If Obama Is The Powerful Leader On Earth,Can He Lower Gas & Food Prices?Or Just Hide?

Feb 13, 2011

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

Obama doesn't care about higher prices.......he wants us to go green......:cuckoo:
$2/gallon is fair? What is fair and who's to decide that?

Oil is up by over $5/barrel today. Talk to the traders.
The Dems will blame the prior Administration and then the President will go on the View again and they will praise him and kiss his ass and that will be that.
DEmonRats have two answers to all problems. Two.

Tax the Rich

Tax Corporations

They izz sugar tit dependent.


God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

Obama is about to find out what Bush found out the last time Gas went over $4.00 a Gallon, and stayed there too long, Brushing aside so much of the Revisionist Bullshit we have had to listen to since he took office.
I'm still waiting on him to respond to the worst viral outbreak in recent US history.......30,000 stricken, all in 1 city, in 1 day. Been waiting 7 days on Obama to send FEMA, CDC, someone to address the outbreak of disease or virus in Madison that has hit so hard, so fast. But no response. The containment is lost, it's got a chance to spread nationwide now. Still unidentified disease. Hell, it could even be a mild biological weapon that a terrorist hit Madison with. 7 days Mr. Obama, where are you?

Or does Obama just hate white people?
for those of you who are on a tight budget, you may have to start cooking all your meals,and bake your own bread if this Obama recession continues all year! (I have always cooked my meals,been baking bread&often make my pizza from scratch!)For a single guy,I keep my food costs to about $100/$115.00 a month.

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

Everything Obama has done so far has been designed to Push Gas Prices higher not lower. His Moratorium on Off Shore Drilling (in Defiance of a court ruling) being just one example.

Since everything else we buy Relies on Fuel Costs to get to market and be produced. It is unavoidable that all prices are rising.

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

Obama is about to find out what Bush found out the last time Gas went over $4.00 a Gallon, and stayed there too long, Brushing aside so much of the Revisionist Bullshit we have had to listen to since he took office.

One big Difference. Obama has taken Actions that are forcing Gas Prices higher. His Illegal Moratorium on Off shore Drilling being the prime example.
Hey guys,just curious, what food item has shot up considerably in the last three months? as i mentioned in my thread, Publix has already jacked up sugar to 3.00 a bag,,,i think it was 1.89 last summer? last time I went to wal mart,cream cheese was $174 a packet, a few months ago it was .99. So much for Obama Saving The USA !!!!!:clap2:

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

He can nationalize the oil industry, err, I mean oil cartel. Or, he can order the Federal Government, and each state which accepts Federal Higway funds, to allow their fleet of none safety vehicles to fade away by attrition and be replaced by hybird and all electric vehicles.
Of course the former suggestion is tongue in cheek, the latter is what he must do. I'd suggest he also order all Federal Buildings be evaluated for solar energy roofing; able to charge the vehicles and supplement the buildings energy needs. In the process evaluate the need to rebuild our means of electical energy transmission, evaluate the will of the people to accept the new, safer and cleaner, nuclear power plants and fund such efforts by the elimination of tax breaks and other benefits the oil cartel receives.

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

He can nationalize the oil industry, err, I mean oil cartel. Or, he can order the Federal Government, and each state which accepts Federal Higway funds, to allow their fleet of none safety vehicles to fade away by attrition and be replaced by hybird and all electric vehicles.
Of course the former suggestion is tongue in cheek, the latter is what he must do. I'd suggest he also order all Federal Buildings be evaluated for solar energy roofing; able to charge the vehicles and supplement the buildings energy needs. In the process evaluate the need to rebuild our means of electical energy transmission, evaluate the will of the people to accept the new, safer and cleaner, nuclear power plants and fund such efforts by the elimination of tax breaks and other benefits the oil cartel receives.

Oh brother....


IT doesn't get any better than this.
I just can't imagine what food costs will be in "Deep Blue Liberal States" later this year. Will New York and Cally blame George Bush when their grocery bills go up 40% this summer?:razz:
I just can't imagine what food costs will be in "Deep Blue Liberal States" later this year. Will New York and Cally blame George Bush when their grocery bills go up 40% this summer?:razz:

Wait for it... the next rally will be for more public assistance 'cause the chilren are starving because Cheney and Halliburton drove up energy costs.
Yeah, no shit. Wasn't everything supposed to be better once BHO took the throne?

WTF? We've been duped.

God forbid gas approaches $4.00 a gallon come summer,milk also $4.00 a gallon, Sugar is already $3.00 a bag.Vegetables have gone up quite a bit this year. And yet Obama wants to force us to pay for health-care when Millions Of Families can barely keep up with the current cost of living? Oh, and this is all Bush's fault too? Just you wait come June/July if/when we have a repeat of those $100-$135.00 a Barrel Days, and let's see what Obama can do to bring the price back to a fair $2.25/or $2.00 a gallon !!!:redface:

He can nationalize the oil industry, err, I mean oil cartel. Or, he can order the Federal Government, and each state which accepts Federal Higway funds, to allow their fleet of none safety vehicles to fade away by attrition and be replaced by hybird and all electric vehicles.
Of course the former suggestion is tongue in cheek, the latter is what he must do. I'd suggest he also order all Federal Buildings be evaluated for solar energy roofing; able to charge the vehicles and supplement the buildings energy needs. In the process evaluate the need to rebuild our means of electical energy transmission, evaluate the will of the people to accept the new, safer and cleaner, nuclear power plants and fund such efforts by the elimination of tax breaks and other benefits the oil cartel receives.

Oh brother....


IT doesn't get any better than this.

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