If Putin wants he could stop the war within one hour

Russians don't care about your f..... 'advises' and gonna take all its territorials back

Well if Moscow ever hopes to restore the Russian empire they better find ways to improve their military.
Well if Moscow ever hopes to restore the Russian empire they better find ways to improve their military.

Is already improved
Only Russia has unstoppable nukes which can more as 76 times completely destroy the Planet

Moscow horde´s war record :- 1856 defeated by Britain and France 1905 defeated by Japan 1917 defeated by Germany 1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states 1939 defeated by Finland 1969 defeated by China 1989 defeated by Afghanistan 1989 defeated in the Cold War. 1996 defeated by Chechnya 2022 defeated by Ukraine WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :- a) Hungary 1956 b) Czechoslovakia 1968 c) Moldova 1992 d) Georgia 2008 we have been fighting the barbaric orient for the centuries , we Litwins know the drill ... "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062

Zelensky could end the war immediately. All he has to do is stop trying to lay claim to the Donbas region he and his illegitimate government have no rights to, since they overthrew their own government in 2014.

Looks like someone needs to review internationally recognized sovereign Ukranian territory:


Ukranian government has no legitimate right to it's territories? Seriously?
Is already improved
Only Russia has unstoppable nukes which can more as 76 times completely destroy the Planet
What do you gain if you destroy the planet?
Looks like someone needs to review internationally recognized sovereign Ukranian territory:


Ukranian government has no legitimate right to it's territories? Seriously?

Only this map shall be a legitimate reason to take stolen by so-called 'ukraine' ( piss be upon it) territorials back

What do you gain if you destroy the planet?

I don't wanna have a nuclear Armageddon, but Russia let be never defeated by NATO, so it can chose the option of totally annihilation of the planet.
Either Ukraine becomes a part of Russia or a long nuclear winter
Only this map shall be a legitimate reason to take stolen by so-called 'ukraine' ( piss be upon it) territorials back
Cool story broski, but internationally recognized borders are what they are and not subject to your historical musings.

Russia does not get to claim Poland or Alaska as their own land just because they had controll of it at some point.
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Cool story broski, but Ukraines internationally recognized borders are what they are and not subject to your historical musings.

After Kosovo precedent Russia doesn't care about international 'recognition'
NATO destroyed numerous countries on behalf of Israel, where is your shitty international community and its reaction?
Looks like someone needs to review internationally recognized sovereign Ukranian territory:


Ukranian government has no legitimate right to it's territories? Seriously?
”International“ powers get to determine the inner affairs of nations? I think not.

The Ukrainian government was overthrown in 2014. So no, the thugs that took it over via coup don’t get to claim all of the former territories. I know this “democracy” stuff is difficult for you. They overthrew their legitimate elected government, and their constitution. Doing such things has repercussions, like losing territories.
”International“ powers get to determine the inner affairs of nations? I think not.

The Ukrainian government was overthrown in 2014. So no, the thugs that took it over via coup don’t get to claim all of the former territories. I know this “democracy” stuff is difficult for you. They overthrew their legitimate elected government, and their constitution. Doing such things has repercussions, like losing territories.
Of course we both know none of that is true. Yanukovych was legally removed from office by the parliament and new elections were scheduled. Meanwhile, Yanukovych asked Russia to invade Ukraine and place him back in office. While Yanukovych, elected four years before on a promise of neutrality, turned out to be a Putin pawn, the newly elected government favored trying to join the EU, so Putin organized and armed militia to attack civilian government offices and called it a civil war as a pretext for a Russian invasion.
Russia doesn't need the West and laughs about 'sanctions'
Don't NEED a toilet either, but who wants to live without one? No one is the correct answer and time will come when Russians will stop putting up with a government that constantly trades in their quality of life for bloody invasions.
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”International“ powers get to determine the inner affairs of nations? I think not.
Thats hillarious considering you are talking about Russia justifying it's entire war on Ukraine's inner affairs.

Borders however ARE NOT inner affairs. Borders are between countries.
Of course we both know none of that is true. Yanukovych was legally removed from office by the parliament and new elections were scheduled. Meanwhile, Yanukovych asked Russia to invade Ukraine and place him back in office. While Yanukovych, elected four years before on a promise of neutrality, turned out to be a Putin pawn, the newly elected government favored trying to join the EU, so Putin organized and armed militia to attack civilian government offices and called it a civil war as a pretext for a Russian invasion.
Total lies. He was overthrown by a coup.
Then, after the fact, they tried to impeach him. The impeachment vote failed. Turns out he wasn’t as unpopular as the media said. Then they had a sham charge of “dereliction of duty” since he fled the county (in order to not be assassinated) and that passed with a simple majority vote. It was still unconstitutional.

After that sham, those eastern provinces refused to recognize the illegitimate puppet government. Those are the facts.
Total lies. He was overthrown by a coup.
Then, after the fact, they tried to impeach him. The impeachment vote failed. Turns out he wasn’t as unpopular as the media said. Then they had a sham charge of “dereliction of duty” since he fled the county (in order to not be assassinated) and that passed with a simple majority vote. It was still unconstitutional.

After that sham, those eastern provinces refused to recognize the illegitimate puppet government. Those are the facts.
"They refused" because Russians backed and armed separatists who squashed pro-kiev supporters.

Lets see them "refuse" after Russian invasion is driven out.

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