If Obamacare is so good

Sure. I know, it's about the price of Tea, in China. Tell us, what was Medicare about? How about Medicaid? Or the VA? Were those nefarious government plots?

You seem to be an intelligent individual. Which means you are most likely aware of the distinction between health care, and health insurance.

Look, everyone loses a debate now and then. Put it behind, and move on.

I've lost nothing. The "debate" is over "free riders". That subject most here are still attempting to understand. I'm not one of them...

Sooo.... you are debating one topic, and your debate opponent is debating a completely different topic.

Maybe y'all should coordinate a bit more.

Worst huh? No, the worst is not having any healthcare at all. As for the programs, they work quite well and that's a problem for you because in your worldview they aren't supposed to.

If Obamacare works at all, you're really screwed, and you know it.

Of all the choices you had in healthcare before obiecare the worst you could ever be enlisted in are those three. Now since it's passage we have a fourth worst option to be forced into and it's obiecare.

Every single private sector plan a person could get on was far better than any of the government plans. Now thanks to people like you and little obie our choices are being taken away in the private sector. Embrace the suck it's your only choice and expanding to take out the insurance you once had.
What you believe is incorrect. I can't help you as ideology has blinded you.
I don't need to believe or have ideology to guide my opinion I have facts. Things you have apparently run out of.
Of all the choices you had in healthcare before obiecare the worst you could ever be enlisted in are those three. Now since it's passage we have a fourth worst option to be forced into and it's obiecare.

Every single private sector plan a person could get on was far better than any of the government plans. Now thanks to people like you and little obie our choices are being taken away in the private sector. Embrace the suck it's your only choice and expanding to take out the insurance you once had.
What you believe is incorrect. I can't help you as ideology has blinded you.
I don't need to believe or have ideology to guide my opinion I have facts. Things you have apparently run out of.
Facts? From you? I haven't seen any. I've sure seen a lot of right-wing, free-market blind and dumb opinions however, but no facts.
You seem to be an intelligent individual. Which means you are most likely aware of the distinction between health care, and health insurance.

Look, everyone loses a debate now and then. Put it behind, and move on.

I've lost nothing. The "debate" is over "free riders". That subject most here are still attempting to understand. I'm not one of them...

Sooo.... you are debating one topic, and your debate opponent is debating a completely different topic.

Maybe y'all should coordinate a bit more.

He doesn't understand what he's debating, which is rather the problem.
What you believe is incorrect. I can't help you as ideology has blinded you.
I don't need to believe or have ideology to guide my opinion I have facts. Things you have apparently run out of.
Facts? From you? I haven't seen any. I've sure seen a lot of right-wing, free-market blind and dumb opinions however, but no facts.

You present many facts. They are all wrong, but you present them anyway.
I don't need to believe or have ideology to guide my opinion I have facts. Things you have apparently run out of.
Facts? From you? I haven't seen any. I've sure seen a lot of right-wing, free-market blind and dumb opinions however, but no facts.

You present many facts. They are all wrong, but you present them anyway.
Feel free to show us a wrong one, if you can that is? I won't hold my breath...
Where do those without health insurance receive medical care?

Who pays for the medical treatment received by those without health insurance?

Emergency rooms. Free clinics. Or, GAPS!!!!! They are CASH patients..
The latter includes those 10 or so million young people whop earn $40,000 or more per year who choose to not have health insurance coverage. When they need medical care, they pay for it.
How you people were hoodwinked into believing the absence of health insurance means the end of the world is a mystery.

Right, until something major goes wrong. So O-care has high deductibles, but no cutoffs. SMART.
You can't defend your stance and desperately want to move on. Answer the mans questions or STFU.
His question has been answered, twice now. He can't understand that both taxes and Obamacare have a Free Rider problem, and the solution is the same in both cases.

Insisting does not make a thing any more factual.
1. You're wrong.
2. That's correct.

The question has been answered. Moving on...
Then why do they need a law forcing folks to buy it?

Obamacare is in reality a massive wealth-redistribution scheme, which uses "health care" as its excuse. The people being taken from, don't want to participate, of course, and so must be forced.
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Go look it up. Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and government employees. Have fun.

Those three programs provide the absolute worst healthcare for the people forced into them in the country. These are your examples of what we need to strive for?
Worst huh? No, the worst is not having any healthcare at all. As for the programs, they work quite well and that's a problem for you because in your worldview they aren't supposed to.

If Obamacare works at all, you're really screwed, and you know it.

Now get this straight. We ALL have health care..
What you want is the unrealistic and unsustainable concept of first dollar insurance coverage.
Better known as "single payer"...
It's NOT happening.
Where on Earth did you get that number?
Is being part of the liberal ideology mean one must be full of shit?

Go look it up. Medicare, Medicaid, the VA, and government employees. Have fun.

Nice try.
How many people do you think are in those programs, ten?

Here's Medicare, I'll let you do the rest.

Total Number of Medicare Beneficiaries

Location Total Medicare Beneficiaries
United States 49,435,610
Total Number of Medicare Beneficiaries | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Then why do they need a law forcing folks to buy it?

It's not good. So many of the new plans don't cover the things the old ones did. Now you have to decide between having a doctor you like and having a hospital you like because most plans won't give you both. Too many good hospitals and doctors won't even accept Obamacare patients. And people are being kicked off of the plans they chose for themselves, with the coverage they wanted, so they can pay for other what other people need. So, an older man who used to have a plan that allowed him to go to the doctor of his choice and the hospital of his choice, not to mention cancer treatment centers, now must give up the good hospitals so he can pay for maternity care.

Too many patients who were undergoing treatment for serious illnesses are now faced with ridiculously high premiums and deductibles or they give up the treatment. Reid did say the horror stories were all false, but they are not. People are suffering and the only reason Obama has illegally pushed back the date yet again is to delay the real pain until after the election. He knows what is coming and he knows it would hurt at the polls, so he is hoping that people will remain ignorant until the liberals hang onto their power.

I hope the right gets the message out about what is coming if Obamacare is not repealed. It's not affordable and too many will be forced to give up the health care that they need, just so the subsidized people who vote for a living can be appeased.

They claimed it was urgent to cover millions of people. Those people haven't signed up because they saw what a raw deal it was. Most of the ones who signed up are those who realized they could get subsidized care or those who were kicked off their plans and had no choice. Many face a grim future because they simply cannot afford the new rates. The liberal solution to our health care system has created a far bigger crisis than ever existed. It's just a ruse to say the system is so broken that the only answer is socialized health care. That has been the goal all along and they won't give it up. That is why they are all turning a blind eye to the mess they've created. They are so close to socialism that they can taste it and they don't care who is hurt as they plunge ahead.
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