If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

And here is the latest Hollywood/Progressive stance on gun and other violence.

You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
I will not except restrictions to my Constitutional rights.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
Exploiting traumatized kids for ideological reasons is fine though, right ?
A judge ruled weapons like the AR-15 are not protected by the 2nd amendment.

Post it little boy. Source it or get lost.
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines

Now that I’ve sourced it, you’ll say “well, he’s a liberal Derp, Derp, Derp!”
And Larry Flynt went to prison contrary to the first amendment, also based on a judge's decision, but the SC overturned it. Smaller courts make stupid decisions once in a while. It's not that uncommon. You don't have to believe that 2+2 is 5 just because "a judge" told you so.

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