If Rush or Sean Would Have Said This......

Why does everything have to be so political to you...Its always about the libs in your mind. Have you ever given any consideration to the public stature of IMUS ? He has been on the air for over 40 years and is a widely respected announcer. You expect him to just get fired over 1 remark? Maybe that has something to do with it?

Al sharpton is a lib and he wants him fired.
Why does everything have to be so political to you...Its always about the libs in your mind. Have you ever given any consideration to the public stature of IMUS ? He has been on the air for over 40 years and is a widely respected announcer. You expect him to just get fired over 1 remark? Maybe that has something to do with it?

Al sharpton is a lib and he wants him fired.

It is the clear double standard

Imus was under reported compared to all the implied racism coming from Rush or Sean
It is the clear double standard

Imus was under reported compared to all the implied racism coming from Rush or Sean
That's untrue. Rush says racist things all the time and it never makes the news. Sean does a good job of not being a racist. The Imus story is one of the major headlines of every major news network.

OWNED !!!!!!

That's untrue. Rush says racist things all the time and it never makes the news. Sean does a good job of not being a racist. The Imus story is one of the major headlines of every major news network.

Why does everything have to be so political to you...Its always about the libs in your mind. Have you ever given any consideration to the public stature of IMUS ? He has been on the air for over 40 years and is a widely respected announcer. You expect him to just get fired over 1 remark? Maybe that has something to do with it?

Al sharpton is a lib and he wants him fired.

What really cracks me up about this is ... are there REALLY people who take Rush, Hannity, Imus, and/or Sharpton seriously? You could get their collective brain cells in a shotglass and still have room for an ounce of Wild Turkey.
What really cracks me up about this is ... are there REALLY people who take Rush, Hannity, Imus, and/or Sharpton seriously? You could get their collective brain cells in a shotglass and still have room for an ounce of Wild Turkey.

Wild Turkey got me suspended for ten days during my sophomore year in high school. Which, as it so happens, is as relevent to the days news as RSR's posts usually are!

Let's make this a post about Wild Turkey. Because, all in all, it's more worthy of posting about than the ***LEFTIST MSM*** or the ***RIGHT-WING CORPORATE MEDIA*** (which just so happens to be the same people).
Wild Turkey got me suspended for ten days during my sophomore year in high school. Which, as it so happens, is as relevent to the days news as RSR's posts usually are!

Let's make this a post about Wild Turkey. Because, all in all, it's more worthy of posting about than the ***LEFTIST MSM*** or the ***RIGHT-WING CORPORATE MEDIA*** (which just so happens to be the same people).

LOL .... I got into a physical altercation last year with a wire cowboy garden decoration after inbibing in said spirit for several hours. It was a close call, but I finally took him down!:eusa_whistle:
It's so funny hearing CONSERVATIVES comparing muslims to liberals when muslims are more CONSERVATIVE than republicans are. Muslims are just as intolerant as thier FELLOW CONSERVATIVES in America who call themselves REPUBLICANS.

You obviously have no clue what conservatism is. Perhaps they are "conservative" in an international sense. But conservatives in this nation are trying to conserve liberty established by the constitution. When the values you are trying to conserve are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness its hard to pretend that those conservatives are anything like the so called "Muslims conservatives" who espouse a culture of death, government oppression, and misery. Sounds more like the so called "liberals" in America to me.
You obviously have no clue what conservatism is. Perhaps they are "conservative" in an international sense. But conservatives in this nation are trying to conserve liberty established by the constitution. When the values you are trying to conserve are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness its hard to pretend that those conservatives are anything like the so called "Muslims conservatives" who espouse a culture of death, government oppression, and misery. Sounds more like the so called "liberals" in America to me.

I agree that the premise of the comparison is BS, but religious totalitrianism IS far-right ideologically. The fact that knucklehead wishes to portray American conservatives as comparable to Islamic extremists while he is about as comparable to an American liberal as Che Guevara is laughable.
LOL .... I got into a physical altercation last year with a wire cowboy garden decoration after inbibing in said spirit for several hours. It was a close call, but I finally took him down!:eusa_whistle:

Please tell me you didn't just say that you almost lost an "altercation" to an inanimate object in the form of a wire cowboy garden decoration due to the venerable spirit we call Wild Turkey!

Someone please mark today as the first honest-to-God LOL I've had on this board.

You may not be the evil demon I've always thought you to be. But, I'm only moving you to probation! ;)
Please tell me you didn't just say that you almost lost an "altercation" to an inanimate object in the form of a wire cowboy garden decoration due to the venerable spirit we call Wild Turkey!

Someone please mark today as the first honest-to-God LOL I've had on this board.

You may not be the evil demon I've always thought you to be. But, I'm only moving you to probation! ;)

I'm positive it jumped out of the garden and assaulted me whle my back was turned.:eusa_shifty:
We have a system already in place to deal with this - its called "If you are so offended by what this man said - stop listening to him, stop purchasing the products that are advertised by his program, and write/call/email his station and express your displeasure."

Otherwise, WHO GIVES A FLYING F*CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea of using public sentiment or power of the wallet went out in the sixties with the liberal movement. Libs hate the majority haviing power, and they dont have the patience for things to change by the general publics dissatisfaction with something. CONTROL freaks never have patience.
They got used to staging demonstrations and filing court briefs to get their way. Now its a way of life, as they have since added on bad publicity attacks.
It is also illustrated by the fact that they attack big corporations, instead of letting the public decide with their wallet who to support.
Now in california they are trying to pass a law requiring everyone, except licensed breeders, to get their animals neutered.
The Democrats are represented by a lot of small interest groups. NONE of them come close to making a majority, and any issue the Dems support never captures the support of all of their special interest groups. Hence, its rare for them to have a majority on any issue, and they have to use the courts, etc to get their control/way.
and you are suggesting, by contrast, the the republican party is one giant homongenous monolithic group of people with identical priorities?

If that were the case, one wonders why they were able to get so little accomplished in the past six years? I mean, if the republican party is of one mind, why do we still have social security? Why wasn't there a gay marriage amendment sent out to the states? Why is there still a department of education?

Growing frustrated on Sharpton's show today, Imus said "I can't win with you people." Sharpton was clearly irritated by the remark.


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