If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

Employers can avoid hiring younger women. They don't have to provide excuses. Just hire males and older women.

So ten grand a year for a company that shells out 2.4 million is nothing? Where do you get that at? A company may be only growing at 1%. That's a failure. They may be on the verge of leaving the state or country which so many have over such expenses.

I have a better idea. Since 10K is nothing, why don't you offer a company of 100 employees that 10K to provide maternity leave for their employees? It's nothing, right?

Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

We're not outraged by it, we just don't believe the employer should be held liable for a woman's decision to have kids. If she wants to take a couple months off, fine with us, but she shouldn't be getting paid for it either.

You know, the cost of having a family????

I have no problem with paid leave of any kind but it's a benefit to be determined by the labor market, not gov't fiat. If people won't work where the perk isn't part of the compensation package, the firm will have no employees.

Explain your conclusion. People without food, clothing and shelter will always allow themselves to be exploited. Those, and especially those who have dependents will not object for fear of losing their sole means of support for loved ones; in words we recognized,

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Think about it.
It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

I'm not a Republican and I don't support corporate welfare. If you want to know views that are at least closer to mine then you may want to learn something about the views of the guy in your user id. I don't agree with him on everything, but it would get you a lot closer than your hysterical, bigoted rantings are

In the end, you support angry greedy white Republican dude doing whatever he wants. And i'm just letting you know that many others aren't gonna allow that to happen. They've fucked American Workers enough. This stupid hateful stance only reinforces what most think about the Republican Party.
Obviously, you think being white means you hate workers......yet most "workers" in America are white.

That makes zero sense.
Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

We're not outraged by it, we just don't believe the employer should be held liable for a woman's decision to have kids. If she wants to take a couple months off, fine with us, but she shouldn't be getting paid for it either.

You know, the cost of having a family????

I have no problem with paid leave of any kind but it's a benefit to be determined by the labor market, not gov't fiat. If people won't work where the perk isn't part of the compensation package, the firm will have no employees.

Explain your conclusion. People without food, clothing and shelter will always allow themselves to be exploited. Those, and especially those who have dependents will not object for fear of losing their sole means of support for loved ones; in words we recognized,

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable,..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Think about it.

Uh, you do know most of our Founding Fathers were greedy old white dudes who owned slaves? Don't ya? They did a lot of great things, but they also did a lot of very bad things. They weren't Saints.
Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

I'm not a Republican and I don't support corporate welfare. If you want to know views that are at least closer to mine then you may want to learn something about the views of the guy in your user id. I don't agree with him on everything, but it would get you a lot closer than your hysterical, bigoted rantings are

In the end, you support angry greedy white Republican dude doing whatever he wants. And i'm just letting you know that many others aren't gonna allow that to happen. They've fucked American Workers enough. This stupid hateful stance only reinforces what most think about the Republican Party.
Obviously, you think being white means you hate workers......yet most "workers" in America are white.

That makes zero sense.

If you're a white Republican dude, you do express hatred for American Workers by way of your actions. Actions such as this one. You guys want your Slave Labor, and you're all pissy because some won't allow you to have it. Period, end of story.
It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

I'm not a Republican and I don't support corporate welfare. If you want to know views that are at least closer to mine then you may want to learn something about the views of the guy in your user id. I don't agree with him on everything, but it would get you a lot closer than your hysterical, bigoted rantings are

In the end, you support angry greedy white Republican dude doing whatever he wants. And i'm just letting you know that many others aren't gonna allow that to happen. They've fucked American Workers enough. This stupid hateful stance only reinforces what most think about the Republican Party.

In the end, I don't, retard. I voted Republican once in the last six elections. Look man, your schtick is getting boring as shit. I don't care if you call me a Republican, I used to be one 25 years ago. But I stopped being one or supporting them because they suck. This is just tired. I'm just telling you, I don't give a shit, do whatever or don't. But if all you have is screaming anti-Republican rantings at me, you're about to go away. It's completely pointless. Do whatever, just don't say I didn't tell you
No, the greedy white Republican is just trying to stay in business. As long as Democrats keep coming along and making that a harder goal, they will keep moving out.

No, you guys just want your Slave Labor. It's no coincidence since the decline of Unions, wages have stagnated and decreased. Unions need to make a comeback in this country. It's the only way to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest.

Yes, another failed strategy that chased jobs out of the country--unions.

If you want wages to increase, quit the Democrat party and join Trump in his fight to get rid of these foreigners here. Those are the people responsible for keeping our wages down.

When Unions flourished, American Workers were treated better. Since their decline, American Workers have been used & abused. Time for Unions to make a comeback,

Yes, politicians ass fucking the American worker like they do everyone else is a great way to show support for workers
You mean Democrats.
Every time Obama suggests another added expense to doing business, he's fucking American workers.

No, I mean politicians. Republicans are barely better and even then they cave
Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?
You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Americans helping Americans is alive and well here. Demanding that gov't redistribute wealth is the ever-increasing cry of the envious who won't provide for themselves.

The irony of the "corporate wealth" meme is that the same people who whine about it as you do are quick to embrace the benefits generated. Dem run cities and states are eager to provide tax breaks and other incentives (corporate welfare to you whiners) to attract business growth.
Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?
You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Americans helping Americans is alive and well here. Demanding that gov't redistribute wealth is the ever-increasing cry of the envious who won't provide for themselves.

The irony of the "corporate wealth" meme is that the same people who whine about it as you do are quick to embrace the benefits generated. Dem run cities and states are eager to provide tax breaks and other incentives (corporate welfare to you whiners) to attract business growth.

Usually leftists call companies deducting their expenses "corporate welfare"
Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

We're not outraged by it, we just don't believe the employer should be held liable for a woman's decision to have kids. If she wants to take a couple months off, fine with us, but she shouldn't be getting paid for it either.

You know, the cost of having a family????

I have no problem with paid leave of any kind but it's a benefit to be determined by the labor market, not gov't fiat. If people won't work where the perk isn't part of the compensation package, the firm will have no employees.

Explain your conclusion. People without food, clothing and shelter will always allow themselves to be exploited. Those, and especially those who have dependents will not object for fear of losing their sole means of support for loved ones...

The biggest, strongest, smartest and best educated get the best jobs with the best perks. That is driven by the supply of and demand for those people. People of lesser skills get lesser jobs. Govt's job is to insure equal opportunity ... not equal results. Getting one of those better jobs is up to the individual ... not gov't.

A long time friend - single mom with some college & 2 kids - works as much o-time as necessary to provide the kids with the little extras (hockey, dance) most of us want for our children. When o-time wasn't available she would take a 2nd job. She drove herself to have a life - nurturing, providing for & teaching her children, maintaining strong friend and family ties and working out daily - often at the cost of sleep.
She never whined - as this board's lefties persistently do - and neither sought nor accepted gov't aid. She always earned a bit more than the free-riders so that this hard-working, responsible mom annually paid at least some federal personal income tax which our gov't, in all its "wisdom and justice," used to supplement the income of those who couldn't or wouldn't match her effort.
She never expects or demands that society ("the rich") provide for her and hers ... she does what is necessary to be self-sufficient.
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Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?
You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Americans helping Americans is alive and well here. Demanding that gov't redistribute wealth is the ever-increasing cry of the envious who won't provide for themselves.

The irony of the "corporate wealth" meme is that the same people who whine about it as you do are quick to embrace the benefits generated. Dem run cities and states are eager to provide tax breaks and other incentives (corporate welfare to you whiners) to attract business growth.

Usually leftists call companies deducting their expenses "corporate welfare"

The loony lefties here consider corporate profits to be gov't welfare.
No, the greedy white Republican is just trying to stay in business. As long as Democrats keep coming along and making that a harder goal, they will keep moving out.

No, you guys just want your Slave Labor. It's no coincidence since the decline of Unions, wages have stagnated and decreased. Unions need to make a comeback in this country. It's the only way to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest.

Yes, another failed strategy that chased jobs out of the country--unions.

If you want wages to increase, quit the Democrat party and join Trump in his fight to get rid of these foreigners here. Those are the people responsible for keeping our wages down.

When Unions flourished, American Workers were treated better. Since their decline, American Workers have been used & abused. Time for Unions to make a comeback,

Yes, politicians ass fucking the American worker like they do everyone else is a great way to show support for workers
You mean Democrats.
Every time Obama suggests another added expense to doing business, he's fucking American workers.

It's your sense (and I use that word sense loosely when directed at you) that every effort to make life better for our citizens is an affront to business is foolish.

We are a consumer driven economy, and only pennies trickle down to the workers, and those stop at the whim of the boss and a failing economy.

During the Great Bush Recession repair shops, retail shops, restaurants, delis, theaters, bowling alleys and day care centers among other small and medium business lost customers and then laid of staff. As business closed so did the income to the owners of the property which were once leased to the business.

Raising the minimum wage may cause some to close, but with customers the property will reopen and a new business will fill the void, as we have observed.
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I'm actually optimistic about Unions making a comeback. Most Americans are turning on angry greedy white Republican guy. They realize that when Unions flourished, American Workers were treated better. So there is hope. But you'll have to fight for your rights.
Republicans are greedy because they don't want to force employers to pay their workers for not working. Got it. Thanks for that insight, Polly. While Democrats, who are paying for nothing, are generous, got it.

Here's a tip. Charity isn't an act that can be performed with someone else's money...

Unless it benefits you greedy white Republican dudes. ;)

What does "white" have to do with it?

And your sentence was inane, you just said greedy white Republican dudes can do charity with other people's money. You are an idiot, Polly

Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?
Unless it benefits you greedy white Republican dudes. ;)

What does "white" have to do with it?

And your sentence was inane, you just said greedy white Republican dudes can do charity with other people's money. You are an idiot, Polly

Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:
That is $10,000 out of a total payroll of $2.4 million

Refuse to hire young women and it will cost you a lot more than $10k

Employers can avoid hiring younger women. They don't have to provide excuses. Just hire males and older women.

So ten grand a year for a company that shells out 2.4 million is nothing? Where do you get that at? A company may be only growing at 1%. That's a failure. They may be on the verge of leaving the state or country which so many have over such expenses.

I have a better idea. Since 10K is nothing, why don't you offer a company of 100 employees that 10K to provide maternity leave for their employees? It's nothing, right?

Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work
Employers can avoid hiring younger women. They don't have to provide excuses. Just hire males and older women.

So ten grand a year for a company that shells out 2.4 million is nothing? Where do you get that at? A company may be only growing at 1%. That's a failure. They may be on the verge of leaving the state or country which so many have over such expenses.

I have a better idea. Since 10K is nothing, why don't you offer a company of 100 employees that 10K to provide maternity leave for their employees? It's nothing, right?

Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work

If we can't achieve that, we can't call our nation the greatest nation on earth. If it's only great for the Walmart Waltons, it's not the greatest nation.
Employers can avoid hiring younger women. They don't have to provide excuses. Just hire males and older women.

So ten grand a year for a company that shells out 2.4 million is nothing? Where do you get that at? A company may be only growing at 1%. That's a failure. They may be on the verge of leaving the state or country which so many have over such expenses.

I have a better idea. Since 10K is nothing, why don't you offer a company of 100 employees that 10K to provide maternity leave for their employees? It's nothing, right?

Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work
This ray guy is saying the 40 hour work week is an example of an "entitlement" and that 50 hour work weeks are still to little.. Fuck em.
The government has absolutely no right interfering in the compensation package between an employer and employee.

Libtards hate the idea of freedom. They want the filthy government to dictate everything.

We went through that seventy years ago when we set rules on minimum wage, 40 hour week and FLSA

It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.
We went through that seventy years ago when we set rules on minimum wage, 40 hour week and FLSA

It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

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