If religion gts treated like the mental illness it is, will we be unable to mock it any longer?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)
many here consider you mentally ill and you still get mocked.....just sayin....
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)
We do it to you all the time. What's the big deal? :dunno:
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)
I dont see how the concept of a higher being can be considered mental illness since too many people believed in it for so very long.
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)
If that was your go to fall back position, you never had much of an argument to begin with.
Let's be clear. Those who are 'religious' or hold a faith in God dear are not mentally ill. Many such folks, like me, hold a faith dearly because that faith offers a spiritual sustenance not available in purely secular life.

But there are self-righteous zealots who are driven by dogma. These people hold a very conservative view of religion. A very fundamentalist view. They tend to use whatever faith they espouse in order to cast judgments on others. They take a narrow template of scriptural teachings and impose a rigid morality on their neighbors. This happens in all faiths. The righteous zealots will purge others who do not conform to their narrow ideas.

It happens in Islam, it happens in Judaism, it happens in Christianity.

And these are the religious who are not necessarily mentally ill, but emotionally broken.
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Non religiousness such as atheism has the exact same characteristics as being religious. You can't escape mental illness. Hehe.
Please explain.
The way I understand it, it takes belief to accept anything, including evidence stuff. This includes all axioms too, not only records of history.
Atheists take their own reasoning as evidence enough....which is why all their arguments are blind alleys and dead ends.
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)

Have you ever heard that there is nothing new under the sun? There really isn't. You esteem yourself to be intelligent, new, and unique in your own beliefs. You're not. You are as old and worn as time itself. There have been thousands before you and there may possibly be thousands to follow you.

The followers of Christ have encountered folks like you through out the centuries. We expect to encounter you. We were told that the hounds of hell would howl at the very moment we gave ourselves to Christ. And indeed you have. We would have been shocked had you not.

You are old news and oh so very tiring and predictable. Howl on, the moon is high.
Perhaps it would be more prudent to stop mocking and learn from religion instead.

After all the great and spacious building, full of those mocking the caretakers of the tree of life, fell. And it fell hard.
Can't mock the mentally ill, especially if they aren't criminals. So the thought occurs. If the current trend of mocking religions and treating their tenets and doctrines as mental illness results in it being considered as another mental illness, doe sthat mean we wont be able to mock it any more? :)

With advances in science, I tend to think they will be able hypothesize that there are other dimensions, including those we term spiritual. There are also indications that some brains may be developed in such a fashion that these people are more in tune with spiritual dimensions than those whose brains may have developed somewhat differently.

I propose that the truth that some brains have a greater capacity than others for spiritual awareness in non-physical dimensions will cause a decrease in mockery...and an increase in pretense in those smaller brains. :wink:

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