If Obama wins in 2012, he will support gay marriage the day after

Well... one... yes blacks will vote for obama because he's black. They're racists.
Two... and also because the left has 99% of all blacks indoctrinated into thinking that without their handouts, quotas, AA and welfare checks, they wouldn't be able to survive.

I hope that helped, although it probably didn't.

I simply cannot understand why the party of people like you cannot attract black voters.

Making people re liant on the government hurts them, doesn't help them.

Dang it with all them there black people reliant on the government.......:eusa_whistle:
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

Except, we aren't talking about equality at all. We are talking about lies and deception.
marxism is what you people are doing. Gay people should keep it out of sight and out of mind. Sad, what these assholes are doing to this nation.

I don't agree with your beliefs, should I tell you to keep it out of sight out of mind?
If Obama wins reelection, we are going to have to worry about alot more than that.
By using deceit and flip flopping? I guess having principles isn't important, eh?

Where is the deceit or flip flopping? President Obama has been saying, for quite some time, that his position on marriage equality is evolving. I can accept that.

Marriage equality isn't a topic that needs to be front and center at the moment. Obama needs to win first and the right is already trying to drag out their tired old "bash the gays" rhetoric.

The Obama administration has been the most "gay friendly" administration we've ever had.


what a load of shit. he told gays he supported them when he needed their votes and then told them tough shit.

Obama Defends DOMA, Pisses Off Gay People - New York News - Runnin' Scared

i guess they're only hypocrites when they're wearing the other team's jersey, right?
He didn't say he was that gay friendly, just said the most gay friendly administration we have had..Which is true. He did get rid of DADT. ;)

Do I think it is wrong that he supports DOMA? Yes, but the statement he is the most gay friendly administration is a fact.
Yet, consensual sodomy is still illegal/punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Article 125 has not been changed.
You just watch - if Obama wins the election, the White House will be repainted and become the Rainbow house. Cabinet members will start wearing leather chaps. His Presidential portrait will be replaced with one of him in a dress.

And the drapes in East Wing? They will be FABulous!
By using deceit and flip flopping? I guess having principles isn't important, eh?

Where is the deceit or flip flopping? President Obama has been saying, for quite some time, that his position on marriage equality is evolving. I can accept that.

Marriage equality isn't a topic that needs to be front and center at the moment. Obama needs to win first and the right is already trying to drag out their tired old "bash the gays" rhetoric.

The Obama administration has been the most "gay friendly" administration we've ever had.


what a load of shit. he told gays he supported them when he needed their votes and then told them tough shit.

Obama Defends DOMA, Pisses Off Gay People - New York News - Runnin' Scared

i guess they're only hypocrites when they're wearing the other team's jersey, right?

And he HAS supported the gay community more than any past president.

Apparently you've missed the latest on DOMA and the Obama admin...

The good politics of gay marriage - The Washington Post

But he'd still be a coward. Why not support it now before he wins reelection? Because he's afraid he'd alienate some of his black supporters who are OVERWHELMINGLY against gay marriage. So he's picking votes over equality and you still love Obama no matter what?

He supports it now, it's no big secret. But if he wins a 2nd term this country will be destroyed. You aint seen nothing yet.
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

Equality? What the hell does that mean anyways? Because it seems to me that equality to you guys means stealing from those who have worked for it to give to those who have not. And to me that is not equality, that's a crime, and it's called theft. And to be honest, that is not very equal to those who are the ones being robbed. If anyone should be doing there fair share it's those who have not been paying taxes at all.
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

By using deceit and flip flopping? I guess having principles isn't important, eh?

Where is the deceit or flip flopping? President Obama has been saying, for quite some time, that his position on marriage equality is evolving. I can accept that.

Marriage equality isn't a topic that needs to be front and center at the moment. Obama needs to win first and the right is already trying to drag out their tired old "bash the gays" rhetoric.

The Obama administration has been the most "gay friendly" administration we've ever had.

Evolving? Just another use of semantics from the bower in chief, the guy just cannot form an opinion publicly and stand on it.
The good politics of gay marriage - The Washington Post

But he'd still be a coward. Why not support it now before he wins reelection? Because he's afraid he'd alienate some of his black supporters who are OVERWHELMINGLY against gay marriage. So he's picking votes over equality and you still love Obama no matter what?

He supports it now, it's no big secret. But if he wins a 2nd term this country will be destroyed. You aint seen nothing yet.

I wish you people would make up your minds. We get told he's already destroyed this country.

You're all turning into the Boy who Cried Wolf.
If Obama wins in 2012, he will support gay marriage the day after

First, there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage.’

The issue concerns states violating the Constitution by not allowing homosexuals access to their marriage laws; the 14th Amendment guarentees equal access to all of a given state’s laws by all of its citizens, including homosexuals.

Second, it makes no difference whether Obama ‘supports’ equal access to marriage laws or not, that’s an issue for the courts to address, not the Executive.

marxism is what you people are doing. Gay people should keep it out of sight and out of mind. Sad, what these assholes are doing to this nation.

What’s sad is this post.

If Obama wins reelection, we are going to have to worry about alot more than that.
If a republican is elected, everyone's civil rights and individual liberties will be in jeopardy, not just those of homosexuals.
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

By using deceit and flip flopping? I guess having principles isn't important, eh?

The problem with the right is that "principles" just means, "I don't have to think". Sure he has principles, but they can't be put into effect, if he loses the election over something stupid pushed by bedroom snoopers.
If Obama wins in 2012, he will support gay marriage the day after

First, there’s no such thing as ‘gay marriage.’

The issue concerns states violating the Constitution by not allowing homosexuals access to their marriage laws; the 14th Amendment guarentees equal access to all of a given state’s laws by all of its citizens, including homosexuals.

Second, it makes no difference whether Obama ‘supports’ equal access to marriage laws or not, that’s an issue for the courts to address, not the Executive. ....
Exactly. That's what most wedge issues are.

"Vote for me because I support you in that wedge issue, but I know I can't do shit about it."
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

Equality? What the hell does that mean anyways? Because it seems to me that equality to you guys means stealing from those who have worked for it to give to those who have not. And to me that is not equality, that's a crime, and it's called theft. And to be honest, that is not very equal to those who are the ones being robbed. If anyone should be doing there fair share it's those who have not been paying taxes at all.

We're talking civil rights, NOT money, idjit. :cuckoo:
He's being a smart politician. Win the election, then we can move forward on equality. Makes perfect sense to me.

But why not stand on principle?

If he really thinks this is such an important human rights issue, then why not make that a campaign plank?

Not, "Let's hope the courts sneak this through the back door when no one is looking"...

Did I just say, "back door"? I guess I did. :badgrin:

Because he has to win first.

It's not like the administration is being silent about its support of ending DOMA or of gay rights in general.

Besides, we're still a year out from election day...a lot can happen in that time, including the President coming out and proclaiming his support for marriage equality.

You know...he might even be telling the truth, that it is his religion that is preventing him from full on support of marriage equality.

Obama telling the truth? That would be a novel thing.

Actually, all he's really done is say that his justice department will not uphold a part of DOMA in the courts. He should be introducing a bill to overturn it...

But he knows he'll lose a lot of votes if he does.

Which is pretty slimy, really.

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