If Obamacare is so good

The requirements and oversight of the website development was performed by the government.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

The private sector didn't build it without the requirements and specification provided by the government, much of which was shoddy and late.

But leave it to a big government apologist like you to try to absolve the government drones from any responsibility whatsoever.
I didn't do that either.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

The private sector didn't build it without the requirements and specification provided by the government, much of which was shoddy and late.

But leave it to a big government apologist like you to try to absolve the government drones from any responsibility whatsoever.
I didn't do that either.

It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

Nice dodge of the question.
You know the answer. The answer makes you uncomfortable. And the answer makes your side look very bad.
No my little friend, that's the answer both sides came up with. It only works if everyone buys in. That's it.

And it's not the program I want, that's Universal Single-Payer.

Well, you can go on wanting. But you ain't getting.
ACA is just like any other stupid government program that does not work as intended. It's so bad, it has to be made mandatory. Otherwise no one would participate.

Why would you want a single payer system for 315 million people?
What makes you believe such a gargantuan program could even work?
At what cost?
Who pays? Who doesn't pay?....
It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

Yes, I am sure The Heritage Foundation is a supporter of the Free Ride Problem.
Folks that support it wear a D on their caps.
The Free Rider problem is why their proposal made it Mandatory. There's a reason for that, now what might that be?


It was voted and passed by Congress Democrats, regardless of the spin, they passed it and they are responsible for that law that no one wants to buy and are willing to take the penalty for not buying it.

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I suspect his version of Single Payer is to seize all of the wealth of the Koch Brothers to pay for everyone's health care. Their entire fortunes won't pay for more than a few months of ObamaCare.
Yes, it should be entrusted to government bureaucrats, who have shown themselves so adept at things like building a website.
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Where on Earth did you get that number?
Is being part of the liberal ideology mean one must be full of shit?

Numbers mean nothing to libs because they're bad at math.
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Yes, it should be entrusted to government bureaucrats, who have shown themselves so adept at things like building a website.
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Where on Earth did you get that number?
Is being part of the liberal ideology mean one must be full of shit?

Go look it up. Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and government employees. Have fun.
For the record:

They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.

The moron blames the private sector for the ObamaCare website, and is now lying about it.
There's a Free Rider problem with Taxes, which support the Government, which benefits everyone. The fix was easy, we make you to pay them.
No deflecting!
Stay on point.
Taxation was developed to fund essential functions of government. The people through their tax dollars receive something in return.
With ACA, we get nothing in return.
The point is Free Riders. The fix is to make them pay up. Got it?

Two different things.
Taxation is mandatory for the proper funding of govt services.
ACA is NOT an essential service. It is a PRODUCT.
Besides, with so many people on Obamacare receiving subsidies, the same free "loader" problem still exists.
ObamaCare was never about providing health care.
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For the record:

They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.

The moron blames the private sector for the ObamaCare website, and is now lying about it.
The question was who built it. Maybe you should try not jumping to wrong conclusions?
Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.

Read these. They will make your eyes bleed.

BLOGS OF THE DAY: Gwyneth and Chris 'consciously uncouple' | Mail Online

Gwyneth Paltrow says it's easier to work a desk job and raise children | Mail Online

How Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin were worlds apart | Mail Online
Sorry, I'm not interested in celebrities or their lives.
No deflecting!
Stay on point.
Taxation was developed to fund essential functions of government. The people through their tax dollars receive something in return.
With ACA, we get nothing in return.
The point is Free Riders. The fix is to make them pay up. Got it?

Two different things.
Taxation is mandatory for the proper funding of govt services.
ACA is NOT an essential service. It is a PRODUCT.
Besides, with so many people on Obamacare receiving subsidies, the same free "loader" problem still exists.
You can't understand the point. We'll move on...
It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

Nice dodge of the question.
You know the answer. The answer makes you uncomfortable. And the answer makes your side look very bad.
No my little friend, that's the answer both sides came up with. It only works if everyone buys in. That's it.

And it's not the program I want, that's Universal Single-Payer.

Yes, because the government did so well with the portion they did take control over it would be fan-fucking-tastic if all 320 million of us were under their guidance!

Man, that would be just wonderful if we all suffered the incompetence more equally than we are now. That's the key to single payer though isn't it? Nobody gets any decent healthcare. Everyone must embrace the suck equally. Same thing with wages that need to be equal, work hours need to be equal. It all equals out in nobody gets anything of use to them. I would have you look back on Russia and their failure but you seem to want that. Venezuala? You seem to want that as well.

What exactly is it about your position in life that not only do you need government to run your life in order to survive you need everyone else brought down to your level to make you feel good about yourself?
Clearly you are thoroughly ignorant regarding how technology projects are managed. But that's just one thing on your long list of things about which you know nothing.

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