If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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Sorry girls.

Obama rules are in effect.

The very thread title labels the perp as a BIRFER and to be fair game for ridicule.

Oh if Obama rules are in effect, then only honest posts will be allowed.

Sorry Henry- you can't post in this thread anymore.
Since Cruz wasn't born in the United States, Obama's citizenship has no relevance to Cruz's.


The point is not whether anyone was born anywhere in particular or born even at all. The point is that you liberals contrived the term "birfer" and you have now become your own creation, so,
Since Cruz wasn't born in the United States, Obama's citizenship has no relevance to Cruz's.


The point is not whether anyone was born anywhere in particular or born even at all. The point is that you liberals contrived the term "birfer" and you have now become your own creation, so,
Sorry, Henry......but the ridicule of birthers is their willful ignorance. Ignoring the State of Hawaii on where Obama was born, for example. That's idiotic.

No one is contesting any document provided by Cruz. What is being discussed is the whether those born outside the US are natural born citizens. This is a constitutional and legal discussion. Not the hapless batshit of idiot birthers who make up some hairbrained conspiracy that Hawaii 'faked' a birth certificate.

You may not be able to glean any distinction. A rational person could.
Rafael Eduardo Cruz is a communist plant. His father was like family to Fidel Castro.
Where is your source for his father being like family to Fidel Castro?
Really? If you listened to anything other than the lame stream media you'd already have heard about that. Next you'll be saying "Ted" is his real name.

Ted is a very common nickname for 'Rafael'. Every other renaissance painter was named Ted.
This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.
Wrong. I'm dead in the center and you ignored my points about a man siring a child in a foreign country and that child therefore being "a natural born US Citizen" and able to run for president. Can't you see the potential for trouble here? I think we should revisit the reason the founding fathers said a president must be natural born on US soil. That's a consideration of where their imprinted allegiance lies..

Before a law is changed, the reason for its original writing should come into the discussion.

There is no mention of 'born on US soil' in the Constitution.

So, born IN THE US are CITIZENS seems pretty damn conclusive and those NOT BORN IN the US or Naturalized in the US are NOT CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES.

Look up jus soli and jus sanguinis. There you will find your answer. Cruz is a natural born US citizen by jus sanguinis, or the right of the blood.
It's a bogus issue. Trump is making a fool of himself by raising it.

Says the birther that insists that we have no way of knowing if Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh, irony. You are a hoot.
It's not the same situation. Obama's publishing agent listed him as born in Kenya. You can't explain that, so STFU.

Well, you do have one thing right. Its not the same situation. Yours is so much more brain dead.

Ignoring Hawaii on its own vital documents is gloriously retarded. Ignoring the woman who put together the publishing agent pamphlet you're citing, where she insisted it was her mistake and Obama never told her he was born in Kenya? Phenomenally stupid.

In Trump's case, he's alluding to a legal argument. Not a stupidly elaborate, fantastically complicated batshit conspiracy theory backed by exactly nothing.

How did you put it? Ah yes.......you're making a fool of yourself.
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And where does it say that in law- or in the Constitution?

Just because McCain had two citizen parents doesn't mean that two citizen parents are required, any more than him being born in the Panama Canal Zone now means a Natural Born Citizen must be born in the Panama Canal Zone.

If Cruz gets nominated, he will end up on the ballot. There will be a few nutjob Birther lawsuits which will fail- because of standing. If the voters vote for Cruz, the Electoral College will elect him.

And Congress will confirm his election.

Goldwater, Romney, and McCain had two parents that were US Citizens.

Why is this important?

The First Congress in 1790 established that children of U.S. citizens "born beyond the sea or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens."

Don't believe it? Look it up.
that does not necessarily mean both parents have to be citizens.... just children born of us citizens, (male or female)....whether it's the mother, or the father, or both....

another way of saying it is:
US citizens that have children born beyond the sea, are natural born citizens....could be 1 or both

no? i dunno?
And where does it say that in law- or in the Constitution?

Just because McCain had two citizen parents doesn't mean that two citizen parents are required, any more than him being born in the Panama Canal Zone now means a Natural Born Citizen must be born in the Panama Canal Zone.

If Cruz gets nominated, he will end up on the ballot. There will be a few nutjob Birther lawsuits which will fail- because of standing. If the voters vote for Cruz, the Electoral College will elect him.

And Congress will confirm his election.

Goldwater, Romney, and McCain had two parents that were US Citizens.

Why is this important?

The First Congress in 1790 established that children of U.S. citizens "born beyond the sea or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens."

Don't believe it? Look it up.

If natural born citizen as the founders understood it when they ratified the constitution included those born to US citizens outside the US.......why did Congress feel the need to include them by act of legislation in the first Naturalization Act?

If you're using an originality interpretation of the constitution, as Cruz did in his appearances before the Supreme Court, then Cruz has some problems. If you're using a living constitution interpretation, then he's fine.

Sounds like its time for you to make up quotes from the Constitution or cite imaginary 'caselaw' again.
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Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
All the Founding Fathers were born in the British Empire, so I guess they weren't qualified to be natural citizens either.

Or maybe you could drop this stupid argument because people are going to vote for Cruz if they want, and he is a better candidate than Trump.
All the Founding Fathers were born in the British Empire, so I guess they weren't qualified to be natural citizens either.

Grandfather clause.

Try again.

Or maybe you could drop this stupid argument because people are going to vote for Cruz if they want, and he is a better candidate than Trump.

Says the guy that didn't even know about the Grandfather clause in the Constitution. And ignores Hawaii on its own birth certificates.

Try again, birther.
All the Founding Fathers were born in the British Empire, so I guess they weren't qualified to be natural citizens either.

Grandfather clause.

Try again.

Or maybe you could drop this stupid argument because people are going to vote for Cruz if they want, and he is a better candidate than Trump.

Says the guy that didn't even know about the Grandfather clause in the Constitution. And ignores Hawaii on its own birth certificates.

Try again, birther.
So I'm a birther if I question Obama's birth but you are not a birther when you question Ted Cruz' birth. Makes sense to you, I guess, but not to me.

Here's the law on the subject, from the State Department website:

Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by a Child Born Abroad

Birth Abroad to One Citizen and One Alien Parent in Wedlock

A child born abroad to one U.S. citizen parent and one alien parent acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under Section 301(g) of the INA provided the U.S. citizen parent was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for the time period required by the law applicable at the time of the child's birth. (For birth on or after November 14, 1986, a period of five years physical presence, two after the age of fourteen, is required. For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, a period of ten years, five after the age of fourteen, is required for physical presence in the United States or one of its outlying possessions to transmit U.S. citizenship to the child.) The U.S. citizen parent must be the genetic or the gestational parent and the legal parent of the child under local law at the time and place of the child’s birth to transmit U.S. citizenship.
Anyway there is no doubt that Cruz was a U.S. citizenship at birth, and he doesn't have to prove anything else to be considered a "natural born" citizen.

The Founding Fathers did not intend that the children of Americans living abroad should be stripped of U.S. citizenship.

[VIDEO]Is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, eligible to run for president? (Updated)

Additionally, the first Congress of the United States passed the Naturalization Act of 1790, just three years after the Constitution was written, which stated that children born abroad to U.S. citizens were, too, natural born citizens. Many members of the inaugural Congress were also authors of the Constitution.
People who are making an issue about this are ignoring the law that clearly proves they are wrong.
This crap started a long time before Trump ever mentioned it.

But Trump sure is enjoying fanning the flames

That is true, but I listened to part of his argument and agreed with him. It went something like this. Trump: If I were to pick Ted Kruz as my VP, he would spend a lot of time in court when they file law suits questioning his citizenship. That is also true.

And why would Trump care? LOL- if Trump actually cared he could just not pick Cruz as VP- certainly he wouldn't do so after spending months and months reminding voters that Cruz was not born in the United States and might not be eligible.

Trump is using this issue to remind the 'proud Conservative Americans' that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father......and let the biases of those 'proud Conservative Americans' do the rest.

I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.
But Trump sure is enjoying fanning the flames

That is true, but I listened to part of his argument and agreed with him. It went something like this. Trump: If I were to pick Ted Kruz as my VP, he would spend a lot of time in court when they file law suits questioning his citizenship. That is also true.

And why would Trump care? LOL- if Trump actually cared he could just not pick Cruz as VP- certainly he wouldn't do so after spending months and months reminding voters that Cruz was not born in the United States and might not be eligible.

Trump is using this issue to remind the 'proud Conservative Americans' that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father......and let the biases of those 'proud Conservative Americans' do the rest.

I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

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