If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

How much respect do you show the Parkland students who don't want your kind of gun control?
I don’t show them any disrespect. Why would I?

Yet you show disrespect to others who disagree with your worldview. And there are Parkland victims who do disagree with your worldview.

Florida school shooting hero blames sheriff, superintendent

You disrespect them each time you post a thread trashing conservatives and Republicans, and I doubt you're even aware of it. If there was ever a classic display of your utter cluelessness and hypocrisy, this thread--and your ensuing responses--would be it.
Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
~They are proving exactly why everyone who is allowed to buy a gun should first pass a psychologial test. The immaturity on the part of gunnuts is showing like a neon sign as they attack those kids.
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Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss: It's that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
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Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.
If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

If democrats were actual mature adults, they wouldn't react the way they do to Trump winning the election, building a border wall just to protect national security and immigration laws, and a hundred other things.

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Or indoctrinate children to drive their agenda, paid by the tax money.

These people are supposed to defend the children against incidents such as the shooting. Instead they encourage such events, and then blame it on guns.

Given this is the case, don't expect any respect.
Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred, whether you show it outwardly or not. But it shows here.

And you can't possibly tell me you don't feel that same kind of contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
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You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
The only problem with that is that these "kids" accuse every member of the NRA of murder. They are obedient little tools who are doing the bidding of the DNC and gun grabber groups. They are the ones doing the bullying. If they don't like bullying, they certainly don't show it. They have earned the treament they are receiving.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.
Hogg is the bully from the 12th grade.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.

There isn't the slightest thing "unwarranted" about it. That has been demonstrated time after time.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
Your OP fails miserably, because you make an accusation, but present nothing to show and back it up, other than your own ad hominem attack.
Lol you already know all of this is true. I could present you the evidence of what Laura Ingram said, but it wouldn’t make a difference.
I heard what she said, and you're right: it doesn't make a difference. I've heard all I want to hear from the pint sized Nazi, David Hogg. Laura gave him what he deserved.
Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?
That's simply a fact. Turds like you put those kids up to this shit precisely because you want to pretend they are not allowed to be criticized. It's a classic manuever from the leftwing playbook.
Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own? No, because you're too easily swayed by emotion and not by facts and reality. Kids at that age are like cars, they can be steered in any direction. Off the proverbial cliff if need be.
Lol I don’t disrespect kids who survived a mass shooting. Some of those kids vocalized to not have more strict gun control. You don’t see me bullying them.

There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own?
Hey I can’t help but point out the truth. Republicans are terrible. Kids who survived a school shooting and have ANY opinion about guns are not terrible.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?
That's simply a fact. Turds like you put those kids up to this shit precisely because you want to pretend they are not allowed to be criticized. It's a classic manuever from the leftwing playbook.
Lol who is “putting these kids up” exactly? What are you even talking about. Tell me, when you were 17, did you not have political opinions?
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
To me, it is childishness. They just never learned how to be adults. They are still that bigoted bully from the 8th grade.

What do you call using these children as human shields for your propaganda? I call it sick and twisted.

Human shields of propaganda? WTF??? Can you be more of an emotional drama queen than that statement?
That's simply a fact. Turds like you put those kids up to this shit precisely because you want to pretend they are not allowed to be criticized. It's a classic manuever from the leftwing playbook.
Lol who is “putting these kids up” exactly? What are you even talking about. Tell me, when you were 17, did you not have political opinions?
Teachers, the DNC, various gun grabber groups, the fake news media.

I pretty much didn't know a thing about politics, and didn't care. It wasn't until I was about 20 that I became interested in politics.
There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own?
Hey I can’t help but point out the truth. Republicans are terrible. Kids who survived a school shooting and have ANY opinion about guns are not terrible.

Spare me.

Don't bother trying to play neutral, because you aren't.

How simple minded is it that you only judge the character of others by their political viewpoints? You're doing it now. I could just as easily say all Democrats are horrible people simply based off what I'm hearing from you, but both you and I know that wouldn't be true, nor would it be fair. So, what good is this self professed "truth" of yours?
There's one simple fact you seem to miss, is that these kids jumped into the political arena. They chose this fight. We can't help but take advantage of their, as Reagan put it, "youth and inexperience."

But you do seem to like bullying others for having opposing viewpoints on this board, and it puts your false morality to shame. It also makes you quite the hypocrite.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own?
Hey I can’t help but point out the truth. Republicans are terrible. Kids who survived a school shooting and have ANY opinion about guns are not terrible.

Another classic manuever from the playbook. Anyone who points out facts is to be castigated, mocked and ridiculed.

Kids who call millions of totally innocent Americans "murderers" are terrible. They deserve to be attacked.
Lol you can publically disagree with them all you want - just do it class.

I don’t bully on this board. I talk shit, sure, but to grown adults who like to talk shit.

Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own?
Hey I can’t help but point out the truth. Republicans are terrible. Kids who survived a school shooting and have ANY opinion about guns are not terrible.

Spare me.

Don't bother trying to play neutral, because you aren't.

How simple minded is it that you only judge the character of others by their political viewpoints? You're doing it now. I could just as easily say all Democrats are horrible people simply based off what I'm hearing from you, but both you and know that wouldn't be true, nor would it be fair. So, what good is this self professed "truth" of yours?

Well, yeah, I think it would be true.
Hmm. Do you realize what I just made you do? I made you admit your entire reason for being here, and it isn't for the sake of civil and rational debate. For once, you told the truth.

I can disagree with you "with class" all I want, but it won't change how you approach others who disagree with you. Not one bit. Your biases against conservatives and Republicans will naturally breed in you contempt and hatred. It shows here. And you can't tell me you don't feel that same contempt when you hear of Parkland survivors like Kyle Kashuv speaking out in support of gun rights and others like Anthony Borges, placing the blame where it truly belongs, on the Sheriff and the school administrators.

But I'm done psychoanalyzing you now. My BS detector is tuned quite high this morning.
Lol my entire reason for being here? I just come here to talk shit? That’s so dumb. Everyone on this forum talks shit including you. Of course a key difference is that republicans are generally terrible people and these kids are, well, kids.

First let me just take this moment to graciously thank you for proving my point. See bolded.

Second, if these kids are "just kids" why are you taking them seriously? Can you admit to the fact that they could be manipulated by political groups with political agendas? Are their opinions truly their own?
Hey I can’t help but point out the truth. Republicans are terrible. Kids who survived a school shooting and have ANY opinion about guns are not terrible.

Spare me.

Don't bother trying to play neutral, because you aren't.

How simple minded is it that you only judge the character of others by their political viewpoints? You're doing it now. I could just as easily say all Democrats are horrible people simply based off what I'm hearing from you, but both you and know that wouldn't be true, nor would it be fair. So, what good is this self professed "truth" of yours?

Well, yeah, I think it would be true.


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