If Ted Cruz Was Born in Canada, He Cannot Be President: PERIOD

If it's true that Cruz was born in Canada, then he can't be President.

  • Yes, that's what the Constitution says.

  • No, we can make yet another exception to US Law and it won't set a dangerous precedent.

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All the Founding Fathers were born in the British Empire, so I guess they weren't qualified to be natural citizens either.

Or maybe you could drop this stupid argument because people are going to vote for Cruz if they want, and he is a better candidate than Trump.

LOL- Cruz is eligible- even if he is not qualified.

What is fun is watching Trump fan the Birther flames when it comes to Cruz- now with the high GOP goddess Ann Coulter joining in.
That is true, but I listened to part of his argument and agreed with him. It went something like this. Trump: If I were to pick Ted Kruz as my VP, he would spend a lot of time in court when they file law suits questioning his citizenship. That is also true.

And why would Trump care? LOL- if Trump actually cared he could just not pick Cruz as VP- certainly he wouldn't do so after spending months and months reminding voters that Cruz was not born in the United States and might not be eligible.

Trump is using this issue to remind the 'proud Conservative Americans' that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father......and let the biases of those 'proud Conservative Americans' do the rest.

I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.
That is true, but I listened to part of his argument and agreed with him. It went something like this. Trump: If I were to pick Ted Kruz as my VP, he would spend a lot of time in court when they file law suits questioning his citizenship. That is also true.

And why would Trump care? LOL- if Trump actually cared he could just not pick Cruz as VP- certainly he wouldn't do so after spending months and months reminding voters that Cruz was not born in the United States and might not be eligible.

Trump is using this issue to remind the 'proud Conservative Americans' that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father......and let the biases of those 'proud Conservative Americans' do the rest.

I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

Is there any reason for misspelling his name?
I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..
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I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..
Keep spinning your fucking LIB wheels pal.
We hope you shut the fuck up soon. Why is it you are ALWAYS on the losing side of every issue on this forum?
When was the last time you wore your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirt in public? HAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA!
Fucking coke head loser.
I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..

According to US Code Cruz is a natural born citizen. He was born in 1970 and his Mother met all of the requirements of 1133.2.2

7 FAM 1131.1-1 Federal Statutes (CT:CON-349; 12-13-2010) a. Acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is governed by Federal statutes. Only insofar as Congress has provided in such statutes, does the United States follow the traditionally Roman law principle of “jus sanguinis” under which citizenship is acquired by descent (see 7 FAM 1111 a(2)).

7 FAM 1133.2-2 Original Provisions and Amendments to Section 301 (CT:CON-317; 12-08-2009) a. Section 301 as Effective on December 24, 1952: When enacted in 1952, section 301 required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for ten years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The ten-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period.
And why would Trump care? LOL- if Trump actually cared he could just not pick Cruz as VP- certainly he wouldn't do so after spending months and months reminding voters that Cruz was not born in the United States and might not be eligible.

Trump is using this issue to remind the 'proud Conservative Americans' that Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father......and let the biases of those 'proud Conservative Americans' do the rest.

I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

Well good for you- but you didn't mention "U.S. Codes' in a single reply to one of my posts- your replies to my posts were just attacks on liberals, and to defend Trump.

To claim you were merely posting what U.S. Code says about citizenship is of course a falsehood.

After all- this is what you said
I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz
I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..

According to US Code Cruz is a natural born citizen. He was born in 1970 and his Mother met all of the requirements of 1133.2.2

7 FAM 1131.1-1 Federal Statutes (CT:CON-349; 12-13-2010) a. Acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is governed by Federal statutes. Only insofar as Congress has provided in such statutes, does the United States follow the traditionally Roman law principle of “jus sanguinis” under which citizenship is acquired by descent (see 7 FAM 1111 a(2)).

7 FAM 1133.2-2 Original Provisions and Amendments to Section 301 (CT:CON-317; 12-08-2009) a. Section 301 as Effective on December 24, 1952: When enacted in 1952, section 301 required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for ten years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The ten-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period.

Of course he is- but Trump is enjoying using this issue to fan the anti-immigrant sentiment within the GOP.
According to US Code Cruz is a natural born citizen. He was born in 1970 and his Mother met all of the requirements of 1133.2.2

7 FAM 1131.1-1 Federal Statutes (CT:CON-349; 12-13-2010) a. Acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is governed by Federal statutes. Only insofar as Congress has provided in such statutes, does the United States follow the traditionally Roman law principle of “jus sanguinis” under which citizenship is acquired by descent (see 7 FAM 1111 a(2)).

7 FAM 1133.2-2 Original Provisions and Amendments to Section 301 (CT:CON-317; 12-08-2009) a. Section 301 as Effective on December 24, 1952: When enacted in 1952, section 301 required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for ten years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The ten-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period.

Just do you know, the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) is not US Code, the FAM is a functional manual for the Department Of State. The United States Code are laws passed by Congress, the FAM is a departmental manual.


I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..

Says Silhouette, quoting no one but herself.

Cruz is a natural born citizen because his mother is presumably an American citizen. Doesn't mean he is qualified but he is eligible.
I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz.

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

Well good for you- but you didn't mention "U.S. Codes' in a single reply to one of my posts- your replies to my posts were just attacks on liberals, and to defend Trump.

To claim you were merely posting what U.S. Code says about citizenship is of course a falsehood.

After all- this is what you said
I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz

This is the 4th time I have posted the US Statutes on USMB. If you missed them you should read the entire thread or threads on the subject.
Says Silhouette, quoting no one but herself.

Cruz is a natural born citizen because his mother is presumably an American citizen. Doesn't mean he is qualified but he is eligible.

Have we seen his long form DNA results yet?

Trump has been talking about this since at least 2013

Karl asked Trump if the Canadian-born Cruz was eligible for the office. (Cruz’s mother is an American citizen.)
“If he was born in Canada, then perhaps not,” Trump said. “That will be ironed out. I don’t know the circumstances. If he says he was born in Canada, that’s his thing.”

Now you have 'liberals' like Ann Coulter going full Birther on Cruz.

But it is fun watching assholes like you and Trump fight over Kruz.

I am not fighting over Kruz,dumbass, merely posting what the US Code says about citizenship.

Yet you didn't mention U.S. code at all, but instead attacks liberals for the Kruz craziness.

I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

Well good for you- but you didn't mention "U.S. Codes' in a single reply to one of my posts- your replies to my posts were just attacks on liberals, and to defend Trump.

To claim you were merely posting what U.S. Code says about citizenship is of course a falsehood.

After all- this is what you said
I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz

This is the 4th time I have posted the US Statutes on USMB. If you missed them you should read the entire thread or threads on the subject.

Perhaps if that is what you want to talk about- you should actually mention them in your replies to me- rather than defend Trump and attack liberals

Well good for you- but you didn't mention "U.S. Codes' in a single reply to one of my posts- your replies to my posts were just attacks on liberals, and to defend Trump.

To claim you were merely posting what U.S. Code says about citizenship is of course a falsehood.

This was your reply to me:
I had not heard Trump mention this until quite recently. Most Conservative Americans like Cubans since a lot of them vote Republican. At least we don't have to worry about those 'proud Liberal Americans' having any biases do we? You liberals are the assholes dissing Ted Kruz
I have posted the statute in the US Code that clearly makes Kruz a US Citizen at birth at least three times.

I believe the problem is that he has a Canadian birth certificate. He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both. He does not possess even a conflicting document that says "born on US soil also". The only legal document Cruz has is a Canadian birth certificate. Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born. And the distinction was made with regards to POTUS. About that there is no doubt.

So, he's not a natural born US citizen. If we make an exception for Ted Cruz born a Canadian, we also have to make exceptions for Abdullah Akbar born in Iran (with an Iranian birth certificate, regardless of parentage), or Nickolai Kruschev born in Moscow (with a Russian birth certificate, regardless of parentage).. So says the 14th.

Folks if you're abroad and have a pregnant wife (or girlfriend), make sure she's home and or spoken for as on US territory/outposts or doing US business. Just hanging around in another country, getting the child citizenship there and then wanting him to run for US president later just because you're an American ain't gonna cut it..

He was a Canadian citizen at birth, with a valid, legal certificate. And, he cannot be both.

Says who?

Anything after that means he is naturalized, not natural born.

When was his naturalization ceremony?
According to US Code Cruz is a natural born citizen. He was born in 1970 and his Mother met all of the requirements of 1133.2.2

7 FAM 1131.1-1 Federal Statutes (CT:CON-349; 12-13-2010) a. Acquisition of U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent is governed by Federal statutes. Only insofar as Congress has provided in such statutes, does the United States follow the traditionally Roman law principle of “jus sanguinis” under which citizenship is acquired by descent (see 7 FAM 1111 a(2)).

7 FAM 1133.2-2 Original Provisions and Amendments to Section 301 (CT:CON-317; 12-08-2009) a. Section 301 as Effective on December 24, 1952: When enacted in 1952, section 301 required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for ten years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The ten-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period.

Just do you know, the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) is not US Code, the FAM is a functional manual for the Department Of State. The United States Code are laws passed by Congress, the FAM is a departmental manual.



Thanks for noting that.

Note how “acquisition of U.S. citizenship” is under the power granted to Congress by the Constitution under the power to govern naturalizations and delegated to the U.S. Department of State for administration of the naturalization laws.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

Cruz came back to the US when he was 4 years old. That hardly means 'raised abroad.'
Yes I agree Canada is not US soil. The only time it's considered US soil even its abroad, is if you're born on a military base or other diplomatic location like an embassy, which in essence is considered US soil.

I like Cruz and I think he would make a great president, certainly better than the commie bullshit artists on the Democrat side, but in order to prevent the wrong person from gaining access to the Oval Office, Cruz must not be allowed to be president. We already have a terrorist sympathizing Islam apologist America hating asshole in the White House.
You are wrong.....
How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen, and then gain access to White House? I'm not saying Ted Cruz is that person, but there is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted a person to be born and raised on our soil. The danger is much less. Be careful what you ask for.

How so, would it be okay for the child of an American citizen who was born and raised abroad (in an enemy country, for example) to migrate to the US and become a US citizen,

But he didn't, "migrate to the US and become a US citizen", he was a citizen at birth.
You may not be able to glean any distinction. A rational person could.

Sorry, Skybar. You libs invented the label and now you must war it. I know you don't like being identified as the BIRFER you are but there it is. Maybe you should get a tattoo?

How about just changing your username to "Skybirfer"?
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