If Obamacare is so good

No....Way to miss the point..
The Obama admin and the democrat supporters of all things Obama have shown that they cannot successfully implement something meant to affect just a little over one tenth the population. Americans will sit back and ask "if you guys cannot get a website to run properly, how in the world do you expect us to trust you with the health insurance of the entire country?"
....Why is single payer so important to you? What's in it for you?
The health of the nation.

And I missed nothing. You think Obamacare failing is a problem? It isn't since there is a far better solution, that will be the only workable one left by then. Got it now?

And the government has run healthcare, in one form or another, for seven decades now. Websites are rather new to them in comparison.

Oh....you did not answer the questions put to you.
Why have you evaded those questions?
I don't answer most partisan crap. If you want a real answer, post a real question, a couple at a time so it's easy for others to follow.
They've only fucked up if it doesn't get them what they want...

No....Way to miss the point..
The Obama admin and the democrat supporters of all things Obama have shown that they cannot successfully implement something meant to affect just a little over one tenth the population. Americans will sit back and ask "if you guys cannot get a website to run properly, how in the world do you expect us to trust you with the health insurance of the entire country?"
....Why is single payer so important to you? What's in it for you?
The health of the nation.

And I missed nothing. You think Obamacare failing is a problem? It isn't since there is a far better solution, that will be the only workable one left by then. Got it now?

And the government has run healthcare, in one form or another, for seven decades now. Websites are rather new to them in comparison.

It's a huge problem. It's costing the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and it is adding to the federal deficit.
Reality and math don't seem to be your thing...
You are free to try and show us where I've gotten either wrong? No one has been able to so far but knock yourself out.

Yeah, don't use my whole quote, that would make you look like an idiot. And still nothing from you to support your point.

Provide something to support your stance now or fuck off.
I used, and quoted it correctly, what was necessary for my answer. Your response is still there for all to read little man.

And you are supposed to be showing us where I am wrong or can't do math, remember?
No....Way to miss the point..
The Obama admin and the democrat supporters of all things Obama have shown that they cannot successfully implement something meant to affect just a little over one tenth the population. Americans will sit back and ask "if you guys cannot get a website to run properly, how in the world do you expect us to trust you with the health insurance of the entire country?"
....Why is single payer so important to you? What's in it for you?
The health of the nation.

And I missed nothing. You think Obamacare failing is a problem? It isn't since there is a far better solution, that will be the only workable one left by then. Got it now?

And the government has run healthcare, in one form or another, for seven decades now. Websites are rather new to them in comparison.

It's a huge problem. It's costing the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and it is adding to the federal deficit.
Wars have cost us Trillions, and so has the recession. This money needs to be moved around, that's all.
The feds are in charge of all I listed. Are you going to man up and defend any of them? Or just remain a **** looking for a government cock to suck?
Your list is nonsense. It shows a clear misunderstanding of the government and governing bodies. I'm not interested in helping out someone with your level of ignorance. It's not worth my time.

Ahh...The old dismissal of the facts you don't like.
Yeah well tough shit.
The examples above are all within the federal purview.

Good- wouldn't want them in Pub or hater dupe purview lol....:lol:
You are free to try and show us where I've gotten either wrong? No one has been able to so far but knock yourself out.

Yeah, don't use my whole quote, that would make you look like an idiot. And still nothing from you to support your point.

Provide something to support your stance now or fuck off.
I used, and quoted it correctly, what was necessary for my answer. Your response is still there for all to read little man.

And you are supposed to be showing us where I am wrong or can't do math, remember?

I'm looking for anything to make your argument both reasonable and or worthy of discussion.

You are both wrong and can't do math.

Do us all a favor and support your point here. I'm guessing you lack the mental fortitude to do so and therefore resort to being noting more than a retard spouting off talking points.

Support your argument for full government control of our healthcare and why it's necessary to force everyone to buy into it. If you can't do that you're a worthless piece of shit.
Your list is nonsense. It shows a clear misunderstanding of the government and governing bodies. I'm not interested in helping out someone with your level of ignorance. It's not worth my time.

Ahh...The old dismissal of the facts you don't like.
Yeah well tough shit.
The examples above are all within the federal purview.

Good- wouldn't want them in Pub or hater dupe purview lol....:lol:

Hey paint, you have this idiot on your side maybe you can PM each other and come up with something reasonably called a coherent response as to why you think total government control of your healthcare is a good thing.
The health of the nation.

And I missed nothing. You think Obamacare failing is a problem? It isn't since there is a far better solution, that will be the only workable one left by then. Got it now?

And the government has run healthcare, in one form or another, for seven decades now. Websites are rather new to them in comparison.

So you want obiecare to fail as well although for a completely different reason.

You seem to think full government control of what they are completely fucking up now is going to be paradise. When in the real world we are telling you it will only get worse based upon facts and examples of others that have tried this system.
Single-Payer system work all over the world, even here. You don't want them too but they do. As long as you oppose them on ideology you are being unrealistic so there's no reason to debate. In the Real World, they work, and that scares you just like all change probably does.

Not it doesn't...Single payer nearly collapsed the economies of four European nations.
And but for the bailout of them by Germany, the dominoes would have damaged the economies of every EU country.
This has nothing to do with ideology.
It is the fact that not only would an insurance plan for 300 million people be unmanageable, it would require perhaps one quarter of the entire net income of the country just to get it started.
Taxes would have to be so high that we'd all become defacto government employees.
And the federal government would have to perhaps hire hundreds of thousands of people just to administer the program. Any sense of the word privacy would be non existent as with government being in the sole provider of medical care, it will naturally want something in return. And here come the overbearing regulations on behavior.
Do you really want to believe that overnight the federal government can wave a magic wand and make you financially not responsible for even one penny of your health insurance or medical care cost?
And when the supply of medical care professionals begins to dry up because they simply do not wish to work for the federal government and American kids no longer want to go to medical school, what happens then? How many doctors do you think India and Pakistan can ship over here?
The problem with you libs is you dream. Then you want. Then you insist.
All the while ignoring all of the other factors.
In any event, if you are so hell bent on others paying for your insurance, there are plenty of socialized medicine countries that would be glad to have you.
Your list is nonsense. It shows a clear misunderstanding of the government and governing bodies. I'm not interested in helping out someone with your level of ignorance. It's not worth my time.

Ahh...The old dismissal of the facts you don't like.
Yeah well tough shit.
The examples above are all within the federal purview.

Good- wouldn't want them in Pub or hater dupe purview lol....:lol:

Hey frankie....When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.
Ahh...The old dismissal of the facts you don't like.
Yeah well tough shit.
The examples above are all within the federal purview.
He doesn't post facts, or seem to understand what they are actually...

This must be your :lalala: moment...
Newsflash....It doesn't change a thing.
Those are examples of federal government in action.

Reality isn't anywhere near where they want to live their pathetic little lives.
Ahh...The old dismissal of the facts you don't like.
Yeah well tough shit.
The examples above are all within the federal purview.

Good- wouldn't want them in Pub or hater dupe purview lol....:lol:

Hey paint, you have this idiot on your side maybe you can PM each other ...
I don't need too, and I'm not here to make friends who pat me on the back, unlike you bed-wetters.

1. It's good for the health of the nation. A sick nation is a weak nation.
2. It's good for Capitalism, which means it's good for the economy.
3. It's good for the budget when we get a better bang for our collective buck.
4. It's what other modern Western nations already have.
5. It's the only valid moral position. Nations care for their citizens.

Start with that little man. That should keep you busy for a week or so...
Taxes would have to be so high that we'd all become defacto government employees.
And the federal government would have to perhaps hire hundreds of thousands of people just to administer the program.
Stuff like this? Total nonsense, and so was the rest.

Two questions should help you. 1. What do we spend on healthcare as a nation currently? 2. How many people are in government programs already?

Answer those or you're stuck chatting with your little buddies.
This is just the Gov't setting up transparent competition between insurers and between hospitals, helping those who aren't able to afford it. Not controlling a damn thing. Why do you morons support a gd scam and mess lol?
Good- wouldn't want them in Pub or hater dupe purview lol....:lol:

Hey paint, you have this idiot on your side maybe you can PM each other ...
I don't need too, and I'm not here to make friends who pat me on the back, unlike you bed-wetters.

1. It's good for the health of the nation. A sick nation is a weak nation.
2. It's good for Capitalism, which means it's good for the economy.
3. It's good for the budget when we get a better bang for our collective buck.
4. It's what other modern Western nations already have.
5. It's the only valid moral position. Nations care for their citizens.

Start with that little man. That should keep you busy for a week or so...

Or two minutes whatever comes first.

1- The health of the nation is better served by capitalists that made a career of providing that service not government cronies looking for the handout.
2- Capitalism can't exist when you are seeking complete government control. Are you retarded or something? How in the fuck is government single payer good for capitalism. By it's own design government control eliminates capitalism, along with the advances of medicine, the cost controls due to competition and better health for the patients.
3- Good for whose budget? Is that the budget of the people that have now lost their healthcare they were previously paying for on their own? And now it costs them twice as much for coverage they don't need? Is that seriously good for the budget? Add in the fact the insurance company is up for 6 billion government dollars in order to provide this worthless insurance to you and that makes the budget work out how?
4- No modern nation has this that has any hope of people paying less for the results and getting more advances in the medical field. Not a single one of your so called Western Nations do better with Eastern nation government control. Socialism kills people. All in the name of making things better.
5- Morality isn't handing over what you can do to the government and washing your hands clean of the situation. I find it pathetic that you base your morality on what the government does for you instead of what you can do on your own. You have no objections for the government to do what you think they should do as long as you personally don't have to worry about it. Your morals are pretty pathetic.
This is just the Gov't setting up transparent competition between insurers and between hospitals, helping those who aren't able to afford it. Not controlling a damn thing. Why do you morons support a gd scam and mess lol?

Bushies wrecked the world economy, not socialism or single payer, brainwashed dingbats. Not the gay guy either lol...

I'm just quoting franco to laugh.

He entertains me.

Paint is close to being treated the same.

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