If only Abraham Lincoln had understood and obeyed the Constitution

"There would have been no war, no bloodshed, no sacking of towns and cities, no desolation, no billions of treasure expended, on either side, and no millions of lives sacrificed in the unnatural and fratricidal strife; there would have none of the present troubles about restoration, or reconstruction; but, instead of these lamentable scenes, a new spectacle of wonder would have been presented for the guide and instruction of the astonished Nations of the earth, greater than that exhibited after the Nullification pacification, of the matchless workings of our American Institutions of Self-government by the people!"
Alexander Hamilton Stephens, 1868

I can hear the demented, the liberals, and the politically correct progressives lamenting already.....(but we had to free the slaves) forgetting if they ever knew what that yankee --White Sumpremacist Lincoln said regarding that... ... "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)....a glaring hypocrisy in America today is that we are perfectly o.k. with illegal mexican immigrants being our servants...but our historical servants are too entitled by their supposed victimhood to serve in such roles any longer....mostly democrats that think like that..... also believing in the concept of 'the democrat plantation' as in keep the Negroes on the dole so they will always vote for the democrat.

Most Southerners based the legitamacy of slavery (it had been legal for thousands of years) on the Bible....which from Genesis to Revelation sanctions slavery.

Lincoln's disdain for Negroes was based on his own deep seated dislike of all non-white peoples, whom he typically referred to as 'inferior races'. Lincoln publically and quite often called blacks '*******' aka the infamous n woid(of which only negroes are allowed to use today) and mexicans 'mongrels'. Besides, Lincoln could not use the Bible to justify his beliefs: he was a self-proclaimed atheist and anti-Christian.

Mr. Lincoln's religious views.................
by William Herndon---Mr. Lincoln's best and lifelong friend.
The following letter appeared, in 1870, in the Index, a journal published in Toledo, Ohio.

Abraham Lincoln's Religious Views

What If There Was No Civil War?

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." ... Faulkner.

so you think that owning people was constitutionally protected?

When the consitution was written the negro was legal property. No consideration of the Negroes was given in the costitution nor were they entitled to any. We did them a great favor by bringing them to a civilized nation where they became to a certain degree civilized and many of them became Christians.

Ah yes- and here it comes down to it- the old 'we did a great favor to blacks by raping their women and murdering their men'

Basically its the rapist telling kids that they should be thanking him for raping their mother.
The abolishment of Slavery in the South could have been accomplished peacefully as it was in the rest of The Western World..

And the Confederate States seceded just to prevent that from happening. But in a karmic twist of fate- the Confederate states by trying to ensure that slavery would endure in perpetuity in the United States- took the action that doomed slavery in the United States.
"There would have been no war, no bloodshed, no sacking of towns and cities, no desolation, no billions of treasure expended, on either side, and no millions of lives sacrificed in the unnatural and fratricidal strife; there would have none of the present troubles about restoration, or reconstruction; but, instead of these lamentable scenes, a new spectacle of wonder would have been presented for the guide and instruction of the astonished Nations of the earth, greater than that exhibited after the Nullification pacification, of the matchless workings of our American Institutions of Self-government by the people!"
Alexander Hamilton Stephens, 1868

I can hear the demented, the liberals, and the politically correct progressives lamenting already.....(but we had to free the slaves) forgetting if they ever knew what that yankee --White Sumpremacist Lincoln said regarding that... ... "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)....a glaring hypocrisy in America today is that we are perfectly o.k. with illegal mexican immigrants being our servants...but our historical servants are too entitled by their supposed victimhood to serve in such roles any longer....mostly democrats that think like that..... also believing in the concept of 'the democrat plantation' as in keep the Negroes on the dole so they will always vote for the democrat.

Most Southerners based the legitamacy of slavery (it had been legal for thousands of years) on the Bible....which from Genesis to Revelation sanctions slavery.

Lincoln's disdain for Negroes was based on his own deep seated dislike of all non-white peoples, whom he typically referred to as 'inferior races'. Lincoln publically and quite often called blacks '*******' aka the infamous n woid(of which only negroes are allowed to use today) and mexicans 'mongrels'. Besides, Lincoln could not use the Bible to justify his beliefs: he was a self-proclaimed atheist and anti-Christian.

Mr. Lincoln's religious views.................
by William Herndon---Mr. Lincoln's best and lifelong friend.
The following letter appeared, in 1870, in the Index, a journal published in Toledo, Ohio.

Abraham Lincoln's Religious Views

What If There Was No Civil War?

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." ... Faulkner.

so you think that owning people was constitutionally protected?

Back then there was total respect for the unalienable right to property.

. Leftists whine and wet their panties about Negroid Servitude

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything"................Abraham Lincoln

Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol
Sundance displays a most sophomoric grasp of the essentials of the Civil War and the history and culture leading up to the Southern revolt against human decency.

Be nice to him because he knows no better.

He is just an echo chamber of the black hating white supremacists.

I wonder who he voted for in the last election?
No United States as it's known now. No powerhouse of a country either..... Hitler might have won WW2, Germany might have won WW1 and the US might be speaking German.

The US had nothing to do with "winning"---sick fucking thought) WW2
They just tested a couple really cool bombs on the civilians of Hiro and Naga to prove they had a bigger dick. Russia took care of Hitler. FACT

Well, without the US the UK and USSR would have been struggling. Germany would have had more chance of grinding down the Russians, the Japanese would have been walking through the Far East..

If Lincoln had not initiated his illegal war against the South....and the South had managed to secede peacefully....the North and South would have eventually gotten back together .

A) And by 'initiating his 'illegal' war- you mean after the Confederacy attacked American Army troops in an American fort......
B) Why would the North and South have eventually gotten back together again? The Confederate States formed- as per their Consitution- to protect in perpetuity- their right to own slaves. That was the reason they seceded, it was the reason for their union- why would two nations that disagreed on the issue that caused the South to try to secede- join back together again?

Mr. Lincoln well knew if he attempted to re-supply a yankee fort in the South that would mean war.n

And South Carolina knew that if they fired on the Army of the United States- that would mean war.

And South Carolina chose war.
The US had nothing to do with "winning"---sick fucking thought) WW2
They just tested a couple really cool bombs on the civilians of Hiro and Naga to prove they had a bigger dick. Russia took care of Hitler. FACT

Well, without the US the UK and USSR would have been struggling. Germany would have had more chance of grinding down the Russians, the Japanese would have been walking through the Far East..

If Lincoln had not initiated his illegal war against the South....and the South had managed to secede peacefully....the North and South would have eventually gotten back together .

A) And by 'initiating his 'illegal' war- you mean after the Confederacy attacked American Army troops in an American fort......
B) Why would the North and South have eventually gotten back together again? The Confederate States formed- as per their Consitution- to protect in perpetuity- their right to own slaves. That was the reason they seceded, it was the reason for their union- why would two nations that disagreed on the issue that caused the South to try to secede- join back together again?

Mr. Lincoln well knew if he attempted to re-supply a yankee fort in the South that would mean war.n

And South Carolina knew that if they fired on the Army of the United States- that would mean war.

And South Carolina chose war.

When an aggressor nation invades your territory then any nation is entitled by International Law to resist the aggressor.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything"................Abraham Lincoln

Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol

My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.

"The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War" is a biography of Abraham Lincoln written by Thomas DiLorenzo in 2002. The biography differs from traditional books about Lincoln in presenting a severely critical view of his presidency.

In discussing Lincoln's legacy, DiLorenzo discusses civil liberties abuses such as the suspension of habeas corpus, violations of the first amendment, war crimes committed by generals in the American Civil War, and the expansion ofgovernment power. DiLorenzo argues that Lincoln's views on race exhibited forms of bigotry that are commonlyoverlooked today (See Abraham Lincoln on slavery). DiLorenzo also argues that Lincoln instigated the Civil War notover slavery but rather to centralize power and to enforce the strongly protectionist Morrill Tariff; similarly, he criticizesLincoln for his strong support of Henry Clay's American System.

For more on Lincoln I recommend.................The Real Lincoln
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Well, without the US the UK and USSR would have been struggling. Germany would have had more chance of grinding down the Russians, the Japanese would have been walking through the Far East..

If Lincoln had not initiated his illegal war against the South....and the South had managed to secede peacefully....the North and South would have eventually gotten back together .

A) And by 'initiating his 'illegal' war- you mean after the Confederacy attacked American Army troops in an American fort......
B) Why would the North and South have eventually gotten back together again? The Confederate States formed- as per their Consitution- to protect in perpetuity- their right to own slaves. That was the reason they seceded, it was the reason for their union- why would two nations that disagreed on the issue that caused the South to try to secede- join back together again?

Mr. Lincoln well knew if he attempted to re-supply a yankee fort in the South that would mean war.n

And South Carolina knew that if they fired on the Army of the United States- that would mean war.

And South Carolina chose war.

When an aggressor nation invades your territory then any nation is entitled by International Law to resist the aggressor.

And by 'agressor nation' you mean when the United States aggressively sat in a fort of the United States - and forced South Carolina to fire upon it?
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything"................Abraham Lincoln

Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol

My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.n

And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.
"There would have been no war, no bloodshed, no sacking of towns and cities, no desolation, no billions of treasure expended, on either side, and no millions of lives sacrificed in the unnatural and fratricidal strife; there would have none of the present troubles about restoration, or reconstruction; but, instead of these lamentable scenes, a new spectacle of wonder would have been presented for the guide and instruction of the astonished Nations of the earth, greater than that exhibited after the Nullification pacification, of the matchless workings of our American Institutions of Self-government by the people!"
Alexander Hamilton Stephens, 1868

I can hear the demented, the liberals, and the politically correct progressives lamenting already.....(but we had to free the slaves) forgetting if they ever knew what that yankee --White Sumpremacist Lincoln said regarding that... ... "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)....a glaring hypocrisy in America today is that we are perfectly o.k. with illegal mexican immigrants being our servants...but our historical servants are too entitled by their supposed victimhood to serve in such roles any longer....mostly democrats that think like that..... also believing in the concept of 'the democrat plantation' as in keep the Negroes on the dole so they will always vote for the democrat.

Most Southerners based the legitamacy of slavery (it had been legal for thousands of years) on the Bible....which from Genesis to Revelation sanctions slavery.

Lincoln's disdain for Negroes was based on his own deep seated dislike of all non-white peoples, whom he typically referred to as 'inferior races'. Lincoln publically and quite often called blacks '*******' aka the infamous n woid(of which only negroes are allowed to use today) and mexicans 'mongrels'. Besides, Lincoln could not use the Bible to justify his beliefs: he was a self-proclaimed atheist and anti-Christian.

Mr. Lincoln's religious views.................
by William Herndon---Mr. Lincoln's best and lifelong friend.
The following letter appeared, in 1870, in the Index, a journal published in Toledo, Ohio.

Abraham Lincoln's Religious Views

What If There Was No Civil War?

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." ... Faulkner.

so you think that owning people was constitutionally protected?

Back then there was total respect for the unalienable right to property.

. Leftists whine and wet their panties about Negroid Servitude

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"

Slavery was begun in Africa long before it was exported to the Western World....and of course it still exists there today. The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story – Originalpeople.org
"There would have been no war, no bloodshed, no sacking of towns and cities, no desolation, no billions of treasure expended, on either side, and no millions of lives sacrificed in the unnatural and fratricidal strife; there would have none of the present troubles about restoration, or reconstruction; but, instead of these lamentable scenes, a new spectacle of wonder would have been presented for the guide and instruction of the astonished Nations of the earth, greater than that exhibited after the Nullification pacification, of the matchless workings of our American Institutions of Self-government by the people!"
Alexander Hamilton Stephens, 1868

I can hear the demented, the liberals, and the politically correct progressives lamenting already.....(but we had to free the slaves) forgetting if they ever knew what that yankee --White Sumpremacist Lincoln said regarding that... ... "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)....a glaring hypocrisy in America today is that we are perfectly o.k. with illegal mexican immigrants being our servants...but our historical servants are too entitled by their supposed victimhood to serve in such roles any longer....mostly democrats that think like that..... also believing in the concept of 'the democrat plantation' as in keep the Negroes on the dole so they will always vote for the democrat.

Most Southerners based the legitamacy of slavery (it had been legal for thousands of years) on the Bible....which from Genesis to Revelation sanctions slavery.

Lincoln's disdain for Negroes was based on his own deep seated dislike of all non-white peoples, whom he typically referred to as 'inferior races'. Lincoln publically and quite often called blacks '*******' aka the infamous n woid(of which only negroes are allowed to use today) and mexicans 'mongrels'. Besides, Lincoln could not use the Bible to justify his beliefs: he was a self-proclaimed atheist and anti-Christian.

Mr. Lincoln's religious views.................
by William Herndon---Mr. Lincoln's best and lifelong friend.
The following letter appeared, in 1870, in the Index, a journal published in Toledo, Ohio.

Abraham Lincoln's Religious Views

What If There Was No Civil War?

"The past is never dead. It's not even past." ... Faulkner.

so you think that owning people was constitutionally protected?

Back then there was total respect for the unalienable right to property.

. Leftists whine and wet their panties about Negroid Servitude

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"

Slavery was begun in Africa long before it was exported to the Western World....and of course it still exists there today.

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"
Sundance, that has nothing to do with this discussion.

You lost it long ago. You can't take what you dish. Advice: sneak away. Quickly and quietly.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.
The white supremacist insanity is well exposed above.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything"................Abraham Lincoln

Ah so you love Abraham Lincoln. when he reflects your opinion......lol

My quotes regarding Mr. Lincoln are made merely to demonstrate his true nature.n

And you agree with him on these points- that is clear.

Do you think Mr. Lincoln the great emancipator was wrong? hehheh You gonna start a movement to tear down his statues and rename all those thousands and thousands of streets named after him. bwaaaaaaaaaaa
If Lincoln had not initiated his illegal war against the South....and the South had managed to secede peacefully....the North and South would have eventually gotten back together .

A) And by 'initiating his 'illegal' war- you mean after the Confederacy attacked American Army troops in an American fort......
B) Why would the North and South have eventually gotten back together again? The Confederate States formed- as per their Consitution- to protect in perpetuity- their right to own slaves. That was the reason they seceded, it was the reason for their union- why would two nations that disagreed on the issue that caused the South to try to secede- join back together again?

Mr. Lincoln well knew if he attempted to re-supply a yankee fort in the South that would mean war.n

And South Carolina knew that if they fired on the Army of the United States- that would mean war.

And South Carolina chose war.

When an aggressor nation invades your territory then any nation is entitled by International Law to resist the aggressor.

And by 'agressor nation' you mean when the United States aggressively sat in a fort of the United States - and forced South Carolina to fire upon it?

The fort was in S. Carolina terroitory....the feds not only refused to vacate it but chose to re-supply it....clearly.....a provocative and aggressive act
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Sundance, that has nothing to do with this discussion.

You lost it long ago. You can't take what you dish. Advice: sneak away. Quickly and quietly.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You are entitled to your opinion irregardless of how ignorant it may be.
so you think that owning people was constitutionally protected?

Back then there was total respect for the unalienable right to property.

. Leftists whine and wet their panties about Negroid Servitude

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"

Slavery was begun in Africa long before it was exported to the Western World....and of course it still exists there today.

And Confederate fanboys- and fascists like yourself- applaud and celebrate "Negroid Servitude"

Where does this Negroid Servitude you mention exist? Certainly not in America....the Federal Government ended that here in America long ago....perhaps you are referring to our new servants....aka illegal mexicans?

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