If Ryan gets a chance to implemant anyone of of his proposed budgets

Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.
Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.

Nah, Ryan's just Democrat in Republican's clothing. He can never be trusted. Period, end of story.
Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.

Nah, Ryan's just Democrat in Republican's clothing. He can never be trusted. Period, end of story.
He couldn't be a Democrat because he does want to go to bed with his daughter and he says it's ok to call her a piece of ass, he raped his wife brutally, and he doesn't care what the media says as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass. That totally hate party stuff Ryan is you man I just proved it. He scum so he belong to you haters.
Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.

Nah, Ryan's just Democrat in Republican's clothing. He can never be trusted. Period, end of story.
He couldn't be a Democrat because he does want to go to bed with his daughter and he says it's ok to call her a piece of ass, he raped his wife brutally, and he doesn't care what the media says as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass. That totally hate party stuff Ryan is you man I just proved it. He scum so he belong to you haters.

So you are saying Ryan wants to go to bed with his daughter? Do you have a link?
Ryan is now a Democrat? Well he is going to remain speaker of the house. Deal with it.

It's a mistake. Him and McConnell can't be trusted. Ryan especially, is a fraud. Time for the GOP to dump milquetoast frauds like him. Trump showed everyone how you beat the Democrats. You don't take their shit, and you be absolutely ruthless. Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, would sell their own children if it meant getting the power. They're pure evil.

Milquetoast frauds like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are jokes to Democrats. They just wanna be liked. They don't stand a chance against em. You have to be brutally ruthless to defeat such evil. Trump doesn't care if Democrats like him or not. He cares more whether they fear him or not. He's prepared to fight. And that's why Donald Trump is the President.
I love all of this Liberal hysteria concerning incumbent POS Republicans.
Trump won BECAUSE he will toss them aside one by one OR en masse.
Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.

Nah, Ryan's just Democrat in Republican's clothing. He can never be trusted. Period, end of story.
He couldn't be a Democrat because he does want to go to bed with his daughter and he says it's ok to call her a piece of ass, he raped his wife brutally, and he doesn't care what the media says as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass. That totally hate party stuff Ryan is you man I just proved it. He scum so he belong to you haters.

So you are saying Ryan wants to go to bed with his daughter? Do you have a link?
Thats just what I heard but I thought that was Ok with all you people , I mean you did just elect a man that has said he is interested in his daughter as more then just a daughter you know the man you put in office to be a example for your daughters, the next president.
Ryan is now a Democrat? Well he is going to remain speaker of the house. Deal with it.

It's a mistake. Him and McConnell can't be trusted. Ryan especially, is a fraud. Time for the GOP to dump milquetoast frauds like him. Trump showed everyone how you beat the Democrats. You don't take their shit, and you be absolutely ruthless. Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, would sell their own children if it meant getting the power. They're pure evil.

Milquetoast frauds like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are jokes to Democrats. They just wanna be liked. They don't stand a chance against em. You have to be brutally ruthless to defeat such evil. Trump doesn't care if Democrats like him or not. He cares more whether they fear him or not. He's prepared to fight. And that's why Donald Trump is the President.
Ya the man is definitely someone that we want our children to learn from , I mean all of the lies about him, wanting to have sex with his daughter, brutally raping his ex wife. I mean how would she know anyway. And saying that his daughter can be call a piece of ass. Even though they have a tape of it, it has to be made up because no one would elect a man that is that low in the sub human race.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

So let me get this straight..... if he cuts the budget, which in the long run means I won't get my taxes raised, and possibly get my taxes cut...... you are suggesting that somehow I'll be worse off?

Especially given that not one thing in the budget, beyond the military, and the justice system.... benefits me? How will I be worse off? How will I end up no longer being part of the middle class (assuming I'm part of the middle class)?
You won't be worse off, but others would who aren't as lucky as you.
I have a job that is going to lay me off in January. The bank repo'd my car so I can't look for another job. I will be one of those homeless people in the street. Folks this is my last Christmas.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

So let me get this straight..... if he cuts the budget, which in the long run means I won't get my taxes raised, and possibly get my taxes cut...... you are suggesting that somehow I'll be worse off?

Especially given that not one thing in the budget, beyond the military, and the justice system.... benefits me? How will I be worse off? How will I end up no longer being part of the middle class (assuming I'm part of the middle class)?
Forgetting your two things, without the other ones that only the blind can't see , I would double my estimate of the increase in poor in this country to 3 to 5% to 6 to 10% increase every year and double the percentage of people falling out of the middle class from it doubling in every decade to doubling in ever 5 years/ . If you can't get past the only one that counts is you, this country will die and your inability to see that is blind stupidity.

In other words, you're a fucking idiot making bullshit claims pulled out of your ass, trying to stoke hyper partisan fears.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

So let me get this straight..... if he cuts the budget, which in the long run means I won't get my taxes raised, and possibly get my taxes cut...... you are suggesting that somehow I'll be worse off?

Especially given that not one thing in the budget, beyond the military, and the justice system.... benefits me? How will I be worse off? How will I end up no longer being part of the middle class (assuming I'm part of the middle class)?

Ryan's tax plan which has huge cuts would have to accompany big cuts in spending. Meanwhile Trump is planning huge spending in infrastructure, increases in military spending, a more active roll in fighting ISIS, building a wall across the southern border, rounding up illegal immigrants, maintaining the one most expensive item in Obamacare, no pre-existing conditions.

It will be interesting to see how the 20 states that are most dependent on federal spending respond to Trump's budget cuts since 18 of them are red states that voted heavy for Trump.
2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
Ryan's a Democrat. He can never be trusted. The Republicans need to remove him and McConnell as soon as possible.
No he isn't he is one of you , totally hate driven and promises what all you haters promise if they are in government, Take from the needy to give to the wealthy. No he is definitely one of yours.

Nah, Ryan's just Democrat in Republican's clothing. He can never be trusted. Period, end of story.
He couldn't be a Democrat because he does want to go to bed with his daughter and he says it's ok to call her a piece of ass, he raped his wife brutally, and he doesn't care what the media says as long as he leaves with the best piece of ass. That totally hate party stuff Ryan is you man I just proved it. He scum so he belong to you haters.

So you are saying Ryan wants to go to bed with his daughter? Do you have a link?
Thats just what I heard but I thought that was Ok with all you people , I mean you did just elect a man that has said he is interested in his daughter as more then just a daughter you know the man you put in office to be a example for your daughters, the next president.

So you lied just to stir up shit...a troll.

So you are saying you aren't credible. Thanks for letting us all know.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

And the fear mongering continues. LMAO
If the government doesn't take your money away from you and spend it like they want instead of how you want you will no longer be in the middle class. This somehow makes sense to these idiots.
That is simply stupid as a loon. Your puke party wants to cut trillions from the old ,the sick , the needy and education. They want to massively increase our defense budget and they wan to take much of the saving from taking support from the needy and hand it to big business and the wealthy. Business needs nothing . we have the highest gdp in history, they have had the highest profits in history and the highest percentage of gross for profit in history and the worker,, other then the last few months, has gotten none of the massive increased wealth of this country since 1981. Business needs no help but the worker dam well does. All these regressive party wants are spelled out in Ryans multiple budget proposals. Signed on to by 100% of the regressive . So I know exactly what your puke party wants to the dollar.
You really don't see it, do you?

So Einstein.

Cutting trillions from the old and the sick (a lie and just simple fear mongering) turns the middle class into the poor, how? Cutting education is going to take someone who is already middle class and reduce him to poverty, how? Our defense budget is the ONLY authorized spending by the Constitution, but I've not heard about this "massive" increase. How much is "massive? Do you have a link to that number? Businesses need nothing? They need to be able to do business so that they can PAY that middle class income. In case you missed, it, income is the sole definition of middle class.

So, why don't you stop with the hyperbole and actually link to "Ryan's" budget and give us some numbers. While your at that, figure out how those numbers are going to take the middle class into poverty.
Ryan is now a Democrat? Well he is going to remain speaker of the house. Deal with it.

It's a mistake. Him and McConnell can't be trusted. Ryan especially, is a fraud. Time for the GOP to dump milquetoast frauds like him. Trump showed everyone how you beat the Democrats. You don't take their shit, and you be absolutely ruthless. Democrats like Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, would sell their own children if it meant getting the power. They're pure evil.

Milquetoast frauds like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are jokes to Democrats. They just wanna be liked. They don't stand a chance against em. You have to be brutally ruthless to defeat such evil. Trump doesn't care if Democrats like him or not. He cares more whether they fear him or not. He's prepared to fight. And that's why Donald Trump is the President.
Ya the man is definitely someone that we want our children to learn from , I mean all of the lies about him, wanting to have sex with his daughter, brutally raping his ex wife. I mean how would she know anyway. And saying that his daughter can be call a piece of ass. Even though they have a tape of it, it has to be made up because no one would elect a man that is that low in the sub human race.

East there, ya pervert weirdo. You're creepin everyone out now. You're obviously obsessed with his daughter. I know she's very hot, but don't be weird about it. You'll never be in her league kid. Sorry bout that. Move on.
I work with the poor, the real poor, 3 days a week. You have no clue what poor is. What I told you is you don't pay the federal tax you claim to pay, if you try to make a point if you need to distort the truth by adding zero's to your money comment. Then I have little time for you gibberish. My concern is everyone who makes a amount of money that makes it hard to get by on from check to check but that concern doesn't include that all these people I'm concerned about shouldn't pay taxes. I have no Idea what you spend on federal taxes because what you said you spend simply isn't true. Your problem isn't as much taxes as it is the amount of income that your paid. No working poor should make that amount. It is stupid for a country to have to add tax money to support a corporations bottom line by keeping a roof over that families head and food on their table. If we didn't have to do that you would see more of you income. Someone has gotten to you to create your perspective which I'd say is ass backwards. You my friend, like many others, are getting robbed not by taxes but by who you work for.

Yeah, I worked for the local homeless shelter. I know what poor is, and that's why I open my home to host some. That's why I routinely, even to this day, support charities with my massive $20k income.

None of that changes the fact that I posted you the direct facts of what I have in income, and what I pay in taxes, which I got directly from my IRS statement, which is in my desk.

Confronted with the facts, you resorted to insults and accusations, the latest being "distort the truth by adding zero's to your money comment". That's what you people are. You don't care how your policies affect us. And when you are shown the facts, you simply start the insults and accusations.

You claim to want a discussion of the facts, but the moment the facts don't fit your ideology, the real character of the left spills out. Petty put downs, insults, dismissal, and deflection. That's the true character of the left. You look down your nose at everyone who doesn't agree with you, no matter what they have been through, or what they do.

In 2011 I had a taxable income of just $12,000 for the year. I ate nothing but chicken and rice. That was my diet for 12 months. Do you care? Of course not. It doesn't matter how much money you stole from my check to fund your programs, because in your eyes, we're just white trash. We work for a living. We get up at 3 AM, and don't get home till 4 PM. Doesn't matter to you. We're nothing but the great unwashed working people.

But some preggy welfare queen popping out her 7th kid, who hasn't worked a day in their lives..... You take our money, and give it to her, who hasn't done one beneficial thing for the country since she was born.

Domino's pizza takes EBT.... isn't that peachy? While I was eating chicken and rice, paying for my own food, working 72 hours a week.... but you don't give crap about me. Just her.... cause she's democrap, and voted for Obama.

This guys a bullshitter , it's not that complicated he told us what his annual salary was and this clown says its right on his IRS statement that says he paid $4600.00 in fed tax on a income of $23,000.00. I really have no idea what he said afterwards because what can you do with a liar like this. If he single with his taxes, after his exemption of $6300.00 and Itemized deduction for 0ne of $4000.00 . His taxable income, the amount he would have to pay taxes on is $12,700.00. He has some sort of family, so with two deductions 8000.00. and with marred filing jointly add another $12,600.00 for a total of $20,600.00. The amount he would pay taxes after deducting the $20,600.00 is $2,400.00, I believe that would be $240.00 in taxes. But this Tax accountant here says he pays $4600.00 . B as in Bull Shit.

Dude that was me.
You show me where I said it was all Federal Income Tax? I said I paid $4,600 in tax. That is exactly how much I paid.

See you lefties think somehow the only tax that matters in only Federal Income tax. Then you put in place policies like Obama Care, which requires States fund more health care, which requires State increase taxes. Then you play the I'm an ignorant left-wing moron card and claim that "well yeah, but Obama didn't raise Federal Income Tax on you!.

Should I go into education programs, that drive up property taxes?

How about the unemployment compensation program, that due to Obama's 99-week deal, caused the state of Ohio to have to borrow money from the Federal government, which they now are suggesting another tax hike will be required to pay back?

You drop millions of taxes on the working people of this country, but you do so by requiring states to foot the bill. That way you morons can sit there and say "your taxes are low" even while I'm shelling out $4,600 of my massive $23,000 income in taxes, to fund your programs.

Like I said I quit reading at the first moment that I read stupid, what does this mean Idiot Quote from you "None of that changes the fact that I posted you the direct facts of what I have in income, and what I pay in taxes, which I got directly from my IRS statement, which is in my desk."

That's your problem not mine. I made my point. If you stop reading, that just makes you the uninformed.

"None of that changes the fact that I posted you the direct facts of what I have in income, and what I pay in taxes, which I got directly from my IRS statement, which is in my desk"

What that means is that I have my IRS forms on my desk. It means the total income that I earned was $23,000. It means the total taxes I paid was $4,600. It means you denying that makes you an idiot, because I have the facts, and they are exactly what I said they are.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

I'm sure you have all the facts to support your theory.
I wonder what will happen when funding is pulled for the old, the sick and the needy and cutting taxes massively only on the wealthy, at a time that in the last 35 years no one except the very rich have gained any of the massive increase in wealth in this country. So you tell me, If I'm right and what I just said is true, which it is, what do you think will happen. You people will suffer like the rest of us. You deserve it, I don't.

Here's the problem. Every country that has tried to do the opposite, has a disaster. When France tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they started leaving the country en mass. When Venezuela tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they left the country en mass. When Cuba did, they left.

Equally when countries lower taxes, the rich show up. Brazil lowered taxes, and had an economic boom that lasted a decade. When Ireland lowered taxes, millions of jobs were created, and companies moved there.

The rich are always going to get richer. That will never change until the end of time. Why? Because the rich are rich, because they invest their money wisely. They create jobs, and invest in growth, and so on.

The poor, are poor, because they consume their wealth. You show me someone who invests, and I'll show you a rich person. My parents are a perfect example. They are millionaires. I would roughly guess between the 3 properties they own, the lake house, and their primary home, plus their investments, stocks, 401K plus their value items (antiques, boat, and such), they likely have a networth over $1.5 Million.

Want to guess what they did for a living? School teacher.

They didn't consume their wealth. They invested. They didn't buy new cars all the time, and pay interest on loans. They saved and bought used cars for cash. They put money into retirement every month. They saved up and bought property.

That's why they are rich.

You doubt that?

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

This guy was a janitor. He retired with $8 Million.

This is why rich people will always get richer, while the poor stay poor.

And listen if you ever elect someone who actually puts in place high taxes and a system where the rich are not able to become richer..... they will STILL become richer.

When Che Guevara gained control of Cuba, he brought in some of the big business leaders, the top 1% of Cuba, and said we now control your companies, and we'd like you to work for us, but at our wages.

Did the top 1% of Cuba accept that, and start living as the poor? Nope. They simply left Cuba, and created businesses and jobs, and wealth in the US, or elsewhere in latin America.

Just like when France introduced a wealth tax, the wealthy just packed up and left France by the hundreds of thousands. Which is why they repealed the wealth tax. It was destroying their economy.

Now, you can justify your socialism, and justify all your government spending, and scream until the end of time that other people should pay for everything you want. There is a country that did that for the last 20 years. Greece.

You want to go to Greece, knock yourself out. But the rest of us are going to oppose you destroying our country. What good is free-health care, when all the hospitals are closed, and the ones that are open, can't help you?

Venezuela in a health care crisis - CNN.com
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

I'm sure you have all the facts to support your theory.
I wonder what will happen when funding is pulled for the old, the sick and the needy and cutting taxes massively only on the wealthy, at a time that in the last 35 years no one except the very rich have gained any of the massive increase in wealth in this country. So you tell me, If I'm right and what I just said is true, which it is, what do you think will happen. You people will suffer like the rest of us. You deserve it, I don't.

Here's the problem. Every country that has tried to do the opposite, has a disaster. When France tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they started leaving the country en mass. When Venezuela tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they left the country en mass. When Cuba did, they left.

Equally when countries lower taxes, the rich show up. Brazil lowered taxes, and had an economic boom that lasted a decade. When Ireland lowered taxes, millions of jobs were created, and companies moved there.

The rich are always going to get richer. That will never change until the end of time. Why? Because the rich are rich, because they invest their money wisely. They create jobs, and invest in growth, and so on.

The poor, are poor, because they consume their wealth. You show me someone who invests, and I'll show you a rich person. My parents are a perfect example. They are millionaires. I would roughly guess between the 3 properties they own, the lake house, and their primary home, plus their investments, stocks, 401K plus their value items (antiques, boat, and such), they likely have a networth over $1.5 Million.

Want to guess what they did for a living? School teacher.

They didn't consume their wealth. They invested. They didn't buy new cars all the time, and pay interest on loans. They saved and bought used cars for cash. They put money into retirement every month. They saved up and bought property.

That's why they are rich.

You doubt that?

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

This guy was a janitor. He retired with $8 Million.

This is why rich people will always get richer, while the poor stay poor.

And listen if you ever elect someone who actually puts in place high taxes and a system where the rich are not able to become richer..... they will STILL become richer.

When Che Guevara gained control of Cuba, he brought in some of the big business leaders, the top 1% of Cuba, and said we now control your companies, and we'd like you to work for us, but at our wages.

Did the top 1% of Cuba accept that, and start living as the poor? Nope. They simply left Cuba, and created businesses and jobs, and wealth in the US, or elsewhere in latin America.

Just like when France introduced a wealth tax, the wealthy just packed up and left France by the hundreds of thousands. Which is why they repealed the wealth tax. It was destroying their economy.

Now, you can justify your socialism, and justify all your government spending, and scream until the end of time that other people should pay for everything you want. There is a country that did that for the last 20 years. Greece.

You want to go to Greece, knock yourself out. But the rest of us are going to oppose you destroying our country. What good is free-health care, when all the hospitals are closed, and the ones that are open, can't help you?

Venezuela in a health care crisis - CNN.com
When the top tax bracket in the US was 90% during the Eisenhower and Kennedy presidency, I don't recall any mass exit of wealth from the US. In fact, the average GDP respectively was 4.5% and 6.6%. The actual amount of tax revenue collected by the federal goverment has varied from only 17% to 20% of GDP since 1950. Spending on the other hand has increased 14.4% to 20.2%; that is federal spending has increase twice as much tax revenues.
We will lose 3 to 5% of the middle class annually, all joining The ranks of the poor and there will be a increase of the street people population that will double every decade, This is the promise to our country from the right.View attachment 97038

I'm sure you have all the facts to support your theory.
I wonder what will happen when funding is pulled for the old, the sick and the needy and cutting taxes massively only on the wealthy, at a time that in the last 35 years no one except the very rich have gained any of the massive increase in wealth in this country. So you tell me, If I'm right and what I just said is true, which it is, what do you think will happen. You people will suffer like the rest of us. You deserve it, I don't.

Here's the problem. Every country that has tried to do the opposite, has a disaster. When France tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they started leaving the country en mass. When Venezuela tried to jack up taxes on the rich, they left the country en mass. When Cuba did, they left.

Equally when countries lower taxes, the rich show up. Brazil lowered taxes, and had an economic boom that lasted a decade. When Ireland lowered taxes, millions of jobs were created, and companies moved there.

The rich are always going to get richer. That will never change until the end of time. Why? Because the rich are rich, because they invest their money wisely. They create jobs, and invest in growth, and so on.

The poor, are poor, because they consume their wealth. You show me someone who invests, and I'll show you a rich person. My parents are a perfect example. They are millionaires. I would roughly guess between the 3 properties they own, the lake house, and their primary home, plus their investments, stocks, 401K plus their value items (antiques, boat, and such), they likely have a networth over $1.5 Million.

Want to guess what they did for a living? School teacher.

They didn't consume their wealth. They invested. They didn't buy new cars all the time, and pay interest on loans. They saved and bought used cars for cash. They put money into retirement every month. They saved up and bought property.

That's why they are rich.

You doubt that?

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

This guy was a janitor. He retired with $8 Million.

This is why rich people will always get richer, while the poor stay poor.

And listen if you ever elect someone who actually puts in place high taxes and a system where the rich are not able to become richer..... they will STILL become richer.

When Che Guevara gained control of Cuba, he brought in some of the big business leaders, the top 1% of Cuba, and said we now control your companies, and we'd like you to work for us, but at our wages.

Did the top 1% of Cuba accept that, and start living as the poor? Nope. They simply left Cuba, and created businesses and jobs, and wealth in the US, or elsewhere in latin America.

Just like when France introduced a wealth tax, the wealthy just packed up and left France by the hundreds of thousands. Which is why they repealed the wealth tax. It was destroying their economy.

Now, you can justify your socialism, and justify all your government spending, and scream until the end of time that other people should pay for everything you want. There is a country that did that for the last 20 years. Greece.

You want to go to Greece, knock yourself out. But the rest of us are going to oppose you destroying our country. What good is free-health care, when all the hospitals are closed, and the ones that are open, can't help you?

Venezuela in a health care crisis - CNN.com
When the top tax bracket in the US was 90% during the Eisenhower and Kennedy presidency, I don't recall any mass exit of wealth from the US. In fact, the average GDP respectively was 4.5% and 6.6%. The actual amount of tax revenue collected by the federal goverment has varied from only 17% to 20% of GDP since 1950. Spending on the other hand has increased 14.4% to 20.2%; that is federal spending has increase twice as much tax revenues.

And you and I have already discussed this... So I'll repost what I said before.

The 90% rate was a myth to begin with. Remember, all tax rates are only reached at an income threshold. So for example, today's 39.6% income tax is only applied if you earn over $415,000 a year. Well Warren Buffet net worth $71 Billion.... he only earns $200,000 a year. Not only does he not pay the 39.6% tax, he doesn't even pay the 35% tax. (maybe a little, I think the 33% tax ends at $190k, so he might pay 35% of $10K).

Point being from what I've read, only 1 family in the entire US even qualified for the 90% tax rate, which was likely Rockefeller. But even with then, from what we know, those people cut their income, and got compensation in untaxed, or tax sheltered ways, to avoid paying the tax.

See you think that because the top marginal rate was 90% that the rich must be paying that. Not true. The top marginal rate today is 39.6%, and Warren Buffett isn't paying that much today. So why would you think jacking up the rate to 90% was any different?

The rich are never going to pay super high tax rates. If you find a way to force them... that's when they leave. See what France did that was different, is they imposed a tax on net worth of assets. There's no possible way to avoid that tax.

That's when there was a mass migration.

You can jack up your 'tax rates' all you want, and the rich will stay because income taxes are easily avoided.

Whenever the tax rate goes up, the share of the tax burden paid by those effected goes down.


You can see clearly that when tax rates where jacked up, the share of the tax burden for the top 1% fell. They didn't pay the tax. They shifted money elsewhere, got tax sheltered compensation, or invested their money outside the US. There are millions of ways to avoid the tax. Thus the mount of tax burden on the rich, went down.

When the tax rates fell, like in the 1920s, and the 1980s and 90s, you can see that all those rich people brought their money back to the US, and invested more in the US, and got compensated in taxable income. Thus their share of the tax burden increased.

The latest one I saw was Canada which cut it's corporate tax rate from 50% to about 25%, and they are now collecting more corporate income tax revenue from the lower rate, than they ever did from the high rate.

This is the reality of the situation. People are going to adapt to the incentives you give them. If you jack up the tax rates, they'll avoid the tax, and pay less than they would if the tax rate was reasonable. Moreover, if you eliminate all the ways they can avoid the tax, then they'll simply leave the country, as many corporations have, and as thousands of French did.

Yes, the tax rate was 90%, and no one left... because no one was paying 90%.

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