If Republican leadership had balls.

.....like this black kid.....

...this country would be great again in no time.

This ship already sailed. And Rump is going to be convicted on at least 2 or more felony counts. In the GA, it's a slam dunk. While I don't like Biden, unless the GOP starts presenting real governing and viable candidates the DEMs are going to win more and more each day. You are making excuses for your own shortcomings.
This ship already sailed. And Rump is going to be convicted on at least 2 or more felony counts. In the GA, it's a slam dunk. While I don't like Biden, unless the GOP starts presenting real governing and viable candidates the DEMs are going to win more and more each day. You are making excuses for your own shortcomings.
Like the kid in the video said Trump will do a better job as president from jail then y'all are doing right now.
What a coincidence. McCain and Biden in Ukraine with ambassador Yovonovich in 2014.
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The problem with the GOP is that they are not unified which makes it easy for democrats to steamroll them.
And the Dems are not only unified, they are unified under the direction and investment of powerful anti-American globalists who literally want to claim our national assets and incorporate them into an empire which goes far beyond American borders. GOP leaders are certainly a bunch of fat cats, some of them nutless (true!).....but I know which bunch I find infinitely more threatening than the other. And since the GOP largely opposes these nazi-like globalists, I know who I will mostly vote for for a long time to come.
The republican leadership probably has more balls today than it ever had. Considering the media's near 100% willingness to be the propaganda source for the democrat party it's a wonder that republicans are still in the running. Does the democrat party have the balls to consider a candidate who isn't brain dead?
The republican leadership probably has more balls today than it ever had. Considering the media's near 100% willingness to be the propaganda source for the democrat party it's a wonder that republicans are still in the running. Does the democrat party have the balls to consider a candidate who isn't brain dead?
Maybe you guys should focus on the party and not one man.
Did Brennan go rogue or was he implementing the policies of the President who appointed him? Hardly a 'deep state' scenario.
With the exception of JFK and Donald J Trump every American puppet president takes orders from the ones above.

We throw around the term deep state but essentially it's the shadow government.

That being said there's always been a rogue element within the CIA as with other world intelligence agencies.
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