If Obamacare is so good

Obamacare was a failure at it's conception; a redistributive ideology that will never materialize - doomed by the economy. It's initial popularity rode on rhetoric - smashed by reality - a liberal scheme :badgrin:

Force is the redistribution constant!
Peter Suderman nails the six unanswered questions about ObamaCare:

1. How many people have actually enrolled?
2. What percentage of those who are enrolled are between the ages of 18 and 34?
3. Are the young people who are enrolling actually healthy?
4. What are the sign-up totals, demographic breakdowns, and overall health of the individual state markets?
5. How many of the people enrolled under the law were previously uninsured? And how many of them were previously among the long-term uninsured?
6. What will premiums look like next year?

6 Big Unanswered Questions About Obamacare - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Peter Suderman nails the six unanswered questions about ObamaCare:

1. How many people have actually enrolled?
2. What percentage of those who are enrolled are between the ages of 18 and 34?
3. Are the young people who are enrolling actually healthy?
4. What are the sign-up totals, demographic breakdowns, and overall health of the individual state markets?
5. How many of the people enrolled under the law were previously uninsured? And how many of them were previously among the long-term uninsured?
6. What will premiums look like next year?

6 Big Unanswered Questions About Obamacare - Hit & Run : Reason.com

In another thread (can't find it atm) Antares (who sells insurance and seems very knowledgeable about all of this) said that the question wasn't being asked.

How do they track who was previously uninsured if they don't ask?

The Free Rider problem is why their proposal made it Mandatory. There's a reason for that, now what might that be?

Just because the law says it is mandatory does not fix the "Free Ride Problem".

You really believe that? Evidence says differently as states that expanded Medicaid ER visits are up.
ACA is a massive failure. Good intentions never fix free ride problems.
There's a Free Rider problem with Taxes, which support the Government, which benefits everyone. The fix was easy, we make you to pay them.

Government is not the private sector.
The entire concept of ACA was to fund it with the tens of millions of young people that "can not afford" health insurance all of a sudden getting in.
And they aren't.
Imagine that, a government plan that had good intentions was not thought out, tested or anything.
Just winging it and see what happens.
Amazing the left does not know that if someone can not afford health insurance they DO NOT HAVE $6300 to pay as a deductible BEFORE their health insurance kicks in.
If our Constitution is so good

Gadawag is guilty of a silly generalization.

And a complete ass wipe of a discussion in the immediate post above.

ACA is not politics, it is about health care in our communities. We have 150,000 plus in our valley that cannot get it in the old rigged system.
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Yes, I am sure The Heritage Foundation is a supporter of the Free Ride Problem.
Folks that support it wear a D on their caps.
The Free Rider problem is why their proposal made it Mandatory. There's a reason for that, now what might that be?

Just because the law says it is mandatory does not fix the "Free Ride Problem".

You really believe that? Evidence says differently as states that expanded Medicaid ER visits are up.
ACA is a massive failure. Good intentions never fix free ride problems.

Six things to look for:

The health law: Post-enrollment, 6 things to watch for

Just because open enrollment for people who buy their own health insurance formally closes March 31, it doesn't mean debate over the health law will take a hiatus. After more than four years of strident rhetoric, evidence about how the law is actually working is starting to trickle in. Here are six things to watch before the next enrollment period begins in November:[/B]
Peter Suderman nails the six unanswered questions about ObamaCare:

1. How many people have actually enrolled?
2. What percentage of those who are enrolled are between the ages of 18 and 34?
3. Are the young people who are enrolling actually healthy?
4. What are the sign-up totals, demographic breakdowns, and overall health of the individual state markets?
5. How many of the people enrolled under the law were previously uninsured? And how many of them were previously among the long-term uninsured?
6. What will premiums look like next year?

6 Big Unanswered Questions About Obamacare - Hit & Run : Reason.com

In another thread (can't find it atm) Antares (who sells insurance and seems very knowledgeable about all of this) said that the question wasn't being asked.

How do they track who was previously uninsured if they don't ask?

And HOW do they track who is signed up and paying IN to it already...? That's right...they left that counter out of the site design. They just don't know. Sebilius already admitted to it.
Then why do they need a law forcing folks to buy it?

Never mind that. If it's so good why does Obama keep putting off implementing the crucial bits? Doesn't he want more Americans insured?
Indeed. It's such a failure, a FIASCO...that everything keeps getting pushed back so the political ramifications won't be as bad come elections day. I'd say they're too fricken LATE...CAT is out of the bag...Democrats are going to hang for this crap.
Just like the Obama Campaign didn't verify the ID of credit card donors like Doodad Pro and Mickey Mouse.
Just because the law says it is mandatory does not fix the "Free Ride Problem".

You really believe that? Evidence says differently as states that expanded Medicaid ER visits are up.
ACA is a massive failure. Good intentions never fix free ride problems.
There's a Free Rider problem with Taxes, which support the Government, which benefits everyone. The fix was easy, we make you to pay them.

Government is not the private sector.
Nope. Neither should the health of the nation be.
Then why do they need a law forcing folks to buy it?
It's called the Free Rider problem. The Heritage Foundation solved it, by making health insurance mandatory. Now why would they do such a thing?

^ Part of the problem
Indeed Frank. YOU nailed another ASSCLOWN that is trying to sluff the blame off to Heritage...Nevermind the Democrats tht solely voted for this travesty, as Painted Turd would like US to believe. These idiots are digging deeper, and deeper.
ObamaCare is not about the health of the nation.

It's faux insurance that is too expensive and inconvenient for people to use due to the high deductibles and small networks of providers.

That's NOT health care.
ObamaCare is not about the health of the nation.

It's faux insurance that is too expensive and inconvenient for people to use due to the high deductibles and small networks of providers.

That's NOT health care.
Indeed. It's CONTROLLING people's LIVES and Liberty, Freewill...at the point of a gun disguised as good intent. It's a nightmare.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk_HPs34usU]Congressman John Dingell: "It takes a long time to ... control the people" - YouTube[/ame]

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