If only Abraham Lincoln had understood and obeyed the Constitution

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.
You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Black Servants down South had a much better life than illegal mexicans in America do today....everything they needed was provided....including medical care. A poor illegal mexican working for peanuts is lucky to have a roof over his head...usually stays with relative or friends under very crowded conditions.
Look at these black servants....well dressed and obviously well fed...and they lived to ripe old ages. Many of them still alive in the thirties. But due to political correctness and censorship....it is getting very difficult to find the truth....google at one time provided a lot of information but now just about the only think they will provide is pc propaganda....this nation is saturated with pc propaganda about Southern Slavery as well as the current racial situation with Negroes in America....the media protects them and always attempts to make them the victims....there is a search going on for a black serial killer here in Tampa as we speak...but the media for days would not even admit he was black. People need to wake up...Americans are being propagandized by the media at at level even surpassing that of Communist propaganda in Russia under stalin...people need to start thinking for theselves...use some logic and read between the lines.....above all take your children out of public schools if possible...nothing but propaganda machines.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Black Servants down South had a much better life than illegal mexicans in America do today....everything they needed was provided....including medical care. A poor illegal mexican working for peanuts is lucky to have a roof over his head...usually stays with relative or friends under very crowded conditions.
Look at these black servants....well dressed and obviously well fed...and they lived to ripe old ages. Many of them still alive in the thirties. But due to political correctness and censorship....it is getting very difficult to find the truth....google at one time provided a lot of information but now just about the only think they will provide is pc propaganda....this nation is saturated with pc propaganda about Southern Slavery as well as the current racial situation with Negroes in America....the media protects them and always attempts to make them the victims....there is a search going on for a black serial killer here in Tampa as we speak...but the media for days would not even admit he was black. People need to wake up...Americans are being propagandized by the media at at level even surpassing that of Communist propaganda in Russia under stalin...people need to start thinking for theselves...use some logic and read between the lines.....above all take your children out of public schools if possible...nothing but propaganda machines.

True, Illegal aliens choose to be made servants, and that some how makes them better? If I was a Hispanic, I would reject that. And that's my problem, I don't identify with subservient people that allow themselves to be used for fleeting causes. I won't over look that kind of thing.
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything"................Abraham Lincoln

Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol

My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.n

And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.
You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Black Servants down South had a much better life than illegal mexicans in America do today....everything they needed was provided....including medical care. A poor illegal mexican working for peanuts is lucky to have a roof over his head...usually stays with relative or friends under very crowded conditions.
Look at these black servants....well dressed and obviously well fed...and they lived to ripe old ages. Many of them still alive in the thirties. But due to political correctness and censorship....it is getting very difficult to find the truth....google at one time provided a lot of information but now just about the only think they will provide is pc propaganda....this nation is saturated with pc propaganda about Southern Slavery as well as the current racial situation with Negroes in America....the media protects them and always attempts to make them the victims....there is a search going on for a black serial killer here in Tampa as we speak...but the media for days would not even admit he was black. People need to wake up...Americans are being propagandized by the media at at level even surpassing that of Communist propaganda in Russia under stalin...people need to start thinking for theselves...use some logic and read between the lines.....above all take your children out of public schools if possible...nothing but propaganda machines.

True, Illegal aliens choose to be made servants, and that some how makes them better? If I was a Hispanic, I would reject that. And that's my problem, I don't identify with subservient people that allow themselves to be used for fleeting causes. I won't over look that kind of thing.

I think the fact that it is voluntarily making a better life for themselves absolutely makes a difference.

If an American went up to Canada to work as an illegal alien because he could make $250k a year would you be saying the same thing?

I think we see this through rose colored glasses here in the us. The average person in this world makes less than $3000 a year. Average person in Mexico makes about $2700 per year. PEW studies figure the average illegal immigrant makes over 30,000 a year. They are in the top 10% of earners worldwide.

So no, they aren't as bad off as slaves.or anywhere close. They are among the richest people in the world. But in America we are so jaded by our wealth we think that's absolutely awful
Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol

My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.n

And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, edit our government, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

In 150 years we will probably have idiots out there saying Bill Clinton didn't want universal healthcare since he never created it. And Trump loved it since he never repealed it. We get that dumb with what happened 150 years ago.
My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.n

And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.
And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

So.... burn the Constitution to suit your story. Got it.
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

So.... burn the Constitution to suit your story. Got it.
That is exactly what Dishonest Abe did...he burned the Constitution.
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Yes...Lincoln like most criminal politicians was all about the money. He made that clear in his first inaugural when he said pay Uncle Sam or die....but you can keep your slaves for perpetuity and we can even ensconce slavery in the Constitution.

Nice guy old Dishonest Abe.
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Yes...Lincoln like most criminal politicians was all about the money. He made that clear in his first inaugural when he said pay Uncle Sam or die....but you can keep your slaves for perpetuity and we can even ensconce slavery in the Constitution.

Nice guy old Dishonest Abe.

What kind of president goes against the 1st amendment? Lincoln.

He jailed so many Yankee publishers, it's not even funny.
And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

You sound a lot like one of those California liberals burning copies of the bill of rights saying they shouldn't have to listen to the 2nd amendment and California should ban all guns.

See I'm not for picking and choosing what parts of the Constitution I like and will believe in and what parts I ignore. It's an all or nothing package as far as I am concerned, even if I personally may not like a part of it.
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Yes...Lincoln like most criminal politicians was all about the money. He made that clear in his first inaugural when he said pay Uncle Sam or die....but you can keep your slaves for perpetuity and we can even ensconce slavery in the Constitution.

Nice guy old Dishonest Abe.

What kind of president goes against the 1st amendment? Lincoln.

He jailed so many Yankee publishers, it's not even funny.
As you well know, he did much worse than that...though that alone is most terrible and ignored by the Lincoln Cult.

He was by far the most unconstitutional POTUS of all time....yet Statists adore him.

How fucked up is that?
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.

Ahh yes.. price fixing. So important to why the south seceded... that they forgot to include it in their articles of secession. It was mentioned the same number of times as them not getting free WiFi in their starbucks. Another equally valid reason.
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Yes...Lincoln like most criminal politicians was all about the money. He made that clear in his first inaugural when he said pay Uncle Sam or die....but you can keep your slaves for perpetuity and we can even ensconce slavery in the Constitution.

Nice guy old Dishonest Abe.

What kind of president goes against the 1st amendment? Lincoln.

He jailed so many Yankee publishers, it's not even funny.
As you well know, he did much worse than that...though that alone is most terrible and ignored by the Lincoln Cult.

He was by far the most unconstitutional POTUS of all time....yet Statists adore him.

How fucked up is that?

No.. Americans adore him. Overwhelming majority. The Nazis.... the kkk... the white supremacists... the neo confederates they love to rewrite history and hate on him though.
Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

You sound a lot like one of those California liberals burning copies of the bill of rights saying they shouldn't have to listen to the 2nd amendment and California should ban all guns.

See I'm not for picking and choosing what parts of the Constitution I like and will believe in and what parts I ignore. It's an all or nothing package as far as I am concerned, even if I personally may not like a part of it.
You sound like a total idiot, but statists always are.

You would do well in an Orwellian world and you would gladly execute people like me.
Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong?

I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

You have a point, illegal aliens LET themselves be exploited by exploiters, they aren't worthy of being compared to blacks that were forcibly enslaved. Nope. yet here we are, illegal aliens are victims of exploitation . Exploitation they willing allowed.because it serves their purpose. And they serve their master well, don't you think?

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.
You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

You sound a lot like one of those California liberals burning copies of the bill of rights saying they shouldn't have to listen to the 2nd amendment and California should ban all guns.

See I'm not for picking and choosing what parts of the Constitution I like and will believe in and what parts I ignore. It's an all or nothing package as far as I am concerned, even if I personally may not like a part of it.

If anyone ever ignored/burned the Bill of Rights, it was most definitely Abraham Lincoln.

Illegal detention of publishers? Check! (2 amendments violated at same time)

Illegal housing of troops in residences? Check!

Illegal search and seizure? Check!
Why DID the south secede? It might lend credence if they actually had a moral reason for it. Because of the rising tide of abolition? Or that states rights? States rights? To what? Preserve their right to own slaves?

Silly woman, it was because the North thought we owed them our resources at a price they set for themselves. Seriously, that's it in a nutshell.

The North fancied themselves the South's slave masters is what it amounts to.
Yes...Lincoln like most criminal politicians was all about the money. He made that clear in his first inaugural when he said pay Uncle Sam or die....but you can keep your slaves for perpetuity and we can even ensconce slavery in the Constitution.

Nice guy old Dishonest Abe.
I think that Mr. Lincoln- who did indeed take the actions that in the end resulted in the emancipation of all the slaves- was wrong in his racist views.

Just like you.

Of course Lincoln was a product of his time when virtually everyone was a racist- while you resist your times- and embrace the racism of 150 years ago.

Just like you applaud slavery.

Well he isn't their master because they aren't his property, they can return home whenever they want and he can't sell them or legally own them.

But yes we exploit them by offering them a better life than they could otherwise have at home that they voluntarily choose to do as long as they want.

Like I said, it's not good. But in no way is it slavery or anything close. You saw the list there. Feel free to make up a list of the legal exploitation of illegal immigrants that matches that.

You lost me, kiddo. Make a list? You make a list of who illegals don't affect, Besides, this is way off topic, I admit.

Slavery was terminated in the West peacefully, EVERYWHERE but the USA. Why have you failed to recognize this fact and understand why? Thanks to your beloved savior Dishonest Abe.

Remember the Crittenden Compromise? Yeah thought so.... Senator Crittenden tried his best to avoid war, but Lincoln told him to fuck off too. Crittenden said, "History is to record us...Is it to record that when the destruction of the Union was imminent, we stood quarreling?"

Many saw the true meaning of Lincoln's War...
"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States." -Charles Dickens

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power." -Karl Marx

Here is what you statists are so proud of...

Abraham Lincoln's Unconstitutional Acts and High Crimes
  1. Lincoln circumvented Congress when calling up the United States Army -- 75,000 men initially.
  2. He refused to call Congress back into session after ordering military action at Fort Sumter.
  3. Ordered the Navy to blockade Southern ports, a direct act of war. Such an act could only be undertaken by an order of Congress. It was a diabolical tactic to prevent food imports, in order to starve the Southern states.
  4. In an escalation of Lincoln's starvation strategy, he ordered General Sherman to begin a military campaign against civilians, cities, and hospitals. Women and children were not spared. General Sherman was nicknamed "Burning Sherman", because he randomly burned entire cities, even in the middle of winter. Lincoln ordered Sherman to terrorize the South by pillaging and plundering at a level that surpassed even the ancient Roman armies. As America's first war criminal, General Sherman is one of the main reasons why disease and starvation killed significantly more people in the Civil War than combat.
  5. Suspended the writ of habeas corpus, yet another act that is a function of Congress. The suspension of habeas corpus gave Lincoln the power to arrest Americans without filing a criminal charge and permitted him to have them held indefinitely without either a charge or a trial.
  6. Lincoln violated the Constitution once again when he refused to comply with a Supreme Court order to immediately restore the right of habeas corpus. Our Founding Fathers added the habeas corpus protection into the Constitution specifically so tyranny would never again reign in America, as it had in Europe and when the "New World" was under British control.
  7. Lincoln had the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court arrested after receiving a court order to restore habeas corpus protections. Upon receiving the ruling by the high court, the president sent a federal marshal to arrest the Chief Justice.
  8. There has never been a more substantial threat to a free press in the history of our country than the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln sent soldiers to destroy printing presses and related newspaper publishing tools at outlets which did not support his handling of the Southern secession. In response to negative editorials about the military invasion of the South and his overall war policy, Lincoln also commandeered, and then closed 300 Northern newspapers.
  9. President Lincoln did not stop at just destroying private property and commandeering newspapers, he also arrested and imprisoned many of the editors and publishers of those same press outlets.
  10. Before the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln had ordered the arrest of approximately 20,000 Americans without charging them with a crime or permitting them to have their day in court. The citizens who were unconstitutionally detained had spoken out against Lincoln personally, the Civil War, or were merely suspected of harboring anti-war sentiments.
  11. The 16th President illegally took it upon himself to create a new state. West Virginia quickly came into existence after Lincoln declared war on the South, as a North-friendly region within the South.
  12. Lincoln arrested and imprisoned the entire Maryland state legislature to prevent them from holding a debate and taking a vote on secession. The elected officials were never charged with a crime, or granted a trial.

Of course almost all of those things are only unconstitutional...If you destroy article 3 of the constitution. Because since it was an illegal rebellion and not a secession, it was Lincoln's DUTY as president to quell it. Which is why Americans who believe we shouldn't rip up the constitution. See him as one of the best presidents in us history. And you are right. The Confederate Rebellion is the only time that many lives were lost by a group of people defending the existence and spread of slavery.

And the Crittendon Compromise was founded on guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery in the US forever. Yes. Lincoln was against that. Also that slavery would be allowed to expand west.

And why do we keep giving Lincoln the title of Emporer. Yes i know of the Crittendon Compromise. It came up in the last session of congress. You know. The one BEFORE Abraham Lincoln was to take office...

The compromise was an amendment. It failed in both a Republican house, and a Democratic Senate. And let me remind you. A president has 1 action in the amendment process. After is has passed they enforce it. The EXECUTIVE branch, not the Legislative.

That's what upsets me. When we try and re-write history, change dates, and burn things like the US Constitution to suit our needs.

The Statist speaks. What a bunch of horse shit. I find you APPALLING.

You really believe that NO ONE CAN REBEL, because the state is PERPETUAL and never wrong.

Dishonest Abe really fucked you up.

No doubt you also think the American Revolution was unjustified and we should still be subjects to the crown.

You are the one who believes a history that is WRONG.

You sound a lot like one of those California liberals burning copies of the bill of rights saying they shouldn't have to listen to the 2nd amendment and California should ban all guns.

See I'm not for picking and choosing what parts of the Constitution I like and will believe in and what parts I ignore. It's an all or nothing package as far as I am concerned, even if I personally may not like a part of it.

If anyone ever ignored/burned the Bill of Rights, it was most definitely Abraham Lincoln.

Illegal detention of publishers? Check! (2 amendments violated at same time)

Illegal housing of troops in residences? Check!

Illegal search and seizure? Check!

Want to find a Nazi in a haystack.. yell "Lincoln was a great President". They'll come running from miles away.

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