If republicans were actual mature adults, they wouldn’t react the way they do to the Parkland kids

You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
I will not except restrictions to my Constitutional rights.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
Exploiting traumatized kids for ideological reasons is fine though, right ?
A judge ruled weapons like the AR-15 are not protected by the 2nd amendment.

Post it little boy. Source it or get lost.
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines

Now that I’ve sourced it, you’ll say “well, he’s a liberal Derp, Derp, Derp!”

Nope, but it isn't what you claim.

"In his conclusion, Young declared that the fate of the AR-15 and similar weapons is not of "constitutional moment" but one that should be left for each individual state and its people to decide politically."
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
I will not except restrictions to my Constitutional rights.
Adults that think attacking traumatized children is OK are sick and depraved individual.

And that would be Republicans. They are so awful, they don't even know they did something despicable and deplorable.
Exploiting traumatized kids for ideological reasons is fine though, right ?
A judge ruled weapons like the AR-15 are not protected by the 2nd amendment.

Post it little boy. Source it or get lost.
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines

Now that I’ve sourced it, you’ll say “well, he’s a liberal Derp, Derp, Derp!”

Nope, but it isn't what you claim.

"In his conclusion, Young declared that the fate of the AR-15 and similar weapons is not of "constitutional moment" but one that should be left for each individual state and its people to decide politically."
Lol yeah which means it is legal to ban it. Duh.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.

Sure, I'm "terrified" of you, just ask me. You're like a little girl screaming into the night about the "bed" Conservatives who dared call you out.
jones is too terrified to reply to the comments to the bullshit he puts up...and we all know why....
How much respect do you show the Parkland students who don't want your kind of gun control?
I don’t show them any disrespect. Why would I?
then why are you demanding the righties do?...
Because they are kids who have been through a mass shooting.

Maybe they'll think twice before they bully the next kid.

You know absolutely nothing about the cause of the shooting.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.
What, in your opinion, is the definition of an "assault weapon" ?
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.

lol more fake news. there aren't any 'Parkland Kids', just another DNC funded media org masquerading as a faux 'grass roots' movement, complete with a 'theater major' fag for a 'spokesperson'. All so very PC'ish and wonderful, isn't it? ..... You lying vermin and your fellow spammers really need to find some adult mentors, the kind that aren't dope addled half-wits with high self-esteem living out there in the Burbs and thinking they're wonderful, cuz, like, they sent off for all of those pop psychology DVD sets they peddle on PBS fundraising weeks, you know, Wayne Dwyer and the others whose names I forget.
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Christ. I don’t give a shit what Obama proposed. It’s completely irrelevant to the actual topic you dumb sack of shit.
Obviously, you have no clue of what's going on in this issue. You don't even know what the PROMISE Program is, do you ? Maybe we should have a quiz here. :biggrin:

Before you take it, you better read the links I posted in Post # 68. They're for know-nothing dum dums like you.
lol more fake news. there aren't any 'Parkland Kids', just another DNC funded media org masquerading as a faux 'grass roots' movement, complete with a 'theater major' fag for a 'spokesperson'.
Actually, I Do sympathize with the kids, most of whom are good-hearted, and well-meaning, but they ARE being used as pawns, by fanatical, adult gun control freaks.
It’s also an unwarranted fear common to most on the right.

And when conservatives are afraid they engage in unjustified attacks.

That unwarranted fear, of course, is the ridiculous notion that the Parkland students might actually accomplish the enactment of a new Federal AWB, or similar Federal legislation.

Needless to say that will not happen as there’s no political will to do so.
What, in your opinion, is the definition of an "assault weapon" ?

If they were shaped like butt plugs, they wouldn't be wanting to ban them. Fact.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.

Yeah, because not a single left-winger has bullied, or degraded, or defamation.

I don't really care what some snot for brains, like you thinks. If you think I'm not mature, that's a compliment coming from a snot head like you.

As for the parkland kids......

"It’s hard to look at you and not see you firing that AR-15 at my classmates"

Sounds like bullying, degrading, and defamation to me.

You want to attack others, first make sure that you yourself, are not guilty.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect.

That's a joke right? On a forum where 90% of the Leftist members here lead and finish EVERY post that they disagree with others prefacing their argument on the basis of disparaging the Conservative with insults about how stupid and uneducated they are, you have the gall to try to stand there now lecturing us on maturity?
Exploiting traumatized kids for ideological reasons is fine though, right ?

Of course, just as is using the school system to provide 'sensitivity training' in order to aid in grooming them for the benefit of homosexual pedophiles. The Commies are all about exploiting children; it's a major agenda for them.
You can disagree with someone and still show them empathy and respect. Instead of trying to belittle and degrade these KIDS, they could say:

“Well I don’t agree with them about their attitude towards guns, but I understand they went through a traumatic experience and it would make them passionate about school violence regardless of the actual root cause. Me believing they are wrong doesn’t make them bad people.”

Instead, we get the actual response from the rightwing which is bullying, degradation, and defamation. You’ll see it on this forum and among the despicable rightwing “journalists” like ones found on Fox News.

Republicans like to think they are adults, but they fail miserably.
da Fuq you talking about?

Try growing up yourself and stop exploiting traumatized kids.

I will not except restrictions to my Constitutional rights.
Exploiting traumatized kids for ideological reasons is fine though, right ?
A judge ruled weapons like the AR-15 are not protected by the 2nd amendment.

Post it little boy. Source it or get lost.
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts ban on AR-15, large capacity magazines

Now that I’ve sourced it, you’ll say “well, he’s a liberal Derp, Derp, Derp!”

Nope, but it isn't what you claim.

"In his conclusion, Young declared that the fate of the AR-15 and similar weapons is not of "constitutional moment" but one that should be left for each individual state and its people to decide politically."
Lol yeah which means it is legal to ban it. Duh.

Actually it means his ruling is going to be overturned, since it conflicts with an Amendment or two you Commies love when it suits your agenda, but bites you in the ass when it doesn't, re the 'States' Rights' argument, which no longer is viable, thanks to your own heroes on the Courts. Guess which Amendments those are? lol ...

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