If Obamacare is so good

Then why do they need a law forcing folks to buy it?
It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

Nice dodge of the question.
You know the answer. The answer makes you uncomfortable. And the answer makes your side look very bad.
No my little friend, that's the answer both sides came up with. It only works if everyone buys in. That's it.

And it's not the program I want, that's Universal Single-Payer.
The Free Rider problem is why their proposal made it Mandatory. There's a reason for that, now what might that be?

Just because the law says it is mandatory does not fix the "Free Ride Problem".

You really believe that? Evidence says differently as states that expanded Medicaid ER visits are up.
ACA is a massive failure. Good intentions never fix free ride problems.
There's a Free Rider problem with Taxes, which support the Government, which benefits everyone. The fix was easy, we make you to pay them.
No deflecting!
Stay on point.
Taxation was developed to fund essential functions of government. The people through their tax dollars receive something in return.
With ACA, we get nothing in return.
Just because the law says it is mandatory does not fix the "Free Ride Problem".

You really believe that? Evidence says differently as states that expanded Medicaid ER visits are up.
ACA is a massive failure. Good intentions never fix free ride problems.
There's a Free Rider problem with Taxes, which support the Government, which benefits everyone. The fix was easy, we make you to pay them.
No deflecting!
Stay on point.
Taxation was developed to fund essential functions of government. The people through their tax dollars receive something in return.
With ACA, we get nothing in return.
The point is Free Riders. The fix is to make them pay up. Got it?
It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

Nice dodge of the question.
You know the answer. The answer makes you uncomfortable. And the answer makes your side look very bad.
No my little friend, that's the answer both sides came up with. It only works if everyone buys in. That's it.

And it's not the program I want, that's Universal Single-Payer.

What a sad little totalitarian you are.
Nope. Neither should the health of the nation be.

Yes, it should be entrusted to government bureaucrats, who have shown themselves so adept at things like building a website.
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
If Obamacare is so good

Time out. Let's stop right there. Obamacare is the stupidest idea ever conceived...It ranks below New Coke, and the Apple Lisa.

Total failure mode here. The only question is what is the quickest and cheapest way to jettison it into the galactic Oort cloud .. forever.
Yes, it should be entrusted to government bureaucrats, who have shown themselves so adept at things like building a website.
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.
Where do those without health insurance receive medical care?

Who pays for the medical treatment received by those without health insurance?

Emergency rooms. Free clinics. Or, GAPS!!!!! They are CASH patients..
The latter includes those 10 or so million young people whop earn $40,000 or more per year who choose to not have health insurance coverage. When they need medical care, they pay for it.
How you people were hoodwinked into believing the absence of health insurance means the end of the world is a mystery.
Nice dodge of the question.
You know the answer. The answer makes you uncomfortable. And the answer makes your side look very bad.
No my little friend, that's the answer both sides came up with. It only works if everyone buys in. That's it.

And it's not the program I want, that's Universal Single-Payer.

What a sad little totalitarian you are.
Not at all. That's what all modern Western nations have, or very close, except for us. That's hardly radical now is it?
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.

And who supervised the work? Yeah, I know the answer is "No one" but they were supposed to. Obama didnt know the thing was a clusterfuck until after it was rolled out. EIther he's lying about that, or else he was totally negligent. Probably both.
They already do health care for 100 million Americans, and they didn't build the website. Moving on.

Yes we see how well that works. Every program bankrupt.
Of course they built the website. Who do you think did it? Bush?
The Private Sector, in a government contract.

You really are one of the stooopidest noobs to join in quite awhile.

The requirements and oversight of the website development were performed by the government. And Big Goverment Cronies (the original company hired has a close friend of Michelle Obama in its executive ranks) are not what any honest person means by the private sector. Crony companies that feed off of taxpayer funds are only nominally private sector. They don't engage in free market entrepeurship; instead, they are political entrepreneurs who trade in favors and pay-offs with other people's money.
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If our Constitution is so good

Gadawag is guilty of a silly generalization.

And a complete ass wipe of a discussion in the immediate post above.

ACA is not politics, it is about health care in our communities. We have 150,000 plus in our valley that cannot get it in the old rigged system.

Oh please stop it..
ACA is nothing but politics.
It it is a tool to create the illusion of a new federal entitlement. A way for democrats to increase their voting base.
It certainly has you hooked and boated.
"Rigged system"?...
Care to explain?
This ought to be good.
The requirements and oversight of the website development was performed by the government.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

Translation: The fact that I've had my ass handed to me does not concern me.
Yeah, the website was commissioned by the gov't in a crony deal and was supposed to have oversight but they failed.
What happens when a website roll out fails in the private sector? People get fired, correct. How many people got fired as a result of this? Bonus question: what was Sibelius' response when asked that question?
The requirements and oversight of the website development was performed by the government.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

Translation: The fact that I've had my ass handed to me does not concern me.
Yeah, the website was commissioned by the gov't in a crony deal and was supposed to have oversight but they failed.
What happens when a website roll out fails in the private sector? People get fired, correct. How many people got fired as a result of this? Bonus question: what was Sibelius' response when asked that question?
There's no translation. I know how government contracts work.
The requirements and oversight of the website development was performed by the government.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

The private sector didn't build it without the requirements and specification provided by the government, much of which was shoddy and late.

But leave it to a big government apologist like you to try to absolve the government drones from any responsibility whatsoever.
His question who built it, and I answered. The fact that you don't like the answer does not concern me.

Translation: The fact that I've had my ass handed to me does not concern me.
Yeah, the website was commissioned by the gov't in a crony deal and was supposed to have oversight but they failed.
What happens when a website roll out fails in the private sector? People get fired, correct. How many people got fired as a result of this? Bonus question: what was Sibelius' response when asked that question?
There's no translation. I know how government contracts work.


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