If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...
No matter how you feel about it, Cruz can and IS. Do you think we would go through an election, Cruz wins and a court will come in and say oops? No. You feel that he can't run, even though he is. Cruz was never naturalized as a citizen. He has been a citizen from the day he was born. If you sincerely feel that Ted Cruz cannot run for president, how do you account for the fact that he is?
No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...

So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization.

When was Cruz naturalized? What did he have to do to be naturalized? Any naturalization paperwork?
He was naturalized a Citizen (not natural born Citizen)by statute at his birth, U.S. Code 1401 via the 14th Amendment, an amendment that is absent of the words 'natural born Citizen'.

When was Cruz naturalized?
Doesn't matter. He wasn't born on US soil. He is a natural citizen of Canada at birth. That is forbidden. If we were talking about Obama being a natural citizen of Kenya at birth, you wouldn't question it. Obama would not have been eligible to be president.
Your ignorance and stupidity is amazing. Law and the constitution say you are wrong....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wrong. The US Constitution states that a President must be a natural born citizen of the United States; it does not specify that he be born on US soil.
That you will find will be spelled out very clearly for you in the coming SCOTUS challenge. There's a reason the founding fathers made a distinction between "naturalized" and "natural born". And you, as well as every other person on the planet knows that the founding fathers meant "born on US/territory soil". Their intent will be explored to find that conclusion. And of course the whole reason for the inclusion of the specification for JUST POTUS in this way was so that any child's formative years (and innate patriotism) would be spent imprinted on US soil. Otherwise, the Court will find that a US serviceman could sire a child on leave anywhere on earth and by circumventing the intent of the founding fathers, have that child...Abdullah Akbar or Ivan Kasikov be "legally" eligible for POTUS.

Not a good idea. That's what the Court will find. You can drive a nail in the wall and hang your hat on it.
Dummy how many presidents did we have before we had on born here? Go look that up you ignorant ass.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wrong. The US Constitution states that a President must be a natural born citizen of the United States; it does not specify that he be born on US soil.
That you will find will be spelled out very clearly for you in the coming SCOTUS challenge. There's a reason the founding fathers made a distinction between "naturalized" and "natural born". And you, as well as every other person on the planet knows that the founding fathers meant "born on US/territory soil". Their intent will be explored to find that conclusion. And of course the whole reason for the inclusion of the specification for JUST POTUS in this way was so that any child's formative years (and innate patriotism) would be spent imprinted on US soil. Otherwise, the Court will find that a US serviceman could sire a child on leave anywhere on earth and by circumventing the intent of the founding fathers, have that child...Abdullah Akbar or Ivan Kasikov be "legally" eligible for POTUS.

Not a good idea. That's what the Court will find. You can drive a nail in the wall and hang your hat on it.
Dummy how many presidents did we have before we had on born here? Go look that up you ignorant ass.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ted Cruz is a citizen by statute. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/Positive Law) can not be made into a natural-born Citizen (bestowed by God/Natural Law). He is not eligible.
That was just stuid.... I am sure you wouldn't have a problem If Cruz was white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz was born as a citizen of the USA. Period.

He did not have to get a passport and immigrate here.

This has been reviewed ad nauseum. If he had been born in Canada to a mother who was not a citizen it would be different.

Even if the moonbat messiah had been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. I loathe the air that meat muppet queer steals from us, but the arguement is moot. His birth is only shady because he was Frank Marshal Davis' bastard son, not the son of a Kenya exchange student.

I suggest the literal translation of the 14th Amendment (Sec. 1) solves the argument:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside".

"Born in" seems to be the clincher.

"Born in" seems to be the clincher.

If only it said all others were excluded, you'd have a point.

Your rebuttal makes no sense.
No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...
No matter how you feel about it, Cruz can and IS. Do you think we would go through an election, Cruz wins and a court will come in and say oops? No. You feel that he can't run, even though he is. Cruz was never naturalized as a citizen. He has been a citizen from the day he was born. If you sincerely feel that Ted Cruz cannot run for president, how do you account for the fact that he is?

He was not born in the United States. See, sec 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
Ted Cruz was born as a citizen of the USA. Period.

He did not have to get a passport and immigrate here.

This has been reviewed ad nauseum. If he had been born in Canada to a mother who was not a citizen it would be different.

Even if the moonbat messiah had been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. I loathe the air that meat muppet queer steals from us, but the arguement is moot. His birth is only shady because he was Frank Marshal Davis' bastard son, not the son of a Kenya exchange student.

I suggest the literal translation of the 14th Amendment (Sec. 1) solves the argument:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside".

"Born in" seems to be the clincher.
You do know that is talking about a totally different thing right?;the 14th was about slaves being born here being citizens the Cruz situation was settled long before that. The ignorant birthers can't see it because they are stupid.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...
Dummy Canadian law has jack shit to do with our laws.... you did know they are separat countries right?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz is a citizen by statute. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/Positive Law) can not be made into a natural-born Citizen (bestowed by God/Natural Law). He is not eligible.
That was just stuid.... I am sure you wouldn't have a problem If Cruz was white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz isn't white!!!! Have you seen him?
No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...

So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization.

When was Cruz naturalized? What did he have to do to be naturalized? Any naturalization paperwork?
He was naturalized a Citizen (not natural born Citizen)by statute at his birth, U.S. Code 1401 via the 14th Amendment, an amendment that is absent of the words 'natural born Citizen'.
Wow that was stupid. ... not just wrong but even the wrong amendment quoted.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz is a citizen by statute. A statutory Citizen (bestowed by man's pen/Positive Law) can not be made into a natural-born Citizen (bestowed by God/Natural Law). He is not eligible.
That was just stuid.... I am sure you wouldn't have a problem If Cruz was white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Ted Cruz isn't white!!!! Have you seen him?
Your point? To bigots he isn't white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.
Wrong. I'm dead in the center and you ignored my points about a man siring a child in a foreign country and that child therefore being "a natural born US Citizen" and able to run for president. Can't you see the potential for trouble here? I think we should revisit the reason the founding fathers said a president must be natural born on US soil. That's a consideration of where their imprinted allegiance lies..

Before a law is changed, the reason for its original writing should come into the discussion.

There is no mention of 'born on US soil' in the Constitution.
Ted Cruz was born as a citizen of the USA. Period.

He did not have to get a passport and immigrate here.

This has been reviewed ad nauseum. If he had been born in Canada to a mother who was not a citizen it would be different.

Even if the moonbat messiah had been born in Kenya, he would still be a citizen. I loathe the air that meat muppet queer steals from us, but the arguement is moot. His birth is only shady because he was Frank Marshal Davis' bastard son, not the son of a Kenya exchange student.

I suggest the literal translation of the 14th Amendment (Sec. 1) solves the argument:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside".

"Born in" seems to be the clincher.
You do know that is talking about a totally different thing right?;the 14th was about slaves being born here being citizens the Cruz situation was settled long before that. The ignorant birthers can't see it because they are stupid.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

See the legal definitions of a Strict and Narrow Constructionist.

[TBODY][TR][TD="colspan: 2"]strict construction
(narrow construction) n. interpreting the Constitution based on a literal and narrow definition of the language without reference to the differences in conditions when the Constitution was written and modern conditions, inventions and societal changes. By contrast "broad construction" looks to what someone thinks was the "intent" of the framers' language and expands and interprets the language extensively to meet current standards of human conduct and complexity of society.[/TD][/TR][/TBODY]
See also: constitution construction

Read more: http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=2028#ixzz3xd8CzCSA

No matter who or how many have the personal opinion that Cruz cannot run for president or serve as president, the fact is that he can.

Rather than kicking the eligibility can all over the planet by dismissing actions on technicalities, the court should just rule on the issue.

Actually, the facts are that he CAN'T run. And as I said in the OP, it bums me out. I was looking to vote for the guy possibly. He was one of my top four picks anyway. If a US mom can drop a kid who is a natural born citizen of another country, then a US dad can sire a kid dropped on foreign soil as a natural born citizen of another country. Everyone knows what "natural born" is. You can't pull the wool over the method upon which most nations define new citizenship by birth. So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization. But naturalization is not "natural born". This is common household knowledge stuff here. Which is why it stuns me he was ever allowed to run...

So, as easily as a US mom drops a Canadian baby is as easy as a US dad sires an Iranian baby. Neither are eligible to become POTUS. Senator, perhaps, upon naturalization.

When was Cruz naturalized? What did he have to do to be naturalized? Any naturalization paperwork?
He was naturalized a Citizen (not natural born Citizen)by statute at his birth, U.S. Code 1401 via the 14th Amendment, an amendment that is absent of the words 'natural born Citizen'.
Wow that was stupid. ... not just wrong but even the wrong amendment quoted.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Oh really, then elaborate which Amendment confers naturalization Citizenship thru statute 8 U.S. Code 1401?
Trump is a liar and as instigator. He started this crap and then he says, "but that's what I've heard." He is stoking the flames of a lie, just like he tried to deny Obama is a citizen. I have never seen such a scum bucket as Donald. He cannot be believed if his lips are moving. I hope the Dems dig up so much garbage on this liar that he withdraws and then moves to Russia, eventually marrying Putin.

This crap started a long time before Trump ever mentioned it.
This issue is not governed by the Constitution, it is an issue addressed in Immigration code and regulations.

Ted Cruz was born in Canada to a parent who is a U.S. citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen. Anyone who makes an issue of this is engaged in Democratic propaganda.
Wrong. I'm dead in the center and you ignored my points about a man siring a child in a foreign country and that child therefore being "a natural born US Citizen" and able to run for president. Can't you see the potential for trouble here? I think we should revisit the reason the founding fathers said a president must be natural born on US soil. That's a consideration of where their imprinted allegiance lies..

Before a law is changed, the reason for its original writing should come into the discussion.

There is no mention of 'born on US soil' in the Constitution.

So, born IN THE US are CITIZENS seems pretty damn conclusive and those NOT BORN IN the US or Naturalized in the US are NOT CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES.
The trouble with that analogy is that it violates the intent

Blah, blah, blah.

What you just said was "it violates the intent of the founding fathers, the Constitution and key questions of loyalty re: natural born citizens and the POTUS position....blah blah blah..."

Your reverence for our foundations in Law is underwhelming.. Bear in mind I WANTED to vote for Ted Cruz. The lax attitudes about the foundation of American law are killing this country. The RNC should have known this candidate would be challenged; particularly because they made such a fuss over Obama who could produce a Hawaiian birth certificate. Why couldn't they have found a Ted Cruz equivalent born on American soil? Why? All Cruz can produce, upon certain challenge, is a CANADIAN birth certificate...

Of course the RNC could recover credibility, and so could Cruz if they were all openly honest and expressed reverence for due process even when it was something they desperately wanted the opposite of (Cruz to be President). They would gain the respect of middle voters with their honesty and still find an acceptable man in the race to do the #1 spot

Ted Kruz was born in Dec, 1970
His Mother was born in 1934 and had lived in the US for 23 years before Ted Kruz was born.
For persons born between December 24, 1952 and November 14, 1986, a person is a U.S. citizen if all of the following are true.
1. The person's parents were married at the time of birth
2. One of the person's parents was a U.S. citizen when the person was born
3. The citizen parent lived at least ten years in the United States before the child's birth;
4. A minimum of 5 of these 10 years in the United States were after the citizen parent's 14th birthday.
What comes around goes around and after the birther issue with Obama it figures. No one on this board is a constitutional attorney not less legal scholar, so with no ill respect to your legal decorum and pontificating let the court decide. The Donald's only concern is his nagging presence in the polls.

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