If republicans want the 2nd amendment to work like the 1st, ANYONE should be able to buy a gun

No, the precedents are being overturned.

Like I said, equating a child getting a gun with an adults right to keep & bear arms is a strawman argument.
It won't work so you better switch to your next delusional argument.
Guess what? We won't be getting rid of any of our guns because we don't have to.
We will also defend ourselves from tyranny because we have that right & ability as well.

Sorry if that makes you wet yourself
Lol calling it a straw man argument over and over does not make it one. Kids are not mentioned In the 2nd amendment. We still created laws to bar them from having guns. At the same time, kids have all the freedom of speech protections we have. What precedents are being overturned? Kids being able to buy guns? Nope that’s not happening.
We have about 20,000 of them now….so how many more do we need?

The important one?

You cant commit a crime with a gun.

If you are a convicted felon you can’t have a gun.

On that one we could adjust it but that is another debate
Yeah and we can create more. Why not?
The point of the first amendment is that you cannot be charged with a crime for your speech. That’s all it boils down to.

But as I said, that’s not entirely true, is it?

Our right to free speech is being infringed by big tech and the media. While this is not government sponsored or sanctioned, the liberal media and social media make it virtually impossible to express certain opinions without undue, unfair and unjust reactions. Read: cancel culture.

So, do we truly have free speech in this country in every way that matters? No. The Constitution protects us from the government but apparently many on the left and the media don’t view the right to free speech as a sound principle to be adhered to in any context. Rather they simply view it as a protection for them but that it shouldn’t apply to those who disagree with them.

The point of all this is that there are limits to free speech. Ergo, it makes sense to impose cerain limits on the right to bear arms.
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But as I said, that’s not entirely true, is it?

Our right to free speech is being infringed by big tech and the media. While this is not government sponsored or sanctioned, the liberal media and social media make it virtually impossible to express certain opinions without undue, unfair and unjust reactions. Read: cancel culture.

So, do we truly have free speech in this country in every way that matters? No. The Constitution protects us from the government but apparently many on the left and the media don’t view the right to free speech as a sound principle to be adhered to in any context. Rather they simply view it as a protection for them but that it shouldn’t apply to those who disagree with them.

The point of all this is that there are limits to free speech. Ergo, it makes sense to impose cerain limits on the right to bear arms.
Lol right and that justifies it being legal to add more gun control laws. Now you’re catching on!
Lol calling it a straw man argument over and over does not make it one. Kids are not mentioned In the 2nd amendment. We still created laws to bar them from having guns. At the same time, kids have all the freedom of speech protections we have. What precedents are being overturned? Kids being able to buy guns? Nope that’s not happening.
Yes it does. Equating the people right to own & bear arms with children buying guns is exactly what a strawman argument is all about.
You take something that might seem similar on the surface but isn't at all on any inspection & try to use it as an excuse to push an agenda.
It is a false equivalency & I think you know that

No, you just can’t explain why my logic is incorrect.
/———/ First of all, no one said they should be the same. Secondly, the 1st Amendment puts restrictions on Congress. Citizens have restrictions on speech. You can openly criticize the Government, but you can not slander someone, or lie under oath, or yell fire in a theater if there is no fire. An employer can restrict your speech too.

The 2nd Amendment has restrictions on the types of arms we can have.

So your wish has been granted.
Yes it does. Equating the people right to own & bear arms with children buying guns is exactly what a strawman argument is all about.
You take something that might seem similar on the surface but isn't at all on any inspection & try to use it as an excuse to push an agenda.
It is a false equivalency & I think you know that

View attachment 668738
So what you’re saying is that kids are not people? Wow. Weird.
/———/ First of all, no one said they should be the same. Secondly, the 1st Amendment puts restrictions on Congress. Citizens have restrictions on speech. You can openly criticize the Government, but you can not slander someone, or lie under oath, or yell fire in a theater if there is no fire. An employer can restrict your speech too.

The 2nd Amendment has restrictions on the types of arms we can have.

So your wish has been granted.
Yeah and using all this logic, it would be constitutional to create more gun control laws.
Yeah and using all this logic, it would be constitutional to create more gun control laws.
/——-/ No gun grabber, it won’t. And you still don’t understand the Amendments.
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Strawman for an OP eh? How far do you expect to go with this?

It's just another one of Billy's strawman arguments. He is such a fucking low IQ idiot that he presents a strawman argument in most of the threads he starts and is seemingly oblivious that a strawman argument is a logical fallacy. He's too fucking stupid even realize that he's stupid.
Lol right and that justifies it being legal to add more gun control laws. Now you’re catching on!
I never said anything against the idea of more gun control laws. I was simply pointing out that yours was not an apt comparison of the two amendments since we DO have certain limitations to free speech and therefore the comparison was not applicable.

I have no problem with common sense gun laws as long as they don’t ultimately infringe on the right to bear arms or are used as a precedent to impose ever more restrictive laws.
They don’t. It just stands to reason that it wouldn’t be unconstitutional to create more gun control laws.
more gun laws?....there are hundreds on the books now....when are they going to start enforcing them?...with the emphasis on enforcement...
It's just another one of Billy's strawman arguments. He is such a fucking low IQ idiot that he presents a strawman argument in most of the threads he starts and is seemingly oblivious that a strawman argument is a logical fallacy. He's too fucking stupid even realize that he's stupid.
You guys keep saying this but you have failed to explain how my logic js flawed lol

Those with mental disabilities

Convicted felons

Of course, since it’s already illegal for felons and kids to buy guns from a licensed business, we already have gun control laws. Why would it be wrong or unconstitutional to make more gun control laws? We already have some.

Or should we just treat it like the 1st amendment and let any of those people buy guns?
You're Right.

We should treat it like the 1st.

All gun laws should be repealed.

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