If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

Moron.......selling a gun legally and then the buyer commits a crime isn't a crime......just like the car salesman who sells the car to a criminal who uses it in a drive by shooting isn't part of that crime, you doofus.

The Lawful Commerce in Arms act was created to protect gun makers from "Lawfare," meant to put them out of business even if no laws were broken....

YOu mean, it allows a gun seller to sell to a crazy like Nancy Lanza, and not be held accountable when her even crazier son shoots up a bunch of preschoolers?

That's kind of fucked up.

You mean law abiding Nancy Lanza who was murdered and had her guns stolen? You mean that Nancy Lanza?

You should be a rape victim counselor...."Hey, bitch, why did you go around dressed like a slut...you wanted to be raped......"
No one is saying to refuse to sell to Homosexuals, just saying to refuse to participate and celebrate the brand new, absurd societal institution of Gay Marriage. If a homo wants to buy a cake and decorate it themselves, or wants a cake for a birthday or bar mitzvah, they can buy it. But not for a mockery of an institution that Christians see as sacred.

again, if Bakers consider Marriage sacred, they should refuse to make cakes unless the bride can prove she's a virgin on her wedding night.

Because that's what the bible calls for. If she isn't, they should stone that bitch.

Because it's in the fucking bible.

We could also refuse service to women who wear pants, women who wear jewelry, women who wear braids in their hair, men with bad eyesight, and a whole list of other people the bible condemns...

So you guys are being kind of selective in what bible rules you consider 'Sacred", aren't you?

The bible has a lot of crazy things in it.

Just one minor correction: no one, male or female, is supposed to have sex outside of marriage. That's what I've heard. The grooms should also be virgins when they approach the marriage altar. Each groom and bride should be made to swear that they are virgins.

I would love to see the question put to the clergy of whether it is ever permissible to have sex with someone to whom one is not married. Some folks, like donald trump, are more than a little shop-worn.
The New Testament of Jesus Christ in Romans 1 & Jude 1 are clearly prohibitive of homosexuality; especially any act that would promote the spread of the behavior in any society; like condoning it baking a "wedding" cake for two males or two females. (The New Testament is what Christians follow, the Old is a historical reference to show the changes made by Jesus)

Any Christian who promotes or condones the spread of the homosexual lifestyle "as normal" within any society is condemned to hell for eternity. It is considered a non-forgivable (mortal) sin.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?

No...because the gun owner likely didn't know the killer was going to break the law with the gun when he sold it. If he knowingly sold it to a criminal, then yes....and we already have that codified in our system of law.

The cake maker knows that his cake will be used in the wedding....and if it is against their religious beliefs, our Constitution protects him....

No. The Constitution does not protect this scumbag. He's not at the wedding. He broke the law and that's it.
Phillips and what he is doing have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. People like him just want to trash the religion for their own purposes. It's a shame what the Christian faith is being dragged through by scum like him.

I disagree with you, but that's ok. I went to 16 years of Christian school and never heard of Christianity approving people changing genders myself.

However, if your version of Christianity celebrates gender benders and she-males, that's great and you should do that.

I just don't go for it.however.
Nobody is asking you to do it. Just don't mistreat the folks who do because of it.

Being told "no thank you, not interested" isn't mistreating anyone. Christian bakers should NOT tell homosexuals to go fuck themselves
Phillips and what he is doing have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. People like him just want to trash the religion for their own purposes. It's a shame what the Christian faith is being dragged through by scum like him.

I disagree with you, but that's ok. I went to 16 years of Christian school and never heard of Christianity approving people changing genders myself.

However, if your version of Christianity celebrates gender benders and she-males, that's great and you should do that.

I just don't go for it.however.
Nobody is asking you to do it. Just don't mistreat the folks who do because of it.

Being told "no thank you, not interested" isn't mistreating anyone. Christian bakers should NOT tell homosexuals to go fuck themselves
Discrimination is always mistreatment.
Phillips and what he is doing have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. People like him just want to trash the religion for their own purposes. It's a shame what the Christian faith is being dragged through by scum like him.

I disagree with you, but that's ok. I went to 16 years of Christian school and never heard of Christianity approving people changing genders myself.

However, if your version of Christianity celebrates gender benders and she-males, that's great and you should do that.

I just don't go for it.however.

There simply isn't anything in Christianity about the subject. Jesus never said a word about it. The phonies are trying piggyback their prejudices on to the Christian faith. Dorks are doing that a lot these days.

Sorry that you had to endure Christian school.

Actually, I liked Christian school. Smaller, got a chance to dress in a shirt or tie every day, didn't have to worry about my fellow students attacking me with a shiv like they did in government schools- actually learned things too.

But you are right, Jesus didn't say a word about Gay Marriage- the idea wasn't even thought of until the late 20th Century when a group of gay beaus came up with it to freak out squares. Gay Marriage is the ultimate in camp, mocking the family and normative marriage itself.
But you are right, Jesus didn't say a word about Gay Marriage- the idea wasn't even thought of until the late 20th Century when a group of gay beaus came up with it to freak out squares. Gay Marriage is the ultimate in camp, mocking the family and normative marriage itself.

The New Testament is a collection of eyewitnesses to Jesus' words.

Romans 1 and Jude 1 clearly forbid homosexuality and the promotion of homosexuality within any society. So you're wrong about that. "Gay marriage" would be the epitome of that promotion. No matter how the homosexual lifestyle sought means to promote itself by subtlety or craft, assisting its spread in ANY way is prohibited as a mortal sin.
Moron.......selling a gun legally and then the buyer commits a crime isn't a crime......just like the car salesman who sells the car to a criminal who uses it in a drive by shooting isn't part of that crime, you doofus.

The Lawful Commerce in Arms act was created to protect gun makers from "Lawfare," meant to put them out of business even if no laws were broken....

YOu mean, it allows a gun seller to sell to a crazy like Nancy Lanza, and not be held accountable when her even crazier son shoots up a bunch of preschoolers?

That's kind of fucked up.

Nancy Lanza was never adjudicated to be "crazy", and besides she was a VICTIM who died so she can't be "held accountable". A violent thief stole her arsenal, nothing she could have done about that.
The New Testament of Jesus Christ in Romans 1 & Jude 1 are clearly prohibitive of homosexuality; especially any act that would promote the spread of the behavior in any society; like condoning it baking a "wedding" cake for two males or two females. (The New Testament is what Christians follow, the Old is a historical reference to show the changes made by Jesus)

Any Christian who promotes or condones the spread of the homosexual lifestyle "as normal" within any society is condemned to hell for eternity. It is considered a non-forgivable (mortal) sin.

What does the First Commandment say, remind me? Should I be forced to do business with a heretic Hindu? Or a Protestant renegade? I won’t hold my breath for your answer.
does selling a gun to a murderer mean a "Christian" gun store owner participated in the murder?

No, a wedding cake is a personal creation. A gun is generally sold by a retailer who has no personal connection to the gun, it’s creation, or how it’s used. The cake is designed specifically for the very personal event of the people getting married.

Now I have a question- are you really that ignorant, or are you just trolling?
But you are right, Jesus didn't say a word about Gay Marriage- the idea wasn't even thought of until the late 20th Century when a group of gay beaus came up with it to freak out squares. Gay Marriage is the ultimate in camp, mocking the family and normative marriage itself.

The New Testament is a collection of eyewitnesses to Jesus' words.

Romans 1 and Jude 1 clearly forbid homosexuality and the promotion of homosexuality within any society. So you're wrong about that. "Gay marriage" would be the epitome of that promotion. No matter how the homosexual lifestyle sought means to promote itself by subtlety or craft, assisting its spread in ANY way is prohibited as a mortal sin.

Jesus revered the Mosaic law. He would not condone something explicitly condemned in the law. He thus didn't have to say anything about homosexuality.
Phillips and what he is doing have absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. People like him just want to trash the religion for their own purposes. It's a shame what the Christian faith is being dragged through by scum like him.

I disagree with you, but that's ok. I went to 16 years of Christian school and never heard of Christianity approving people changing genders myself.

However, if your version of Christianity celebrates gender benders and she-males, that's great and you should do that.

I just don't go for it.however.

There simply isn't anything in Christianity about the subject. Jesus never said a word about it. The phonies are trying piggyback their prejudices on to the Christian faith. Dorks are doing that a lot these days.

Sorry that you had to endure Christian school.

Actually, I liked Christian school. Smaller, got a chance to dress in a shirt or tie every day, didn't have to worry about my fellow students attacking me with a shiv like they did in government schools- actually learned things too.

But you are right, Jesus didn't say a word about Gay Marriage- the idea wasn't even thought of until the late 20th Century when a group of gay beaus came up with it to freak out squares. Gay Marriage is the ultimate in camp, mocking the family and normative marriage itself.

Gay marriage is two people getting legally married; nothing more and nothing less. It doesn't "mock" anything. It doesn't hurt you or anyone else. This business of phony "Christians" making up non-existent hurts and harms is ridiculous.

I don't think that two people decide to get married just to piss you off. You are not that important.

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