If republicans want the 2nd amendment to work like the 1st, ANYONE should be able to buy a gun

If one truly believes this was little more than a troll post you know how one replies to it?

You don't,
But since we already have gun control laws, we might as well create more. Your subjective view of more laws does not matter. It has a legal precedent therefore we can create more.

According to the recent Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, ALL new and previous gun control efforts MUST meet a historical test to determine if there was a tradition of similar gun control laws at the time the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. Therefore, the test for constitutionality of new gun control laws has been set in stone, for the time being, and your speculation is hypothetical or meaningless.
And since the first and second already have limitations, it would not be unconstitutional to create more gun control laws.
you seem to have missed TWO WORDS in that post that are very important. COMMON SENSE. Those two words are very important.
You want to have more gun laws why not limit speech? Why not make it against the law to say two? Why not make it against the law to say car or boat?
The reason is those two words you do not seem to understand. COMMON SENSE.

Those with mental disabilities

Convicted felons

Of course, since it’s already illegal for felons and kids to buy guns from a licensed business, we already have gun control laws. Why would it be wrong or unconstitutional to make more gun control laws? We already have some.

Or should we just treat it like the 1st amendment and let any of those people buy guns?

You can philosophize the issue until the end of time. The Supreme Court has spoken. Soon just about every single gun control law on the books will be repealed or terminated, unless said piece of gun control law existed in 1791. Truth be told I can't think of a single gun control law that did exist 231 years ago. Therefore, no historical precedent or tradition means no gun control. Period.
According to the recent Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, ALL new and previous gun control efforts MUST meet a historical test to determine if there was a tradition of similar gun control laws at the time the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791. Therefore, the test for constitutionality of new gun control laws has been set in stone, for the time being, and your speculation is hypothetical or meaningless.
Lol I love how you idiots cherry pick the cases you like and call the ones you don’t like “liberal”. The courts ruled Biden won legitimately but that didn’t stop you idiots from whining about it.
you seem to have missed TWO WORDS in that post that are very important. COMMON SENSE. Those two words are very important.
You want to have more gun laws why not limit speech? Why not make it against the law to say two? Why not make it against the law to say car or boat?
The reason is those two words you do not seem to understand. COMMON SENSE.
Common sense is subjective whether you like it or not. I think it’s common sense to make semi-automatic firearms illegal.
Lol I love how you idiots cherry pick the cases you like and call the ones you don’t like “liberal”. The courts ruled Biden won legitimately but that didn’t stop you idiots from whining about it.

I am not completely unreasonable, Billy. You could say the same thing about Trump supporters discussing whether or not he legitimately lost the 2020 election—that such talk is nothing more than philosophical speculation—and you'd be right all day long. The Supreme Court has spoken, Biden is president, so that's set in stone as well, for the time being.
You can philosophize the issue until the end of time. The Supreme Court has spoken. Soon just about every single gun control law on the books will be repealed or terminated, unless said piece of gun control law existed in 1791. Truth be told I can't think of a single gun control law that did exist 231 years ago. Therefore, no historical precedent or tradition means no gun control. Period.
So kids of any age should be able to buy and own firearms?
But since we already have gun control laws, we might as well create more. Your subjective view of more laws does not matter. It has a legal precedent therefore we can create more.

If the previous laws were enforced, there would not be so called need to create more.
So kids of any age should be able to buy and own firearms?

On their own? Of course not. That being said, I started shooting in elementary school at cub scout camp and hunting squirrel with my grandfather. At age ten I took and passed the state hunter safety course and went deer hunting that year with my father. I absolutely support teaching kids to shoot and hunt responsibly. The history of our country is inseparably intertwined with the centuries old tradition of children learning to shoot and hunt and defend the homestead, if necessary. You might not like American gun culture but it's not going anywhere either.

Those with mental disabilities

Convicted felons

Of course, since it’s already illegal for felons and kids to buy guns from a licensed business, we already have gun control laws. Why would it be wrong or unconstitutional to make more gun control laws? We already have some.

Or should we just treat it like the 1st amendment and let any of those people buy guns?

Try telling a person for an interview "we don't hire nwords".

Or saying you'll kill the president.

Or infact you could be like Jordan Peterson that is banned from Twitter for criticizing that a woman pretending to be a man isn't really a man.

What about the people "cancelled" for speaking their mind, fired from their job, and so on?

The general who mocked jill Biden that was suspended from the army meanwhile it's ok to mock and call for action against trump while he was the sitting president and against his family and mocked them?

What about the parents labeled as terrorists for speaking out about what their school is teaching their kids?

Mentally ill people and felons don't have the same rights and privileges as most do. You know that already. It's been working fine until the last couple of years until our society went to shit.

The laws and rules work, we have a couple hundred years proof of that in America.

We need to reform our society and return to a better society that was stronger, more responsible and of better quality.
On their own? Of course not. That being said, I started shooting in elementary school at cub scout camp and hunting squirrel with my grandfather. At age ten I took and passed the state hunter safety course and went deer hunting that year with my father. I absolutely support teaching kids to shoot and hunt responsibly. The history of our country is inseparably intertwined with the centuries old tradition of children learning to shoot and hunt and defend the homestead, if necessary. You might not like American gun culture but it's not going anywhere either.
Well you may be opposed to the idea of kids buying guns on their own, but it is still a gun control measure none the less.
Try telling a person for an interview "we don't hire nwords".

Or saying you'll kill the president.

Or infact you could be like Jordan Peterson that is banned from Twitter for criticizing that a woman pretending to be a man isn't really a man.

What about the people "cancelled" for speaking their mind, fired from their job, and so on?

The general who mocked jill Biden that was suspended from the army meanwhile it's ok to mock and call for action against trump while he was the sitting president and against his family and mocked them?

What about the parents labeled as terrorists for speaking out about what their school is teaching their kids?

Mentally ill people and felons don't have the same rights and privileges as most do. You know that already. It's been working fine until the last couple of years until our society went to shit.

The laws and rules work, we have a couple hundred years proof of that in America.

We need to reform our society and return to a better society that was stronger, more responsible and of better quality.
Yep, both amendments have limitations therefore creating more would be constitutional.

Of course you’re still wrong about most of these examples when it comes to free speech. The first amendment simply ensures you can’t be charged with a crime for your speech. That means getting fired from your job for speech is not illegal.

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