"If Only He Could Stop Those Mean Tweets!"

Nay, nay.......the real question is how any adult could find that aspect of Trump's more important than the masterful job he did both domestically and in foreign policy.

1. "In our polling, John and I found that half the voters who didn’t like Trump disliked his “temperament and personality,” but agreed with his “programs and positions.”
Dick Morris

2. "A LOT OF PEOPLE COME up to me and say, “Trump is his own worst enemy.” They mean that they largely approve of his direction and policies, but that his constant battles with the media, Congress, and many of the leaders of his own party are a turnoff. “Why can’t he just modulate his style—be nicer and less confrontational?” they ask, echoing our poll finding that a quarter of the voters like his “programs and positions,” but not his “personality and temperament.”

3. These folks don’t get it—that his temperament and accomplishments are cause and effect. If you modulate the temperament, you won’t get the accomplishments. Like it or not, Trump governed by intimidation. He got his way with his own party, Congress, foreign leaders, and even the media by threats, loud complaints, accusations, and bullying. In 2016, Trump did not so much win the GOP nomi- nation as orchestrate a hostile takeover of the party. Not a pretty picture, but an effective way to govern."

4. What the uneducated, and anti-Americans....i.e., Democrats.....don't hear is the echo of anther American patriot who was out to save this nation: Senator Joseph McCarthy...
As a result of the Venona Papers, and declassification of KGB files verifies pretty much all of McCarthy’s charges….and no one was ‘ruined’ by McCarthy revelations….The greatest complaint against McCarthy was that he was unkind….even mean….to those in question.

The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!”​


....or this:


Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century
Give me the 'mean tweets' over this clusterfuck POTUS.
When left with a failed thread, call people names. LOL

No matter how often this rube is put in his place, he simple stumbles back with his whiney one liners about a far better human being.

Earlier, I explained what an Elmer is....

....one poster, Elmer, came up with this knee-jerk post from one of the indoctrinated:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

Yea Or Nay?

One hears this time and again from the indoctrinated....

If this is true…..it should be eminently simple to prove.

When challenged, he could not name a single such innocent ruined by McCarthy......yet he doubled down with his lies, continuing to blame McCarthy.

And now this parrot....when given documentation that refutes your post, the same.

Another Elmer.
Under Trump, we were given a dramatic and valuable lesson in the efficacy of New York Style, over Democrat Style.

"That’s just what Trump did to Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator. Kim began the exchange by bragging that he had a nuclear button he could push to punish the United States for its attacks on his country. Trump replied that he had a “bigger button” than Kim did.

After that, it was smooth sailing between the two leaders. After a series of summit meetings, they reached something of a détente. While there was no overt agree- ment, North Korea refrained from nuclear weapons tests or ballistic missile firings for the remaining three years of the Trump presidency (but then resumed them im- mediately after Biden took office).

Trump’s aggressive posture likely also induced China not to complain too loudly about his tariff increase. It may have also influenced Russia’s decision to withdraw its troops from the Ukraine border, particularly when Trump began to send weapons to Kiev.

To appreciate the magnitude of his policy success, just look at what happened the minute he left office: Russia put troops back on Ukraine border and beefed up its presence in the Arctic. China overflew Taiwan airspace and made threatening moves in the South China Sea. North Korea resumed missile overflights of Japan. ISIS resurfaced and the Taliban went berserk when Biden pulled out of Afghanistan.

If Trump were kinder and gentler, America’s enemies would never have been so brazen."
Dick Morris, "The Return"
Amazing how vapid and lacking ability these Democrat slaves are.
This imbecile who co-opts the name of a famous philosopher never brings anything to the table.

I post carefully contructed posts, ready and able to defend anything I offer......and this dunce can never do anything more than an emoticon.

Shouldn't he realize that he is simply proving me correct????

I'm challenging every dolt who votes Democrat.
The bottom feeders who do not and never have produced. Those who exchange their vote for welfare payments, I can understand their slavish devotion to DC. I think they're disgusting but at least I understand their motives. The middle class and upper income Dems who consistently vote for these policies are the ones who baffle me.

They are educated and cannot claim ignorance of the damage they are doing. They are standing by a party and a movement that has totally gone to the dark side. They are OPENLY making war against traditional America. If we do nothing, they "win" and the country dies. If we get into the streets with violence like they do, the country also dies. All I can say is when they've pushed enough to cause blowback they better be ready.
You are and will always be lying scum.

Adults judge a President by his achievements for the people….Democrats judge by their personality and what they do for the party.
Dick Morris notes a number of astounding achievements by Trump…..

1.” He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. …. he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns.

2. ….holding Beijing accountable for its unfair trade practices through massive and highly effective trade sanctions. ….Trump insisted that we use our power to stop China from cheating, and force it to compete on a level playing field.

The establishment cautioned him not to mess with China. They said that we owe them so much money, they could pull the plug on us anytime they want to. But as a businessman, Trump understood that it is we who have the upper hand because we buy three times as much from China as they buy from us. And the debt? Trump realized that our debt to China made them dependent on us, not the other way around. After all, we are the ones sitting on their money.

3. The establishment wanted free flow of labor and open borders. But Trump demanded that we keep illegal immigrants out. He said that if we have millions of people willing to work for very little, there’s no way the middle class can move up in wages.

4. The environmental establishment wanted to scrap fossil fuels and go to wind and solar energy. But Trump pointed out that we have worked hard for forty years to be energy independent. So why would we give that power away? Especially for solar panels that don’t work when it’s cloudy, and wind turbines that don’t turn on calm days. Instead, he said, let America be the OPEC of the future and use our energy power for democracy and human rights.

5. The legal establishment said that when illegal immigrants come over the border, they are entitled to constitutional rights. But Trump didn’t see it that way and asked Mexico to put troops on the frontier to keep them on their side of the border. Mexican president López-Obrador, a hardline leftist, asked, “Why should we?” But when Trump threatened trade sanctions, López-Obrador saw the light and deployed 28,000 troops. End of problem, and illegal immigration dried up almost entirely. And to make sure, Trump built five hundred miles of a border wall that everyone was afraid to cross.”

6. “The diplomatic establishment had always pushed for the two-state solution in the Middle East. But Trump knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Hamas would still want to kill Israelis. So he got the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to stop subsidizing Hamas, in return for our protection against our common enemy—Iran.

He imposed crippling sanctions on Iranian ayatollahs, Russian oligarchs, and Venezuelan dictators.

7. The civil rights movement (more specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement) said that minorities have been discriminated against for decades, and that we must abandon the idea of equality. Instead, they claimed that we must begin discriminating against white people. They called it “equity.” Trump stood firm for colorblind government and cut the ground out from under them by ushering in policies that led to Black household income rising to historic heights.”

8. “The president pulled out of the Paris Accord when Europe refused to demand that China stop emitting massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Then he defied the environmental lobby by supporting an increase in fracking. As a result, we extracted enough natural gas to cut our carbon emissions by over eight hundred million metric tons—more than Europe and Japan combined.”

9. He scrapped NAFTA and negotiated a new deal that stopped China from sneak- ing products into the United States, and allowed duty free hemispheric trade in autos only for those goods produced by Mexican, American, or Canadian workers who are paid at least $15 per hour—the first and only trade deal in history to incentivize higher wages.”

10. Trump's popularity is build on achievements, no media hype.

He actually governed to help real working Americans.

“…Trump discovered a new ethnic group who had lain hidden in our politics, unknown to the oddsmakers, consultants, pundits, and analysts in the news media and the political establishment: the white high-school graduate living in middle America. “Fly-over country,” the insiders sneered. The states that don’t matter, and the voters who don’t really count.

Hillary famously called them the “deplorables.” Obama mocked them, saying, “It’s not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti- trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Low wages, closing factories, shrinking towns, and shattered dreams were the grief that gripped these Americans. Illegal immigration that dragged down wages and created a class of working poor, ruinous and unfair competition with China, and trade deals that let Mexico steal our jobs—those were the grievances. And when Trump ripped up NAFTA, sanctioned China, and built a wall along the Southern border—those were the solutions.”
Dick Morris

Dick Morris, “The Return”

Compare the above to what the Democrats have done since the stolen election.
I guess I remember him better for his abject failures, like never living up to his promise to “repeal and replace” the ACA.
Thats why he is billionaire and you are troll... Trump builds things and that is why he was a success.
Other people build things; he schmoozes. He’s the very definition of a swamp thing. It’s ludicrous to think he was there to drain The Swamp. He was there to restock it!
Other people build things; he schmoozes. He’s the very definition of a swamp thing. It’s ludicrous to think he was there to drain The Swamp. He was there to restock it!
Thats why all eight arms of the swamp octopus are trying hard to keep him from running again... Sell your bull shit somewhere else.
Nay, nay.......the real question is how any adult could find that aspect of Trump's more important than the masterful job he did both domestically and in foreign policy.

1. "In our polling, John and I found that half the voters who didn’t like Trump disliked his “temperament and personality,” but agreed with his “programs and positions.”
Dick Morris

2. "A LOT OF PEOPLE COME up to me and say, “Trump is his own worst enemy.” They mean that they largely approve of his direction and policies, but that his constant battles with the media, Congress, and many of the leaders of his own party are a turnoff. “Why can’t he just modulate his style—be nicer and less confrontational?” they ask, echoing our poll finding that a quarter of the voters like his “programs and positions,” but not his “personality and temperament.”

3. These folks don’t get it—that his temperament and accomplishments are cause and effect. If you modulate the temperament, you won’t get the accomplishments. Like it or not, Trump governed by intimidation. He got his way with his own party, Congress, foreign leaders, and even the media by threats, loud complaints, accusations, and bullying. In 2016, Trump did not so much win the GOP nomi- nation as orchestrate a hostile takeover of the party. Not a pretty picture, but an effective way to govern."

4. What the uneducated, and anti-Americans....i.e., Democrats.....don't hear is the echo of anther American patriot who was out to save this nation: Senator Joseph McCarthy...
As a result of the Venona Papers, and declassification of KGB files verifies pretty much all of McCarthy’s charges….and no one was ‘ruined’ by McCarthy revelations….The greatest complaint against McCarthy was that he was unkind….even mean….to those in question.

The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: “go to rallies,” “don’t let them know you are a communist!,” “If anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,” “yell ‘McCarthyism!”​


....or this:


Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford “DUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century
You are delusional. Any sane personal with minimal morals and 1% brain can tell that your man is a nut job. Good riddance!
You are delusional. Any sane personal with minimal morals and 1% brain can tell that your man is a nut job. Good riddance!

I believe I can prove that you are the "nut job."

Let's check.

Adults judge a President by his achievements for the people….Democrats judge by their personality and what they do for the party.
Dick Morris notes a number of astounding achievements by Trump…..

1.” He defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. …. he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump signed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns.

2. ….holding Beijing accountable for its unfair trade practices through massive and highly effective trade sanctions. ….Trump insisted that we use our power to stop China from cheating, and force it to compete on a level playing field.

The establishment cautioned him not to mess with China. They said that we owe them so much money, they could pull the plug on us anytime they want to. But as a businessman, Trump understood that it is we who have the upper hand because we buy three times as much from China as they buy from us. And the debt? Trump realized that our debt to China made them dependent on us, not the other way around. After all, we are the ones sitting on their money.

3. The establishment wanted free flow of labor and open borders. But Trump demanded that we keep illegal immigrants out. He said that if we have millions of people willing to work for very little, there’s no way the middle class can move up in wages.

4. The environmental establishment wanted to scrap fossil fuels and go to wind and solar energy. But Trump pointed out that we have worked hard for forty years to be energy independent. So why would we give that power away? Especially for solar panels that don’t work when it’s cloudy, and wind turbines that don’t turn on calm days. Instead, he said, let America be the OPEC of the future and use our energy power for democracy and human rights.

5. The legal establishment said that when illegal immigrants come over the border, they are entitled to constitutional rights. But Trump didn’t see it that way and asked Mexico to put troops on the frontier to keep them on their side of the border. Mexican president López-Obrador, a hardline leftist, asked, “Why should we?” But when Trump threatened trade sanctions, López-Obrador saw the light and deployed 28,000 troops. End of problem, and illegal immigration dried up almost entirely. And to make sure, Trump built five hundred miles of a border wall that everyone was afraid to cross.”

6. “The diplomatic establishment had always pushed for the two-state solution in the Middle East. But Trump knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Hamas would still want to kill Israelis. So he got the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to stop subsidizing Hamas, in return for our protection against our common enemy—Iran.

He imposed crippling sanctions on Iranian ayatollahs, Russian oligarchs, and Venezuelan dictators.

7. The civil rights movement (more specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement) said that minorities have been discriminated against for decades, and that we must abandon the idea of equality. Instead, they claimed that we must begin discriminating against white people. They called it “equity.” Trump stood firm for colorblind government and cut the ground out from under them by ushering in policies that led to Black household income rising to historic heights.”

8. “The president pulled out of the Paris Accord when Europe refused to demand that China stop emitting massive amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Then he defied the environmental lobby by supporting an increase in fracking. As a result, we extracted enough natural gas to cut our carbon emissions by over eight hundred million metric tons—more than Europe and Japan combined.”

9. He scrapped NAFTA and negotiated a new deal that stopped China from sneak- ing products into the United States, and allowed duty free hemispheric trade in autos only for those goods produced by Mexican, American, or Canadian workers who are paid at least $15 per hour—the first and only trade deal in history to incentivize higher wages.”

10. Trump's popularity is build on achievements, no media hype.

He actually governed to help real working Americans.

10. “…Trump discovered a new ethnic group who had lain hidden in our politics, unknown to the oddsmakers, consultants, pundits, and analysts in the news media and the political establishment: the white high-school graduate living in middle America. “Fly-over country,” the insiders sneered. The states that don’t matter, and the voters who don’t really count.

Hillary famously called them the “deplorables.” Obama mocked them, saying, “It’s not surprising, then, that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti- trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Low wages, closing factories, shrinking towns, and shattered dreams were the grief that gripped these Americans. Illegal immigration that dragged down wages and created a class of working poor, ruinous and unfair competition with China, and trade deals that let Mexico steal our jobs—those were the grievances. And when Trump ripped up NAFTA, sanctioned China, and built a wall along the Southern border—those were the solutions.”
Dick Morris

Dick Morris, “The Return”

Compare the above to what the Democrats have done since the stolen election.

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