If Republicans Cared About Families, They’d Stop Blocking Paid Leave

We went through that seventy years ago when we set rules on minimum wage, 40 hour week and FLSA

It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

Too many Americans have succumbed to relentless Corporate Propaganda. They've been convinced that everything's their fault and the Corporate Fatcat is actually the 'Good Guy.'

They've been sufficiently demoralized. They feel powerless. And that feeling started with the decline of Unions. They're accepting being slaves at this point. The fact is, American Workers were treated better when Unions flourished.
Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?
You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Americans helping Americans is alive and well here. Demanding that gov't redistribute wealth is the ever-increasing cry of the envious who won't provide for themselves.

The irony of the "corporate wealth" meme is that the same people who whine about it as you do are quick to embrace the benefits generated. Dem run cities and states are eager to provide tax breaks and other incentives (corporate welfare to you whiners) to attract business growth.

Usually leftists call companies deducting their expenses "corporate welfare"

The loony lefties here consider corporate profits to be gov't welfare.

How do you know what the "loony lefties" think? Most Americans believe the Greed of Wall Street harmed Main St.
What does "white" have to do with it?

And your sentence was inane, you just said greedy white Republican dudes can do charity with other people's money. You are an idiot, Polly

Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

Blacks have owned many, many times the number of black slaves in history that whites have. Is there a point to this or you just a ho?
Employers can avoid hiring younger women. They don't have to provide excuses. Just hire males and older women.

So ten grand a year for a company that shells out 2.4 million is nothing? Where do you get that at? A company may be only growing at 1%. That's a failure. They may be on the verge of leaving the state or country which so many have over such expenses.

I have a better idea. Since 10K is nothing, why don't you offer a company of 100 employees that 10K to provide maternity leave for their employees? It's nothing, right?

Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work

You on the left sure love your entitlements. Where are these entitlements written anyway? Certainly not the US Constitution.

The only entitlement that a potential worker has is to accept the job and terms or decline. That's it.
It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

Jesus meant for you to take a crow bar to your own wallet, Holmes, not rob someone else to do it for you
It has always been wrong for the filthy ass government to establish wages and to interfere with the free exercise of wage negotiations between the an employer and employee. It is wrong for the filthy ass government to dictate minimum wage and other compensation.

Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

Too many Americans have succumbed to relentless Corporate Propaganda. They've been convinced that everything's their fault and the Corporate Fatcat is actually the 'Good Guy.'

They've been sufficiently demoralized. They feel powerless. And that feeling started with the decline of Unions. They're accepting being slaves at this point. The fact is, American Workers were treated better when Unions flourished.

You haven't been to Detroit, have you, Holmes?
Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work

You on the left sure love your entitlements. Where are these entitlements written anyway? Certainly not the US Constitution.

The only entitlement that a potential worker has is to accept the job and terms or decline. That's it.
Your definition of "entitlement" is fucking ridiculous. This is the 21st century, in the wealthiest country on earth, with massive productivity and the capacity to guarantee everyone a decent standard of living. People fought for the 40 hour standard, safety laws.. You spit on workers.
Well, greedy white Republican dude got his way. He demoralized American Workers enough to where now most accept being slaves. It's not even worth arguing anymore. When Unions flourished, American Workers were treated with respect.

Since the decline, wages have stagnated or decreased. And more are working longer hours for less pay. They're also working more holidays and weekends. There's no choice but to attempt restoring Unions to prominence. It's the only way for American Workers to fight back.
What does "white" have to do with it?

And your sentence was inane, you just said greedy white Republican dudes can do charity with other people's money. You are an idiot, Polly

Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

So if the liberals think that employers should provide their mother employees with a new car, would that be hurting the American mother too if we disagreed? How about a built in swimming pool?
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Cost of doing business. Same as all labor laws

The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work

You on the left sure love your entitlements. Where are these entitlements written anyway? Certainly not the US Constitution.

The only entitlement that a potential worker has is to accept the job and terms or decline. That's it.
The 40 hour work week is not an entitlement. Work place safety laws are not entitlements.
Well, someone has to keep you greedy white Republican dudes somewhat honest. If y'all weren't so damn hateful & greedy, you wouldn't have to be monitored.

So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

Too many Americans have succumbed to relentless Corporate Propaganda. They've been convinced that everything's their fault and the Corporate Fatcat is actually the 'Good Guy.'

They've been sufficiently demoralized. They feel powerless. And that feeling started with the decline of Unions. They're accepting being slaves at this point. The fact is, American Workers were treated better when Unions flourished.

You haven't been to Detroit, have you, Holmes?

Yes, Un-American greedy white Republican guy really fucked them over. He chose Slave Labor over his fellow Americans. Fuck em.
Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

So if the liberals think that employers should provide their mother employees with a new car, would that be hurting the American mother too if we disagreed? How about a built in swimming pool?
This is what us rational people call a slippery slope.
Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

Blacks have owned many, many times the number of black slaves in history that whites have. Is there a point to this or you just a ho?

Yeah, you greedy white dudes are real charitable. Sure ya are. ;)
So we think money should go to the people who earned it, you think money you didn't earn should be redistributed to other people who didn't earn it by force. And we are the ones who are "greedy."

This word you are using, I do not think it means what you think it means...

Hey, y'all did it to yourselves. You proved you couldn't be trusted to do the right thing. You want your Slave Labor, but many are gonna continue fighting to make sure you don't get it.

Things are very bad for American Workers. It's been going bad since Unions started to decline. You guys went the Slave Labor route. And now its time for Unions to make a comeback and begin balancing the scale again.

Sure they will. And how do you suppose that would happen? Workers would get to vote in a union or not. If they vote against the union, they have a job the next day. If they vote for the union, their job will be gone in a matter of a few months.

Unions are never coming back. They are a part of history and must be respected that way. There is no support in America for unions because workers realized who it was responsible for their job losses. There is however a growing support for Right-To-Work states.

Too many Americans have succumbed to relentless Corporate Propaganda. They've been convinced that everything's their fault and the Corporate Fatcat is actually the 'Good Guy.'

They've been sufficiently demoralized. They feel powerless. And that feeling started with the decline of Unions. They're accepting being slaves at this point. The fact is, American Workers were treated better when Unions flourished.

You haven't been to Detroit, have you, Holmes?

Yes, Un-American greedy white Republican guy really fucked them over. He chose Slave Labor over his fellow Americans. Fuck em.

Um...no...the collapse of Detroit was well under way during the rule of the socialist workers party taking over the State of Michigan, Holmes
The same labor laws that helped chase jobs out of our country?

Oh yes, we definitely need more of them.

Our workers are the most productive on earth. Work more hours, receive less benefits, less vacation time, retire later than anywhere else in the industrialized world

Conservative outrage over a woman wanting to spend time with an infant is just another indicator

Why should a woman who chose to have a baby be paid for taking time off when a woman who chooses not to have a baby still has to work for their paycheck?

Does that seem "fair" to you?

It's time our corporations learn a valuable fact

Employees have lives. They are entitled to have families, they are entitled to a reasonable work day, they are entitled to weekends and holidays. They are entitled to retiring at a reasonable age.

Other nations realize this basic fact and do not threaten or lay a guilt trip on employees who want to have a life outside of work

You on the left sure love your entitlements. Where are these entitlements written anyway? Certainly not the US Constitution.

The only entitlement that a potential worker has is to accept the job and terms or decline. That's it.
Your definition of "entitlement" is fucking ridiculous. This is the 21st century, in the wealthiest country on earth, with massive productivity and the capacity to guarantee everyone a decent standard of living. People fought for the 40 hour standard, safety laws.. You spit on workers.

If that's the way you feel, start your own company and pay your workers what you desire. Give them maternity leave, free college, free healthcare, 30 hour weeks but pay them for 40. Do what you desire.

Of course you won't be in business very long, but it's the effort that matters, eh?
Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

Blacks have owned many, many times the number of black slaves in history that whites have. Is there a point to this or you just a ho?

Yeah, you greedy white dudes are real charitable. Sure ya are. ;)

OK, bye bye
Ha, greedy white Republican dudes are all for that Corporate Welfare stuff. They have no problem helping their greedy white brethren with someone else's money. But God forbid they help out a poor struggling fellow American.

Why don't you just post that you're a fucking retard who parrots politicians, polly, and let it go at that?

You guys never met a Corporate Welfare Tax Break you didn't like. But God forbid you help fellow Americans who actually need the help.

Statistically, Republicans are way more generous to charity than Democrats. Do you know how much Al Gore or even Joe Biden gave to charity before they got busted?

Pretty sure white dudes who owned slaves back in the day, considered themselves to be 'good charitable' folks too. That's how greedy white Republican dude sees himself today. Hurting American Mothers is actually a 'good thing.' Very kind and charitable. :cuckoo:

So if the liberals think that employers should provide their mother employees with a new car, would that be hurting the American mother too if we disagreed? How about a built in swimming pool?

Just sayin. Greedy white dudes who tortured and sold slaves thought themselves to be 'good charitable' folks. Even considered themselves to be 'Good Christians' too.

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