2009--over 100 banks have failed in 2012 alone (odd that this has not been in the news much, hey?).

So if this record is supposed to be a "good" record, what exactly would a president have to do to compile a bad record?
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oh, that easy. How about losing 800k jobs a month for starters.
Obama will go down in the record books as the worst president in history..
oh, that easy. How about losing 800k jobs a month for starters.


ONE MONTH under Bush Nov2008 803,000 job losses
ONE MONTH under Obama Jan2009 818,000 job losses

On Average Bush had per the below
2002 45,000 lost average per month
2003 7,000 added per month
2004 171,000
2005 208,000
2006 172,000
2007 92,000 added per month
2008 300,000 average loss per month NOT 800,000 every month!!!

YET Obama???
2009 422,000 JOBS LOST average per month!
2010 86,000 jobs added
2010 153,000 jobs added

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

View attachment $joblosschanges20121029122607.xls.pdf

FACTS are Only ONE president has LOST More then 818,000 in ONE month.. OBAMA!
FACTS ONE President has average JOB LOSS per month over 422,000 ... OBAMA!!!
oh, that easy. How about losing 800k jobs a month for starters.

Yep, looking at the prior administration does provide a pretty obvious illustration of "bad".


Compare Booooosh's unemployment numbers to Obama's, then get back to me.

The trajectory was quite obvious when Bush left office. You can pretend that Obama caused this, but that's nothing more than simplistic partisanship. In other words, a lie.

oh, that easy. How about losing 800k jobs a month for starters.

That argument won't work. Reagan faced a per capita job-loss rate during his recession that was just as bad as the one that Obama faced, if not worse, yet by this same time in Reagan's first term, the economy was roaring and unemployment was on a steady decline.

Market economies bounce back after recessions to a certain extent anyway. The difference this time is that the bounce has been the weakest and has taken the longest in over 70 years. Why? Excessive government borrowing, a dramatic increase in our debt, more piles of regulations, tax hikes, and a pending Taxmageddon that takes effect in January unless repealed.
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If Obama Has Done a Good Job, What Would Constitute a Bad Job?

Romney's term as governor of MA.

Let's look at the facts: Romney balanced the budget, increased the state's reserve fund, improved the state's bond rating, raised the state's job-creation ranking from 47th to 28th, cut property taxes for seniors, improved the ranking of the state's schools, increased the number of charter schools, brought unemployment down to below 5%, and rebated over $270 million in capital gains taxes back to taxpayers.

On what rational basis can you claim that that record is not better than Obama's?
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Still swapping steel in Iraq in an ill advised and unwinnable war. For starters.
Yep, looking at the prior administration does provide a pretty obvious illustration of "bad".


Compare Booooosh's unemployment numbers to Obama's, then get back to me.

The trajectory was quite obvious when Bush left office. You can pretend that Obama caused this, but that's nothing more than simplistic partisanship. In other words, a lie.


So, the first 7 years of Bush's presidency doesn't count. Got it.
Compare Booooosh's unemployment numbers to Obama's, then get back to me.

The trajectory was quite obvious when Bush left office. You can pretend that Obama caused this, but that's nothing more than simplistic partisanship. In other words, a lie.


So, the first 7 years of Bush's presidency doesn't count. Got it.

Ugh. Straw man arguments give me gas.

The trajectory was quite obvious when Bush left office. You can pretend that Obama caused this, but that's nothing more than simplistic partisanship. In other words, a lie.


So, the first 7 years of Bush's presidency doesn't count. Got it.

Ugh. Straw man arguments give me gas.


What Straw man? You're bitching about the unemployment trajectory while Bush was in office. I assume you're talking about the last year....The first 7 don't count?

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